
  • 网络Kwai Tsing District;KWT;Kwai Tsing
  1. 他亦为葵青区议会议员、职业训练局理事、及基本法推广督导委员会委员。

    He is also Member of Kwai Tsing District Council , Member of the Vocational Training Council , and .

  2. 今晚这个典礼十分重要,对于屯门区和葵青区的居民来说,意义尤其重大。

    Tonight is a significant occasion , especially for residents of Tuen Mun and Kwai Tsing .

  3. 屯门和葵青区议会领导两区实行安全社区计划,功不可没,我谨在此致贺。

    Congratulations to their respective District Councils for taking the lead in implementing the Safe Community Programme .

  4. 稍后,我们将一起见证世界卫生组织把屯门区和葵青区确认为「安全社区」。

    In a few moments , we shall witness the World Health Organisation confer the status of'Designated Safe Community'on these two districts .