
  • 网络aesthetic contemplation
  1. 其次,新闻记者只有具备相应的美学素养才能对新闻事实进行审美观照,在创作中体现出一种审美追求。

    Secondly , only journalists have the relative aesthetic qualities can they make the aesthetic contemplation about news truth and show the aesthetic pursuit in their works .

  2. 女性主义审美观照下的男性文学形象

    The Male Image of Literature under the Beauty Taste of Feminists

  3. 但是,不同历史时期,人们对于山的审美观照角度亦不相同。

    But in different periods ' people 's focus was different .

  4. 论荷花情结对中国佛教文化的审美观照

    Aesthetic Reflection of " Lotus Complex " on Chinese Buddhism Culture

  5. 二十世纪末女性身体写作的审美观照

    The Esthetic Notion of the Feminine Erotica in the Late 20th Century

  6. 传统文学音乐质素的审美观照

    On Aesthetic Reference of Music Qualities in Classical Chinese Literature

  7. 审美观照下的比较与辨析&关于大学语文课中的外国文学作品教学

    Aesthetic Differentiation and Comparison : On Foreign Literatures Teaching in College Chinese

  8. 古典诗词审美观照下的文化物象&玉

    Cultural Image within Sight of Classical Verses with Aesthetic Judgment-Jade

  9. 首先,佛教为我们提供了一种整体直觉的生态思维与审美观照方法。

    First of all , Buddhism provides holistic ecological and aesthetic perspectives .

  10. 论审美观照与历史认识的关系

    On the Relationship Between Aesthetic Outlook and Historical Cognition

  11. 禅悟对中国古典诗歌创作范式的审美观照

    Aesthetic Perspective of " Zen Awakening " on Creation Patterns of Chinese Classical Poetry

  12. 论儒道释文化对中国城市园艺生命造境的审美观照

    On the Influence of the Traditional Culture to Life Aesthetics in Chinese City Gardening

  13. 四明文学形态审美观照&诗、词、曲、赋部分

    An Aesthetic Research on Patterns of Siming Literature

  14. 两极交融和而不同&凤凰卫视传播形态之审美观照

    Phoenix TV Transmission From the Aesthetic Perspective

  15. 论竹子情结文化对中国园林意境建构的审美观照

    Discussion on aesthetic consideration of Bamboo Complex culture on artistic conception construction of Chinese gardens

  16. 论新闻传播中以人为本理念的审美观照

    On the Dissemination of Information in the " People First " Philosophy of Aesthetic Refraction

  17. 中国古代山水画和西方浪漫主义风景画就分别体现了这两种审美观照方式。

    Ancient Chinese landscape painting and romantic western landscape painting embody these two aesthetic modes separately .

  18. 论中国传统文化天人合一生命哲理对地方戏艺术的审美观照

    On the Chinese Traditional Culture " Harmony between man and nature " Life Philosophy Aesthetic Mapping Local Art

  19. 它不但可以承担道德意义,也能表现更多层次的审美观照。

    It can not only bear the moral sense , can also show more levels of aesthetic care .

  20. 第三部分:提炼出郭熙身即山川而取之的审美观照理论。

    Third part : Article refines the Guo Xi " gains from the mountains " the esthetic observation theory .

  21. 美学的根本问题是关于人的问题,是对人的存在状态进行审美观照、审美理解和审美反思的问题。

    The fundamental issue on aesthetics is the aesthetic understanding and reflection on the existence state of the human beings .

  22. 论文从诗形、诗味、诗趣三个角度对小诗进行了审美观照。

    This thesis makes an aesthetic analysis of the mini-poetry from the angles of the form , taste and interest .

  23. 中国初期象征主义诗人将中国诗歌表达方式由意境的审美观照转向意象观照。

    The early Chinese poets of symbolism changed the Chinese poetry expression techniques from aesthetics to images on the artistic conception .

  24. 人们对山水进行有意识的审美观照并使之大规模进入文学领域当自赋作始。

    People proceeds to have the consciousness to appreciate the natural landscape and put it into literature realm large-scalely in Fu .

  25. 光线可以进行审美观照和审美欣赏,能体现画面时间和空间上的特征。

    The light can present itself for our appreciation , and can incarnate the characteristics of the picture in time and space .

  26. 自然成为审美观照对象的过程是“自然的人化”和“人的自然化”过程。

    Nature has experienced two processes , namely " nature humanization " and " human naturalization " before it became an aesthetic object .

  27. 内心世界的审美观照是当代散文艺术发展的重要特点之一。

    One of the important characteristics of the art development of contemporary prose lies in aesthetic standard of internal world of human beings .

  28. 主体与客体、审美观照与作者意图、作品本文与“隐秘意义”等对立的存在就深源自这种影响。

    Subject and object , aesthetic review and author intention , work text and potential significance , equal opposites are rooted from this influence .

  29. 古诗词曲是中国文学艺术文化与审美观照的经典表达形式,是中华上下五千年灿烂文明辉煌史的记录和见证。

    Ancient Chinese poetry is the classical literature form featured with a typical and aesthetical outlook , which witnessed and recorded the 5000-year glory and civilization in China .

  30. 神性写作和日常写作作为不同审美观照下形成的两种不同文学实践方式,它们在叙事形态、情感方式以及审美境界、艺术想象力上都迥然不同。

    As two different literature practices in different aesthetical perspectives , divinity writing and daily writing are very different in narrative forms , mode of emotion and art imagination .