
  • 网络Finance;guangdong university of finance
  1. 本文以广东金融学院校园网的规划与建设为背景,全面阐述校园网总体设计方案、实施设计、系统安全设计日常管理维护。

    Based on the layout and construction of the inner-school network for Guangdong University of Finance , this thesis is to explain the general designing program , its implementation , the designation for system security and its routine maintenance .

  2. 1975年高中毕业以后,下过乡,当过兵,从部队退伍之后,曾在银行工作,并在此期间在广东金融管理学院就读金融专业。

    Upon graduation from high school in1975 , he joined the army . Afterwards , he worked in a bank and majored in finance in Guangdong Institute of Financial Management .