
ɡuǎnɡ yì zuò biāo
  • generalized coordinates
  1. 对广义坐标运用三次B样条求解。

    The generalized coordinates are solved by using the third B-spline function .

  2. 为消去多余坐标引入了BP神经网络,建立了以广义坐标为自变量的等效转动惯量的数学模型。

    BP neural network is used to remove redundant coordinates and mathematical model of equivalent moment of inertia for generalized coordinates is built .

  3. 本文还以X,Y,θ,φ,ψ为广义坐标,给出了硬币作横向转动时的拉格朗日算符,得到了相应的拉格朗日方程。

    It also supplies the Lagrangian operator and the Lagrangian equations for the cross rotation of the coin .

  4. 基于广义坐标变换,提出一种线性时滞系统H∞故障估计的有限频域方法。

    Based on a generalized coordinate change , a finite frequency domain approach to H ∞ fault estimation for linear time-delay systems is proposed .

  5. RCC装置数学模型建立方法的研究&广义坐标矩阵法

    Research on the Method of Establishing Universal Mathematic Model of RCC Device ── Matrix Method in Generalized Coordinates

  6. 用Galerkin法对振动方程进行了离散化处理,将连续体的偏微分方程简化为关于广义坐标的二自由度非线性振动方程;

    Galerkin method is used to translate and simplify the equations into discrete ones and two degree nonlinear vibrating equations with regard to generalized coordinates .

  7. 二阶非完整约束的力学系统在广义坐标下的Mac-Millan型方程

    Mac-Millan Equations of Mechanical System with Second Order Non-Holonomic Constraints under Generalized Coordinates

  8. 通过Kane方程在保证变形广义坐标完全精确到一阶项的前提下建立了系统一阶完备动力学方程。

    The Kane 's equation are used to establish the perfect first-order dynamic equations of the systems in the condition of generalized deforming coordinates which are accurate to the first-order terms completely .

  9. 本文从Gauss原理出发,经过推导得到二阶非完整约束的力学系统在广义坐标下的Mac-Millan型方程。并且说明了所得方程的正确性。

    Based on the Gauss principle , the authors derive Mac-Millan equations for mechanical system with second order non-holonomic constraints under generalized coordinates , and explain the correctness of the equations .

  10. 选取六个广义坐标,归纳出仿生机器鱼无升潜游动的动力学问题,应用Lagrange方程,建立了仿生机器鱼巡游的线性自由振动的运动微分方程。

    The six general coordinates are selected . The no up and down movement dynamics model of fish robot is deduced . Based on the Lagrange equation , the linear motion differential equations of the fish robot in the free vibration is built .

  11. 将含变形广义坐标二阶项保留到求出偏(角)速度后再线性化,根据Kane方程建立了基于小变形的柔性机械系统动力学一致线性化模型。

    The nonlinear terms of deformation coordinates in kinematic analysis can be linearized until partial velocities and partial angular ones are given . A consistent linearization dynamic model of the systems is developed by using Kane 's equation .

  12. 根据拉格朗日方程建立考虑复合材料叶片旋转刚体运动的振动方程,采用Galerkin法建立了广义坐标表示的弯扭耦合叶片的低阶固有振动分析模型。

    The vibration equation of the composite rotating blade is formulated according to the Lagrange equation . The lower-order natural vibration analysis model is also established , which couples the bending and torsion , in the generalized coordinates is also derived by the method of Galerkin .

  13. 以欧拉参数为广义坐标(准坐标),相对角速度和相对移动速度为广义速率,采用Kane方程的Huston形式建立多体系统的运动力学方程。

    Based on Huston 's form of Kane 's equation , equations of motion are formulated for deployable / retractable aerospace structures , with recursive Euler parameter and translation supposed as generalized coordinate , and recursive angular velocity and translation velocity as generalized velocity .

  14. 虚功原理与广义坐标

    On the virtual work principle and its expression with generalized coordinates

  15. 通过求解运动学方程得到各关节的广义坐标。

    Got the generalized coordinates of joints by solving the kinematics equations .

  16. 基于广义坐标的冗余度机器人运动轨迹的规划

    Redundance Robot Track Programming Based on the Generalized Coordinate

  17. 一组新的绳系卫星系统广义坐标

    A new set of generalized coordinates for tethered systems

  18. 也谈虚位移原理中广义坐标的选择

    On selecting generalized coordinates in virtual displacement principle

  19. 广义坐标下求力学体系约束力的讨论

    Discussion about computing constraint forces with generalized coordinates

  20. 它是由关节广义坐标和杆件模态坐标联立的非线性微分方程组。

    They ore nonlinear simultaneous differential equations of joint variables and link elastic modal coordinates .

  21. 基于广义坐标形式牛顿-欧拉方法的空间并联机构动力学正问题分析

    Forward Dynamics Analysis of Spatial Parallel Mechanisms Based on the Newton-Euler Method with Generalized Coordinates

  22. 对于单一广义坐标的情形,用图形作了说明。

    Some figures for the case with one generalized coordinate are drawn to explain those principles .

  23. 按广义坐标建立具有移动质量的箱梁振动方程

    The derivation of the vibration equation for thin-walled box girder carrying moving mass using generalized coordinates

  24. 针对广义坐标法推导过程中的一些蹊跷之处,本文基于广义坐标法给出的位移模式,用虚功原理进行理论推导,对广义坐标法中微分方程的建立提出了置疑。

    Put doubt on the broad sense method according to its establishment of the differential equations .

  25. 研究多自由度平面机构运动微分方程的建立方法.以拉格朗日方程为基础,引入等于机构自由度数目的广义坐标;

    A method to establish the kinetic differential equation of plane mechanisms with multi-degree of freedom was studied .

  26. 其中,数值法包括有限元法和有限段法等。解析法包括广义坐标法、乌氏第二理论、弹性地基梁比拟法、广义弯曲理论、传递矩阵法等。

    Theory , elasticity ground beam analogy method , generalized bending theory and transfer matrix method and so on .

  27. 本文提出了多体系统动力学微分/代数混合方程组的一类紧凑算法.首先把参数t并入广义坐标讨论,简化了方程组及其隐含约束条件的结构;

    New method for solving the differential / algebraic equations of motion of multibody systems is presented in this paper .

  28. 该控制器在存在的参数不确定性与外界干扰的情况下,能使系统的广义坐标与广义速度收敛到预先给定的界内。

    The new controller can make the generalized co-ordinates and the generalized velocities of the closed-loop system converge to preset bounds .

  29. 非完整约束是指含有系统广义坐标导数且不可积的约束。

    Nonholonomic constraint is the constraint that contains time derivatives of the generalized coordinates of the system and is not integrable .

  30. 研究了具有工艺偏差的动力调谐速率陀螺仪的广义坐标,利用广义坐标对动力调谐速率陀螺仪进行了运动分析。

    The generalized coordinate of DTG with error in technics is studied . Using , the DTG motion analysis is done .