
fǎn yǎn
  • inversion;inverting
反演 [fǎn yǎn]
  • [inversion] 把空间所有方向同时反过来,因此每个坐标可以用它自己的负值来代替的一种方法

反演[fǎn yǎn]
  1. GPS无线电掩星反演大气参数中的算法研究

    Study of Algorithms Employed in Inverting Terrestrial Atmospheric Parameters by GPS Radio Occultation

  2. 卫星圆轨道假设对GPS无线电掩星反演地球大气参数的影响

    The effect of circular satellite orbit assumption on inverting earth 's atmospheric parameters by GPS Radio Occultation

  3. 最后,对联合反演中存在的问题进行了讨论。

    And finally , we made a discussion on the problems in the cooperative inversion .

  4. 变密度界面模型重力异常反演的B样条函数法

    Interfacial models of variable density and gravity inversion by B-spline

  5. SPOT数据反演地物辐射亮度和反射率的基础研究

    Study on Inversion of Radiance and Reflectivity with SPOT Data

  6. 扩张Kalman滤波法在超声波CT反演计算中的应用

    Application of extending Kalman filtering theory in the inversion of Ultrasonic CT

  7. 常规直流电法二维人机联作反演软件系统Windows版的设计与实现

    Windows version software system designing of 2D man-machine interactive inversion for conventional DC electric method

  8. GIS支持下的矿区土壤含水量遥感反演及变化规律

    A GIS Based Remote Sensing Method for Soil Moisture Inversion and Change Law in Mining Areas

  9. GPS掩星技术和电离层反演

    GPS occultation technique and ionospheric inversion

  10. 利用DE算法反演地壳速度模型和地震定位

    Inversion of crustal velocity model and earthquake relocation by using Differential evolution algorithm

  11. 这是一个利用P波远震偏振资料去反演速度结构的方法,与走时层析成像相比,它有几个显著的优点:不受震源定位和发震时刻误差的影响;

    Polarization inversion has some intrinsic advantages over travel time inversion : It is not influenced by source location and origin time errors ;

  12. 独立发展了上海天文台的GPS掩星振幅反演软件系统。

    A processing software construction of amplitude inversion by GPS occultation is independently developed in Shanghai Astronomical Observatory .

  13. 利用GPS和水准测量资料反演2001年昆仑山口西8.1级地震的同震滑动分布

    Co-seismic slip distribution of the 2001 west of Kunlun Mountain Pass earthquake inverted by GPS and leveling data

  14. 平面Radon变换的反演公式

    The Inversion Formula of Radon Transform in R ~ 2

  15. 阐述从高频地波雷达海洋回波反演海洋表面流中,使用MUSIC算法提取径向流方位必须的信号预处理。

    In this paper , signal preprocessing for bearing determination of ocean surface radial current mapping by HF ground wave radar based on MUSIC is investigated .

  16. 利用数字地震台网资料联合反演福建地区Q值、场地响应和震源参数

    Inversion of Q value , site response and seismic source parameters in Fujian area using data of digital seismic station network

  17. 应用MATLAB和FORTRAN语言,编制了相应的定回线源瞬变电磁三维异常特征反演可视化程序。

    Furthermore , a 3-D anomalous characteristics linear inversion code has been programmed with MATLAB language and FORTRAN language .

  18. 半空间SH波方程非线性井间双参数反演

    The Nonlinear CBP Inversion of Two parameter with SH Elastic Wave In Half space

  19. 用Hopfield神经网络反演横向各向同性介质参数

    Transversely isotropic parameter inversion using Hopfield neural network

  20. 对于三度界面的重力反演,应用边界元法(代数重建法ART解反演方程)求解时会出现边界振荡现象。

    Boundary vibration phenomenon occurs in solving the gravity inversion of 3-D interfaces with the use of boundary element method ( solving the gravity inversion equation by algebraic reconstruction technique ) .

  21. 用逐步缩小搜索范围的遗传算法反演一维MT曲线

    Using the genetic algorithms with gradually narrowing the searching range for the inversion of 1-D MT curves

  22. 同时,对实验期间的MODIS数据进行相关参数的反演。

    And related parameters in the model are retrieved by the synchronous MODIS data .

  23. 基于MODIS模拟的辽东湾叶绿素a的遥感反演模型

    Remotely sensed retrieval model of chlorophyll a in Liaodong Gulf based on MODIS band simulation

  24. 程序变换中的Cooper变换与函数反演变换之比较

    Comparision between Cooper Transformation and Functional Inversion Transformation

  25. 利用SV分量接收函数反演地壳横波速度结构

    Mapping the S - wave velocity structure with SV - component receiver function method

  26. MODIS数据地表温度反演分裂窗算法的IDL实现

    Program Splits Window Algorithm to Retrieve Land Surface Temperature for MODIS Data Using IDL

  27. 一对反演公式及Rogers公式

    A Pair of Reciprocal Formulae and the Rogers Formula

  28. 应用射线追踪方法进行震源参数和速度结构联合反演,对宁夏吴忠、灵武地区地壳中上部P波速度结构进行了研究。

    P wave velocity structure of the upper and middle crust in the Wuzhong Lingwu region is studied using the methods of ray tracing and the joint inversion of hypocentral parameters and velocity structure .

  29. AVO流体反演理论与实践

    AVO fluid inversion : theory and practice

  30. 非对称Abel反演在托卡马克等离子体中的应用

    Application of asymmetrical Abel inversion to Tokamak Plasmas