
  • 网络Guangzhou Railway Station;Guangzhou;guangzhou station
  1. 广州站自动检票系统的设计与实现

    The Design Realization of the Automatic Ticket checking System in Guangzhou Railway Station

  2. 介绍了新广州站及相关工程试验段的工程概况,总结了工程特点,拟定了总体施工方案。

    The main works of the thesis are as follows . 1 . The project survey about the test section of new Guangzhou railway station and its related project was introduced , project characteristic was summarized and overall construction plan was also sketched . 2 .

  3. 广州站南边出口好吗?

    How about at the south exit of the Guangzhou station ?

  4. 接下来,让我们共同期待本届夏令营上海站和广州站的更多精彩内容。

    The summer camp program now moves on to stops in Shanghai & Guangzhou .

  5. 我会在广州站南边出口等你。

    I 'll be waiting for you at the south exit of Guangzhou Station .

  6. 1997年1月7日至11日广州站宇宙线强度变化特征的小波分析

    Wavelet analysis of the cosmic ray intensities at Guangzhou muon station during January 7-11 , 1997

  7. 你一到广州站就打电话给我。我会去接你。

    Please phone me as soon as you get to the Guangzhou Station . I 'll come to get you .

  8. 根据列车时间表显示,在12月31日至1月9日之间,福田站和广州站之间每天共有11次列车运行。

    According to the train timetable , there will be 11 pairs of high-speed trains between the Futian Station and Guangzhou South Station each day from Wednesday to Jan 9 .

  9. 新广州火车站大跨屋盖结构风振响应及等效静力风荷载研究

    Research on wind-induced response and equivalent static wind load of New Guangzhou Railway Station

  10. 广州地铁站是东南亚最大的地铁站。

    Guangzhou Metro Station is the largest of its kind in the Southeast Asia .

  11. 盾构隧道穿越广州火车站站场的设计与施工

    Design and construction of shield driven tunnel crossing the station yard of Guangzhou Railway Station

  12. 试评广州地铁站汉语标示的英译

    A Comment on the English Translations of the Chinese Signs in the Guangzhou Metro Stations

  13. 广州单站要素及特征曲线显示系统简介

    A Brief Look at a Visual Display System on Single-Station Elements and Characteristic Curves in Guangzhou

  14. 旅客可在广州火车站乘坐N762/59次列车到汕头火车站下;

    Take train N762 / 59 from Guangzhou Train Station , and get off at Shantou .

  15. 在广州火车站附近,一个最多曾住有5万人的临时安置点昨日已空无一人。

    One shelter close to the station , which had held as many as 50,000 people , was empty yesterday .

  16. 春运高峰期,广州火车站派出所的民警在站台上疏导旅客上车,维持车站秩序,确保旅客平安出行。

    During the Spring Festival peak transportation period , policemen at Guangzhou Railway Station are busy maintaining the order to ensure safe transportation .

  17. 中国南部铁路枢纽广州火车站因山体滑坡阻断京广铁路主干线而停运。

    Train service of Guangzhou Railway Station , a rail hub in south China , has been suspended after landslides blocked a railway artery linking Guangzhou and Beijing .

  18. 昨日上午,数千名旅客开始进入广州火车站,缓解了周四形成的拥挤局面。预计当天将有大约20万人进站上车。

    Thousands of people began streaming into the station in the morning , relieving a crush that had built up on Thursday , and about 200,000 people were expected to pass through the station .

  19. 当地媒体昨日报道称,多达30万旅客受困于广州火车站,等待乘车,而该车站周一仅能够运送7万名旅客。

    Local media yesterday reported that as many as 3 00000 passengers were sitting tight in Guangzhou , hoping to board trains at a station that was able to process only 70000 on Monday .

  20. 中国媒体估计,在周一,有15万旅客滞留在广州火车站,未来几天可能还会增加数十万人。

    The Chinese media estimated that 150000 travellers were stuck on Monday at the main rail station in Guangzhou , capital of southern Guangdong Province , with hundreds of thousands more expected in coming days .

  21. 上周的一天,由世界最大微波炉制造商派出的欢迎委员会,在广州火车站外徒劳地等待着。

    One day last week , the welcoming committee sent by the worlds largest manufacturer of microwave ovens waited in vain outside the main railway station in Guangzhou , capital of Chinas southern Guangdong province .

  22. 每年农历新年(今年是2月7日),广东省约1900万民工中的很多人会通过广州火车站,返回自己内陆省份的家乡。

    Every lunar new year , which this year falls on February 7 , a large percentage of the province 's estimated 19m migrant workers pass through Guangzhou 's main railway station en route to their homes in the interior .

  23. 过去一周,北京、上海和广州加油站的供应短缺现象(特别是柴油)均告恶化,迫使它们实行定量配给,或是缩短运营时间,一天只运营几个小时。

    Over the past week , petrol stations in Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou have reported worsening supply shortages especially of diesel oil which has forced them either to ration their stocks or operate for only a few hours a day .

  24. 中国有关部门昨日努力控制广州火车站的秩序,因为超过10万农民工围聚在火车站。在恶劣的冬季天气导致他们的返乡行程被延误数日之后,他们现在都急于回家过年。

    Chinese authorities struggled to control Guangzhou 's main railway station yesterday as it was besieged by more than 100,000 migrant workers desperate to get home for the lunar new year holiday after days of delay caused by fierce winter weather .

  25. 广州电离层观测站位于磁赤道附近(地磁经纬度:183.0°E,11.5°N)。

    Guangzhou Ionospheric Observatory is located near the geomagnetic equator ( geomagnetic coordinate 183.0 ° E , 11.5 ° N ) .

  26. DCL型燃煤固硫剂固硫技术在广州石化热电站的应用

    The Application of Desulfuration Technology of DCL Sulfur Adsorbent at the Heat Power Station in Guanzhou Petrochemical Comples

  27. 广州人卫站对BPL地波信号的监测结果及其误差讨论

    The Results of Monitoring the BPL Ground & waves Signals dy Guangzhou Satellite Station and A Discussion About the Errors

  28. 本文介绍广州人卫站半年多来监测BPL地波时号的结果;陕台搬钟及来站接收监测的结果。

    This paper gives the results of monitoring the BPT ground-waves signals by Guangzhou Satellite Station through many years and also gives the results of clock transportation by Shaanxi Observatory and their receiving of the BPL signals .

  29. 生态站场&广州海珠客运站设计

    Ecological Station & The Design of Haizhu Bus Station

  30. 广州市地铁站地下商业内部空间结构分析

    Study on spatial structure of underground commercial zone alone the subway in Guangzhou