
  • 网络Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts;GAFA;Guangzhou Institute of Fine Arts
  1. 是广州美术学院(GAFA)未来规划用地的一部分。

    Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts ( GAFA ) as part of the future planning of land use .

  2. 毕业于广州美术学院雕塑系,学士学位。

    Graduated from sculpture department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts , bachelor degree .

  3. 男,广东著名中国画画家,曾就读于广州美术学院国画系研究生班。

    Male , Guangdong famous Chinese painter , he studied painting at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts graduate classes .

  4. 来自广州美术学院的大二学生黄国荣的观点在动漫爱好者这个群体中颇具代表性。

    From Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts sophomore Huang Guorong point in the anime fans in this group is representative .

  5. 广州美术学院33~楼桩基托换设计与施工某建筑物整体纠倾及其综合加固技术

    Design and construction of the underpinning of a pile foundation Rectification of Deviation and Comprehensive Reinforcing Technology for a Pile Foundation

  6. 这也恰好自是广州美术学院在建国五十多年的教学成就和他在亚太地区的学术地位;

    This could also mirror the teaching fruition as well as the academic status of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art in Asia-Pacific region .

  7. 主办:红专厂艺术生活区,广东省美术家协会雕塑委员会,广州美术学院雕塑系。

    Organizer : Redtory Art and Living District , Guangdong Provincial Artist Association Sculpture Committee , Sculpture Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts .

  8. 广州美术学院的一名毕业生注意到在香港拍卖的一幅画作上有学校的印章,萧元的行为因此才被发现。

    He was discovered after a Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts graduate noticed a work at auction in Hong Kong had the school 's seal .

  9. 从图书流通数据分析大学生的阅读倾向&以广州美术学院图书馆为例

    Discussion on the Reading Trend of University Students According to the Book Circulation Data of Library & Taking Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts as an Example

  10. 后至广州美术学院国画系研究生班专修人物画,因独创的线描重叠画法而为美术界所称道。

    To the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts after graduate courses specializing in painting portraits , original line drawing by overlapping the fine arts of painting and praiseworthy .

  11. 黄雪(音译),22岁,来自广州美术学院:公共场合应该禁止接吻,但火车站应属例外。

    Huang Xue , 22 , Art and design , Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts : Kissing in public should be controlled , but not at a railway station .

  12. 他会避开名画,比如岭南画派的印象派风格画作,因为这些作品为广州美术学院的学者们所熟知,而且还很可能会借出去展览。

    He avoided the best-known works , including the more impressionistic paintings of the Lingnan School , which scholars at the institution knew well and were likely to be lent out for exhibitions .

  13. 广州美术学院在今年的毕业设计中做了有效的尝试,并试图将这样的设计模式在今后设计教学及实践中展开。

    Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts has made an effective attempt in the graduation project in this year , and would like to extend such kind of design model in the future design education and practice .

  14. 结合广州美术学院030号楼桩基托换工程实践,利用工程计算软件对托换时的桩体及梁进行模拟和应力应变分析,指出其分析结果对设计和施工具有参考价值。

    Combined with constructive practice of changing pile foundation of No. 3 building in Guangzhou Art College , it simulates changing pile body and beam by using engineering calculating software and analyzes stress change , result of which has referential value for design & construction .