
cái liào chénɡ běn
  • material cost;cost of material
  1. ThinkEquities的拉杰什•盖伊:虽然iPad2厚度的减少,有助于其稍稍压缩材料成本,不过我们认为制造成本的上升会将其抵消。

    Think equities ' Rajesh ghai : while the cost of material may decrease slightly with the slimmer form factor , we expect the increased manufacturing costs to offset the savings .

  2. 他提高了售价以补偿材料成本的增加。

    He put up his price to offset the increase cost of material .

  3. 材料成本不位于经验曲线上。

    The cost of materials does not fall on the experience curve .

  4. 世界银行(worldbank)大幅调高对中国今年通胀率的预测,原因是工资上涨和原材料成本增加可能对物价产生溢出效应,尽管世行称,整体通胀已经见顶。

    The world bank sharply increased its forecast for inflation in China this year owing to the potential spillover into prices from higher wages and raw material costs , although it said that headline inflation had already peaked .

  5. 本周二,调研公司IHSTechnology估计称,谷歌眼镜的材料成本仅132.47美元,而总的制造成本约20美元。

    Research firm IHS Technology on Tuesday estimated the materials for Google Inc. 's ( GOOG ) eyewear cost just $ 132.47 , while manufacturing costs were estimated to total about $ 20 .

  6. 在IMF警告大宗商品价格将进一步上涨之际,关键原材料成本的上升,已引发人们对新兴国家通胀抬头的担忧。

    The warning of further commodity price increases comes as the increase in the cost of key raw materials triggers concerns about an inflationary spike in emerging nations .

  7. RL系列立体卷铁心配电变压器的特点,并将该变压器与S11系列平面叠铁心配电变压器进行了材料成本比较。

    The material cost of the transformer is comparied with the one of S11 series distribution transformer with plane laminated core .

  8. 南京钢铁联合有限公司(nanjingiron&steel)总经理杨思明在本周于厦门举行的一次钢铁会议上表示,由于需求萎缩和原材料成本高企,中国多数钢厂已经减产。

    Yang Siming , general manager of Nanjing Iron & steel , told a steel conference in Xiamen this week that most Chinese steel mills had cut output because of shrinking demand and high costs of raw materials .

  9. 相比苹果的iPhone5,S4的显示屏大了近一英寸,其材料成本也相应提高。

    The S 4 's display is nearly an inch larger than Apple 's iPhone 5 , raising the Galaxy 's material costs .

  10. 创作这件作品使用的原材料成本共计为1200万英镑,由赫斯特和他的代理商杰伊•乔普林(JayJopling)两人分摊。

    The cost of the raw materials to create the work amounted to 12m , which was split between Mr Hirst and his dealer , Jay Jopling .

  11. 为了降低ZrO2光纤套管材料成本,降低材料的烧结温度,并对其他性能进行改善,对ZrO2材料进行了改性研究。

    In order to reduce the raw materials cost , lower the sintering temperature and improve other properties of the ZrO_2 optical fiber ferrule materials , the modification of ZrO_2 was investigated .

  12. 在未来更加激烈的竞争中,BMCC将依靠研发对应市场,依靠物流管理来降低材料成本,依靠管理提升公司的竞争实力。

    In an increasingly competitive market , BMCC will be adapted by studying and developing , reducing material costs by commodity flow management and strengthening the company 's strategy and management implementation .

  13. 试论黄金地质化验室的材料成本核算

    Discussion on material cost accounting of assay laboratory of gold geology

  14. 运用价值工程降低卷烟材料成本

    The application of value engineering to reduction of cigarette material cost

  15. 此外,企业也对原材料成本的不断攀升感到担忧。

    There are also worries about rising costs of raw materials .

  16. 要将运输费、搬运装卸费或储存成本包括在原材料成本中。

    Include shipping , handling or storage in the total material cost .

  17. 建筑工程材料成本的高低直接影响着建筑企业的经济效益。

    The benefits of building enterprise are directly affected by material cost .

  18. 预拌混凝土企业材料成本考核办法的探讨

    Discussion on the assessment method of material cost of ready-mixed concrete enterprises

  19. 施工项目材料成本管理六要点

    Six essentials of material cost management of construction project

  20. 所购买材料成本的增加。

    B.Substantial increases in the cost of purchased materials .

  21. 数字表示材料成本已上升了25%。

    The figures show that the cost of materials has risen by25 % .

  22. 建立了该类产品的材料成本数据库和工时成本数据库;

    The material cost data base and working hour data base are established .

  23. 浅析煤炭企业材料成本管理

    The Brief Analysis Coal Enterprise Material Cost Manages

  24. 材料成本有所降低。

    The cost of the materials was reduced .

  25. 每单位的关键材料成本的估计。

    Per Unit key for material costing estimates .

  26. 他预期减少原材料成本15亿美元。

    He expects to trim $ 1.5 billion from his bill for raw materials .

  27. 政府合约的工资及材料成本指数

    Index numbers of the costs of labour and selected materials used in government contracts

  28. 路桥项目施工材料成本控制探讨

    A Study on the Cost Control for Construction Material of Road and Bridge Projects

  29. 运用功能成本分析法降低建筑工程材料成本

    To reduce material cost of building engineering according to the principle of function-cost analysis

  30. 降低施工企业材料成本的途径

    Channels of Reducing Construction Enterprise 's Material Cost