
  1. 材料类专业实验课程体系的改革

    Reform of the Experimental Teaching System of Materials Science and Engineering

  2. 材料类专业机械设计基础课程的改革

    The basic curriculum reform of mechanical designing in material specialty

  3. 材料类专业物理化学系列课程内容的教学研究

    Study on teaching of Physical Chemistry series courses contents of materials discipline

  4. 材料类专业实验中心建设与实验教学改革的探索与实践

    Exploration and practice of the materials discipline laboratory construction and experimental teaching reformation

  5. 对我国材料类专业课程设置及就业状况的调查与思考

    The Investigation and Reflection on Curriculum Setting and Employment Status of China 's Materials Specialty

  6. 文章结合本校的具体情况,从理论和实践上对化学化工及非金属材料类专业大学本科生的基础化学综合实验进行了较为深入的探索与实践,并取得了比较理想的效果。

    Combining the practical state of the university , the primary exploration and practice were conducted for synthesis experiments of fundamental chemistry of chemical engineering and non-metal materials theoretically and in practice and good effects were reached .

  7. 从材料类专业机械设计基础课程教学内容、教学方法、综合设计、工程实验的方面讨论了该课程的改革,指出了培养学生工程意识和创新意识及该课程改革的意义。

    The paper puts out the ideology of the project of cultivating students and the significance of creative consciousness and curriculum reform in terms of teaching contents , teaching methods , comprehensive designing , engineering experiments of the basic curriculum in material specialty .

  8. 材料工程类专业学生材料科学素质培养浅析

    On the quality training of materials science of the students majoring in materials engineering

  9. 从调整培养方案、利用现代化教学手段、加强师资队伍建设等方面对材料工程类专业学生材料科学素质的培养提出了建议。

    From adjusting the scheme of training , we should utilize modernized teaching means ; strengthen teachers building , this article gives some suggestions about the materials science quality training .

  10. 《金属学》是冶金、材料及机械类专业重要的技术基础课。

    Metallograpy is an important basic course for majors in Metallurgy , Material Science and Mechanics .

  11. 材料科学与工程技术的发展对材料类专业人才素质提出了新的要求。

    The development of material science and engineering technology put forward new requirements for the cultivation of the talents .

  12. 对材料科学素质的内涵进行了界定,指出了材料工程类专业学生材料科学素质培养的必要性。

    This article has carried on the limits to the materials science quality connotation , and the elaboration to the necessity of the materials science quality training .