
cái zhǒng
  • assortment;wood assortment
材种[cái zhǒng]
  1. 本文针对上述问题,从纹理图像预处理、特征提取、数据库查询三个环节入手,通过大量试验,找到相对比较适合的方法,最终实现板材的材种识别。

    In view of the above question , this article starts with the texture image pretreatment , the characteristic distilling , matching and recognition , through the massive experiments , found the relative quite suitable method , finally realizes the panel assortment recognition .

  2. 林分材种出材率表可以应用于生产实践,也可用于计算林分工艺成熟龄。

    The outturn table of each wood assortment can be applied in practice , and also in calculating the technical cutting age of the stand .

  3. 基于BP算法的林分材种出材率模型研究

    A Study on the Stand Merchant Radio Prediction Model Based on BP Algorithm

  4. 扩增Amelogenin基因用于生物检材种属鉴定

    Species identification of biological samples by Amplifying the amelogenin gene

  5. 湿地松林分间伐对材种结构的影响研究

    The thinning effect on log assortment structure in slash pine stand

  6. 林分径阶蓄积量与材种出材量测算的研究

    Study on Estimation of Stand Diameter Class Volume and Merchant Volume

  7. 材种对热磨机械浆质量的影响:纤维分离与裂断

    Wood Influence on Thermomechanical Pulp Quality : Fibre Separation and Fibre Breakage

  8. 我国七种重要材种的二氧六环木素的红外光谱

    Ir-SP CTRA of dioxane lignins of seven important species in our country

  9. 粗枝云杉纸浆材种源林分区划研究

    A Study on Division of Provenances as Woodpulp Stands of Picea Asperata

  10. 刺槐林分材种出材量模型

    Models of Outturn of the Felling of Wood Assortments for Robinia pseudoacacia Stand

  11. 长白落叶松人工林林分材种出材率的研究

    Study on stand outturn tables of wood sorts for Olga hay Larch Plantations

  12. 日本落叶松林分材种出材量预测模型和出材量表的研究

    Study on Prediction Model of Stand Outturn and Table of Outturn for Japanese Larch

  13. 运用分子生物学方法鉴定生物检材种属的研究进展

    The progress of species identification by molecular biology

  14. 横切木材材种细胞识别试件视频模拟理论

    Video Simulation Theory for Timber Transect Cell Structure

  15. 削度方程和林分直径结构在编制材种表中的重要意义

    The Significance of Taper Equations and Stand Diameter Structures in Developing Merchantable Volume Tables

  16. 木梭新材种的试验与分析

    Test and Analysis of New Materials for shuttles

  17. 我国材种出材率表编制技术规程的研究

    Study on the National Rules for Construction of Merchantable Volume Ratio Tables in China

  18. 对于研制材种出材率表和材种出材量表的一些技术和方法问题也进行了讨论。

    The problems of technique and method in formulating these tables are also discussed .

  19. 材种出材率预估模型研究

    Study on Merchant Volume Ratio Prediction Model Systems

  20. 日本落叶松削度方程和林分材种出材率表的研究

    A Study on Taper Equation and Stand Outturn Tables of Wood Sorts for Japanese Larch

  21. 木荷生长与形质地理变异和木制工艺材种源选择

    Genetic variation of growth and form in Schima superba provenances with selection for wood processing materials

  22. 杉木人工林林分材种出材率变化规律的分析

    An Analysis on the Change Law of out Put of Wood Sort for Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation

  23. 杨树工业用材林材种蓄积量测定方法研究

    A Study on the Testing Method of Growing Stock of Timber Assortments of Poplar Industrial Forest

  24. 湖北省马尾松人工林削度方程及材种出材率表的研究

    A Study on the Taper Function and Merchantable Volume Yielding Rate Table of Mason Pine in Hubei Province

  25. 林分材种出材率测定是林分调查工作中不可缺少的内容。

    Build a wood stand types of forest survey rate determination is an indispensable work of the content .

  26. 林分材种出材率与各调查因子的关系存在复杂关系。

    Stand the material rate of timber species and the investigation of the relationship between factor complex relationship .

  27. 最后,对林分材种出材量表的一些技术和方法问题进行了讨论。

    And a number of problems in developing stand merchantable volume tables using the technique and method were discussed .

  28. 从而验证支持向量机用于预测林分经验材种出材率是可行的。

    In order to verify the support vector machine for predicting the experience of timber stands of timber species was feasible .

  29. “云南松胶合板材、纸浆材种源选择”是多性状综合评选,把生长与多用途选育结合。

    Provenance selection of Pinus yunnanensis for plywood and pulpwood is a synthetical , multiple-trait selection and combine growth with multi-use breed .

  30. 实木平板地板以桦木、木、木、木等材种为原材料。木匠把一块木条钉在门上。

    The reality wood flat floor takes wood assortments such as birch , oak wood , elm , color wood as raw material .