
  • 网络Anti-Qing sentiment
  1. 满洲军队又花了17年与反清复明者、伪政权以及起义军作战。

    The process took another seventeen years of battling Ming loyalists , pretenders and rebels .

  2. 尽管明朝战败,到中华民国成立以前仍然有许多小规模的反清复明运动。

    Despite the Ming defeat , smaller loyalist movements continued till the proclamation of the Republic Of China .

  3. 反清复明只是一个口号,就同和尚经常说阿弥陀佛一样!

    Overturn Qing Dynasty and reinstate Ming Dynasty that is only a slogan , same as what monks usually say .

  4. 现在大家都反清复明,搞得皇帝老子没钱。

    At present , everyone is to overturn Qing Dynasty and reinstate Ming dynasty , which compelled emperor to lack money .

  5. 东北会党从它诞生之日起就以“反清复明”为宗旨;

    Northeast Clan declared that " against the Qing Dynasty and supporting the Ming Dynasty " is its main purpose at its birth .

  6. “会党”是以孙中山为代表的中国资产阶级革命派对一切以“反清复明”为宗旨的民间秘密团体的总称。

    " the society " is sends take Sun Yat-Sen as representative 's China bourgeois revolution to all take " counter-to regain eyesight clear " as the objective folk secret society 's general name .

  7. 青帮最早是漕运水手的互助组织,红帮最早见于史料记载的是天地会,以反清复明为宗旨。

    Green gang was first transport sailor mutual aid organizations , first found in the records of Hong band is the Heaven and Earth Society , " Overturn Qing Dynasty and reinstate Ming Dynasty " for the purpose .