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  • antihero
  1. 反英雄:《三国演义》的当代性阐释

    " Antihero ": Modern Explanation of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

  2. 在原版电影中,出身黑帮的反英雄主角杀掉了同样来自黑帮的某人,从而避免了自己的身份被暴露。

    In the original , the gangster antihero ultimately avoids being exposed by killing someone in his own gang .

  3. 作为现代社会的“反英雄”英雄,杰森•伯恩(JasonBourne)的风头胜过了詹姆斯•邦德(JamesBond)。

    An anti-hero hero for a modern age , Jason Bourne leaves James Bond in the shade .

  4. 就像许多AMC电视剧的主角一样,桑尼继续走在反英雄的道路上。

    Sunny continues the anti-hero path that many characters in AMC shows take , but with a twist .

  5. 据BBC新闻报道,41岁的英国演员汤姆·哈迪扮演了电影《毒液:致命守护者》的主人公,这是“一名亦正亦邪、带有些许反英雄意味的人物,是与大家公认的超级英雄相对的另类英雄。”

    UK actor Tom Hardy , 41 , who stars as the title character in the movie Venom , plays " a lighter antihero with both good and evil minds , who is supposed to be an alternative to the standard superhero , " reported BBC News .

  6. 他的「反英雄」看似沉迷上瘾,某程度却是沉迷于性事。

    His anti-hero seems addictive but is something of a sex-addict .

  7. 娱乐媒体功能较少的英雄,更多的反英雄。

    Entertainment media will feature fewer heroes and more anti-heroes .

  8. 在文艺上的表现形态:反英雄、个人感受、平面零散,非理性、非视觉形象性;

    In literature : anti - hero , individualism .

  9. 其他现代主义典型特点如反英雄、开放式结尾等都均在小说中得到体现。

    Other modernist techniques include anti-hero and open ending .

  10. 颠覆式的反英雄&评《五号屠场》的主人公毕利·皮尔格里姆

    Subversive Anti-Hero : On Billy Pilgrim in Slaughterhouse-Five

  11. 反英雄、反小说、反荒诞&《第二十二条军规》的后现代特色评析

    Anti-hero , Anti-fiction and Anti-absurdity & The Analysis of the Postmodern Features in Catch-22

  12. 美国文学史上第一个反英雄&论《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》中的主人公

    The First Antihero in American Literature & An Essay on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

  13. 乔伊斯在《尤利西斯》的内聚焦叙述中,运用三个反英雄人物作为聚焦人物。

    James Joyce employs three antiheroes as the focal-characters in the internal focalization of Ulysses .

  14. 反英雄的男性灰姑娘&论《幸运的吉姆》中反英雄形象的成功塑造

    An Anti-heroic Male Cinderella & On the Successful Creation of " Anti-hero " in Lucky Jim

  15. 最后,主人公自我探寻的旅程以失败结尾,这体现在作者塑造的反英雄式人物及其顿悟。

    At last , the quest for self-identity ends with failure embodied in the characterization of an anti-hero .

  16. 反英雄与亚文化&美国战后避世时代作家与王朔比较研究

    Anti-heroes and sub culture : a comparative study of the writers of the beat decade and Wang Shuo

  17. 文本中的互文性突出了小说的反讽意义,从而深刻揭示了反英雄主题。

    The intertextuality enhances the ironic tone of the novel and therefore profoundly reveals the anti & hero theme .

  18. 反英雄的蛇蝎美女总与猫相关。每一个形象都与出版商最爱的超级英雄有牵扯;

    Antihero femme fatales with a feline theme , each one attached to their publisher 's most popular hero ;

  19. 疯狂的反英雄与矛盾中的自我&试分析杰克·凯鲁亚克《在路上》两位主要人物

    A Crazy Anti-hero and a Self in Contradiction : An Analysis of the Two Main Characters in On the Road

  20. 从这个意义上讲,毕利只是一个在冯内古特允许的范围内进行社会颠覆的反英雄人物。

    In this sense , he is but an anti-hero who subverts capitalist society within the limits set by Vonnegut .

  21. 反英雄观点消解入步前辈人物和道德楷模的典型示范作用等对当代大学生思惟政治教育的消极影响;

    The point of anti-hero and moral role models and so on played negative effects on ideological and political education .

  22. 本真叙述构建起小说的基本情节框架,并为人物刻画和主题阐释奠定了反英雄基调。

    Pure diegetic narration constructs the basic structure of the novel and sets the anti-hero tone for the characterization and theme-probe .

  23. 《尤利西斯》在叙述中运用陌生化的语言手段刻画反英雄人物,揭示了现代主义主题。

    Ulysses employs the narrative technique of defamiliarized language in the portrayal of anti-heroes and the revelation of its modernist theme .

  24. 它对传统文学艺术的超越性,突出表现在三个方面:反英雄的主人公,反小说的叙事框架和以喜写悲,语言夸张荒谬。

    Its transcendence over tradition literature lies in three aspects : anti-hero , narrative structure of anti-novel and exaggerated and absurd language .

  25. 纳摩多次与地表的人类发生争战,在反英雄和反面人物之间进行周旋。

    Many times , Namor has waged war against the surface world , riding on a thin line between antihero and villain .

  26. 洛奇笔下的知识分子们,都属于后现代社会中充满喜剧和讽刺色彩的反英雄形象,这也是他们最典型的特征。

    The essential characteristic of those intellectuals is that they are all anti-heroes full of comedy and satirical style in post-modern society .

  27. 在其长篇小说《夏伯阳与虚空》中,反英雄的作用体现在作家利用源文本中的某些资源来完成对宏大叙事的颠覆。

    In his novel Chapaev and Void , the role of the antihero is to subvert the grand narration by rewriting the original .

  28. 海明威笔下之另类反英雄&评《白象似的群山》和《雨里的猫》中男性形象

    Antiheroes of Peculiar Type in Hemingways ′ Short Stories & on Male Characters in Hills Like White Elephant and Cat in the Rain

  29. 本尼迪克特•康伯巴奇饰演了莎翁剧作中最著名的反英雄式人物,格洛斯特公爵理查,后成为英格兰国王,惊艳之极。

    Benedict Cumberbatch cut an impressive figure as Shakespeare 's greatest anti-hero , Richard , Duke of Gloucester ( and future king of England ) .

  30. 其中反英雄的人物形象和反传统的戏剧形式,对现代派戏剧产生了深远的影响,这些已成为定论。

    The characters of anti-hero and the theatrical form of anti-tradition in it has a far-reaching impact on modern theatre and these have become final conclusions .