
  • 网络Guang'an District
  1. 系统于2011年4月1日在广安区地税局试运行,运行期间,系统运行正常,响应时间短,效果明显。

    The system has being put into use from April 1 2011 at Guang ' an district local taxation bureau , which runs normally , has short response time and obvious effect .

  2. 低山丘陵区土地整理与可持续利用研究&以广安市广安区为例

    Study on land arrangement and sustainable development in the low mountains area & taking Guang'an City as a case

  3. 位于北京中心广安门政府商务区,紧靠西二环及西护城河,连接新的市政府办公大楼,与许多国家部委相邻。

    It is conveniently located at the Guanganmen commercial and government area , adjacent to the new municipal government office building and close to many government ministry offices .