
cái jī
  • volume;volume of wood;volume (of timber)
材积 [cái jī]
  • [volume (of timber)] 林木砍伐成为木材后的体积

材积[cái jī]
  1. 材积与N的相关性达到极显著水平,与P的相关性达到显著水平。

    The correlation between volume and N reached a highly significant level , and that between volume and P reached a significant level .

  2. FoxBASE数据库管理系统与木材材积计算机的数据通讯

    Data communication between pocket timber volume computer model TVC and FOXBASE data management system

  3. 研究结果表明,所建的生物量模型不仅实现了与材积表的兼容,而且估计效果和预估精度较以往的CAR模型都有显著提高。

    All the results show that biomass models established in this paper not only realize compatibility with volume table , but also get remarkable improvement in estimate effect and prediction precision comparing with previous model CAR .

  4. 由预测产生的相对误差的大小,将原始数据划分为4种状态,分别写出胸径、树高、材积的四步概率转移矩阵p(i),建立灰色&马尔柯夫预测模型。

    The original data were divided into 4 types according to the value of relative error , at the same time , transition probability matrix on DBH , tree height , volume was expressed respectively , the Grey-Markov forecasting model was also founded .

  5. 研究了用相对生长法表示的材积和蓄积模型,导出了单木材积与其生物量的关系模型以及区域蓄积量与生物量的关系模型,即CVD模型,并说明了实际的建模过程。

    The estimate model of the tree 's volume is shown by allometry method , the CVD model that transforms tree 's volume into biomass reduced and its practical model process is explained .

  6. 介绍TVC型袖珍式木材材积计算机的数据传输到PC机FoxBASE数据管理系统的方法。

    The paper introduces a method of data communication between the pocket timber volume computer model TVC and FoxBASE data management system .

  7. 利用Logistic方程对9个黑杨派杨树无性系的11年生林木的树高、胸径和材积的生长规律进行拟合,结果表明:利用Logistic方程拟合效果显著,相关系数皆在0.90以上。

    Logistic equation was applied to fit growth rules of height , DBH and volume of 9 poplar clones at the age of 11 , the results showed that the fitting effect is remarkable and correlation coefficient all above 0.90 .

  8. 用Logistic生长方程拟合各解析木数据表明:胸径、树高和材积速生期分别出现在9~12,9~14和15~17年生左右。该林分尚属生长旺盛期。

    Based on the DBH , the result from tree hight and timber volume data of analysis tree with Logistic increment equation showed that fast growing stage was 9-12 , 9-14 and 15-17 year-old for DBH , tree hight and timber volume respectively .

  9. 材积连年生长量和平均生长量均随树龄增加呈持续增长趋势,14a时,仍维持较快的增长速度。

    The annual volume growth and average growth continued increasing with the tree age , and still maintained the quick rate in 14th year .

  10. 树干解析结果表明:因心腐造成单株杉原木经济材积损失率(PE值)平均为21.24%,最高达34.08%。

    The analytic results of fir trunk are as follows : The loss ratio on the economic volume of timber of single Chinese fir log ( PE-value ) is of an average of 21.24 % because of the heart-wood-rot , and the highest has comp up to 34.08 % .

  11. 主要叙述通讯接口电路的硬件设计和FoxBASE的通讯管理、材积机的数据发送、汇编语言的数据接收及数据转换的软件设计。

    It describes the hardware design of interface circuit and the software designs such as data communication management of FoxBASE , data transmission of the pocket timber volume computer , data receiving and transformation of compiler .

  12. 本文通过多种生长函数的拟合和比较,选择了Richards生长函数作为开化不同立地指数等级下杉木人工林平均胸径、树高和材积生长过程的基本模型。

    By regressive result comparison , Richards function was selected as a basic model to fit the average individual growth process in DBH , length and volume of Chinese fir stands under different site index classes in Kaihua County .

  13. 对火炬松Pinustaeda主群体新丰亚群体测定林按材积作配合选择研究,结果表明材积增益高于家系选择。

    Test of Xinfeng sub-population of the main breeding population of Pinus taeda was assessed for growth traits . Selection was carried out using tree volume . The results showed that genetic gains of combining selection were higher than that of family selection .

  14. hm-2,5年后林分生长较佳,树高、胸径、单株材积的平均生长量分别达到10.3m、9.7cm、0.0371m3。

    The stand grew better after 5 years , mean increment of tree height , DBH , individual volume reached 10.3 m , 9.7 cm , 0.0371 m ~ 3 .

  15. 每株杨树施用氮素100g比施用氮素50g,材积量每hm~2多增1.16m~3,多增产19.59%;

    More than 1.16 m ~ 3 of volume amount has been increased per hm ~ 2 by applicating 100 g of nitrogen to each plant of poplar relative to 50 g of nitrogen application , i.e. 19.59 % of productive increment ;

  16. 从树高、胸径和材积等的幼熟(早晚)期相关看也是1040a达到极显著水平,而且以选择效率看10a也处于效率分布的峰顶。所以,确定10a为最佳早期选择年龄。

    The juvenile-mature correlations of height , DBH and volume are significant at the ages 10 to 40 . And the peak of selection efficiency curve occurs at age 10 . Thus , the age 10 is determined as the best age for early selection .

  17. 通过对15a生的马尾松人工林进行抚育间伐强度效应试验研究,结果表明:强度间伐对胸径和单株材积生长效应最佳,强度间伐的蓄积量最大;

    Through study on test of intensity effect of tending and thinning for plantation of Pinus Massoniana for 15 years , the result shows that the intensity thinning performs the best in growth effect of DBH and single volume , the volume of the intensity and thinning is the biggest ;

  18. 基于嵌入式的木材材积自动检测系统的研究

    Study on Automatic Detection System of Log Volume Based on Embedding

  19. 例举了乘法回归模型的材积方程的应用实例。

    Examples on volume equation of multiplicative regression model are illustrated .

  20. 地径、胸径、材积之间存在显著差异。

    There are significant difference among DBH 、 height and volume .

  21. 材积连年生长量最大值出现在第8年。

    The biggest volume annual increment is in the eighth year .

  22. 杉木人工林二元立木材积动态模型的研究

    Study on Dynamic Standard Volume Model of Artificial Cunninghamia lanceolata Forest

  23. 湿地松二元立木材积模型的研究

    A study on the binary standing volume model of Slash Pine

  24. 木荷二元材积表的研制

    The Research and Development of Schima Superba Dual Volume Table

  25. 马尾松材积生长量及经济效益的预测

    Forecast of increment and economical effects of masson 's pine

  26. 抚宁县地方材积表的编制

    The establishment of a local volume table for Funing County

  27. 贵州省柏木立木一元地径材积表的编制

    Compilation of univariate standing volume table of cupressus funebris in Guizhou province

  28. 南方型杨树二元材积方程的拟合

    Fitting of the Bivariate Volume Equation of South Poplar Stumpage

  29. 落叶松人工林根径材积表和合理经营密度研究

    Ground Diameter Volume Table and Reasonable Density Management of Larix gmelinii Stand

  30. 辽宁朝阳地区杨树二元材积表与一元材积表的比较

    A comparison of Duality Volume Table with Unitary Volume Table of Poplar