
  • advertisement;slogan;advertising slogan;catchline
  1. 中国铁路业现在可能用得上这个广告语。

    China 's railway industry might have a use for the slogan now .

  2. 可中可乐,名不虚传是一句广告语的范例。

    ' coke , it 's the real thring'is an example of a slogan .

  3. 一些公司也开始质疑对方的绿色广告语。

    Companies have also taken it upon themselves to contest each other 's green claims .

  4. 在过去五年左右的时间里,绿色广告语和环保广告语大幅度增加。

    In the last five years or so , there has been an explosion of green claims and environmental claims .

  5. 商家必须使产品包装上的广告语名副其实,并且限制在具体的优点上,例如这个产品有多少部分是可以回收的。

    Marketers must qualify their claims on the product packaging and limit them to a specific benefit , such as how much of the product is recycled .

  6. 一项新研究显示,自1987年起,主流杂志上含有绿色广告语的广告数量有所上升,并且在2008年达到峰值10。4%。

    According to a new study , the number of 5 advertisements with green messages in mainstream magazines has risen since 1987 , and peaked in 2008 at 10.4 % .

  7. 能与之比肩的只有宝马那句历史悠久的广告语“终级驾驶机器”(ultimatedrivingmachine)。虽然这番豪言壮语并不总能兑现,但它们宣示了德国厂商的信心,他们自信没有任何一个国家的汽车可以与自己的产品相媲美。

    It ranks up there with BMW 's historic and enduring " ultimate driving machine . " Even if the claims aren 't always true , they underscore a level of ambition that cars from no other country can match .

  8. 在可乐大战中,百事目前处在下风,或许借用Avis的广告语,该公司因此而加倍努力。

    In the battle of the colas , Pepsi is the underdog , and perhaps , to borrow the advertising line from Avis , as a result it tries harder .

  9. 情景语境与广告语篇的语言选择

    The Choice of Language in Contest of Situation and Advertising Discourses

  10. 英汉广告语的美学特征比较

    A Comparison of Aesthetic Characteristics of English and Chinese Advertisement Languages

  11. 汉语书面广告语文化价值观变迁的历时研究

    Longitudinal Study : Cultural Value Shift Reflected in Chinese Print Advertisements

  12. 寻找相同与不同(英文)中英广告语异同简析

    Analysis on the Similarities and Differences Between Chinese and English Advertising

  13. 汉语广告语篇中语用预设的顺应性分析

    An Adaptation Theory-based Analysis of Pragmatic Presupposition in Chinese Advertising Discourse

  14. 规范理论视角下的旅游广告语及其翻译

    Translation of Advertising for Travel from the Perspective of Norms Theory

  15. 用修辞关系理论来分析广告语篇,它们具有什么特点?

    What are the features of advertisements in terms of rhetorical relations ?

  16. 双关修辞手法是广告语写作中的重要手法。

    The quibble is an important technique in advertising writing .

  17. 广告语篇连贯的言语行为理论解析

    Analyses of Speech Art Theory of the Advertising Text Coherence

  18. 论当下广告语对语言美的破坏倾向

    On the Damaging Effects of Modern Advertisements on the Beauty of Language

  19. 广告语经过长期的发展,已经成为一种独立的语体。

    As a result , advertising language has become a fixed register .

  20. 中西文化差异在广告语中的体现

    Different Culture between China and Western Countries in Advertising Words

  21. 广告语又称广告口号,广告标题。

    Slogans are known as advertising slogans , and title .

  22. 广告语制造修辞幻象的比喻手段

    The Metaphor in Advertisement Language to Make A Rhetoric Mirage

  23. 广告语中模糊语言的语用分析

    A Pragmatic Analysis on the Application of Vague Language in Commercial Advertising

  24. 该如何翻译为地道的中文广告语。

    How to translate " Shoot on " to Chinese ?

  25. 从文化认同的角度论广告语翻译策略

    On the Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of Cultural Approval

  26. 广告语篇中的情感诉求

    The Appeal of Feeling In The Text For The Advertisement

  27. 重点探讨了服装品牌广告语写作所需要的构思技巧与语言表达技巧。

    Mainly discuss the writing skills of conception of the advertisement slogans .

  28. 广告语的文化属性与相应的翻译策略

    Advertisement 's Cultural Properties and its Corresponding Strategies in Translation

  29. 广告语问道:联邦快递公司问世之前世界如何运作?

    What did the world do before FedEx , the ad inquired ?

  30. 广告语中的预设与含义研究

    A Study of Presupposition and Implicature in Advertising Language