
  • 网络aesthetic feeling
  1. 而语文教学中的审美感受,主要通过对语言文学的感受理解来完成的。

    The aesthetic feeling in Chinese teaching is mainly accomplished by the understanding of the language .

  2. 语文教学的审美感受训练可分为形式感受内容感受形式感受。

    Aesthetic Feeling from Materials The aesthetic feeling in language teaching includes form and content feeling .

  3. 自然景观的审美感受层次分析

    Analysis of the Appreciation Experience Administrative Levels in Natural Landscapes

  4. 人的初级本质与音乐审美感受

    Man 's Primary Nature and Aesthetic Experience of Music

  5. 广告英译中的修辞特点及审美感受

    The Rhetorical Characteristics of Advertising English and Aesthetic Emotion

  6. 商品陈列设计是通过独特的艺术形式来表现其视觉审美感受主题的。

    Design of goods display shows the theme of its visual and aesthetic impressions .

  7. 人类的审美感受能力在各种体育美的艺术形式相互渗透中日趋精细化。

    Aesthetic ability is more perfected in different styles of artistic forms beauty of physics .

  8. 而通过形式美基本概念训练的各实验组被试,在提高形式美基本概念理解程度的同时审美感受总水平也得到了显著提高;

    Students of the experimental groups were taught the Basic Concept Training of Formal Beauty .

  9. 论审美感受力对绘画创作的影响

    The Influence of Sensibility on Painting

  10. 他们要把面对山水的审美感受表现出来,或用诗笔,或用画笔。

    They wanted to express their aesthetic feelings for mountains and rivers through poetry or paintings .

  11. 而文化旅游作为一种追求高层次的精神追求和审美感受,符合他们的需求,故受到现代旅游者的追捧。

    Cultural tourism as a high level spiritual and aesthetic standard is up to their mustard .

  12. 在语文教学中,对学生进行审美感受、审美情感的训练是十分必要的。

    The training of the student 's aesthetic feeling and emotion is very necessary in subject teaching .

  13. 翻译的目的在于保持整体意象完整性和读者审美感受的最大限度对等。

    The purpose of translation is to reproduce an integral holistic image and achieve the maximum aesthetic equivalence .

  14. 这些嬗变反映了特定社会背景下人们的社会心理、审美感受的变化。

    These changes reflect the differences of people ' social mentality and aesthetic experience during the different special times .

  15. 扭转形式以其特殊的构成方式而给人以强烈的审美感受。

    The torsion form composes way peculiarly with the person but give person intense appreciation of the beauty feel .

  16. 到了宋代,画像砖以一种独特的艺术表现形式,给人以一种新的审美感受。

    To the Song Dynasty , brick-portrait as a unique form of artistic expression , giving a new aesthetic feel .

  17. 实验1:形式美基本概念理解对审美感受水平的影响,以形式美美基本概念作为审美概念典型材料,考察审美概念的理性理解,与审美感受之间是否存在正相关和因果关系。

    Study one : An experimental study on the effect of understanding basic concepts of formal beauty on the level of aesthetic experience .

  18. 唐宋词中的优秀之作大都将审美感受与审美判断结合起来,从而达到情理相融的境界。

    Excellent Tang and Song lyrics reach the realm of feeling and reason happily blended by mostly combining aesthetic reflections and aesthetic judgement .

  19. 怀特对童趣盎然的语言风格的自觉追求,从而也能使读者在阅读中能获得了轻松愉悦的审美感受。

    It makes readers get aesthetic experience easily in the reading because of the author ′ s pursuit of the exuberant language style .

  20. “有我之境”与“无我之境”作为两种不同的审美感受,都能够给人带来无功利的审美。

    " Self state " and " selfless state ", as two different aesthetic experience , can bring to human the non-utilitarian aesthetics .

  21. 而不具有确切和具体概念的音乐,它的具体性与不具体性,确定性与不确定性特点的音响,正好是人的初级本质进行审美感受的最好载体。

    The music without exact and specific concept is just the best medium of man 's primary nature to go on aesthetic experience .

  22. 探讨从人物心灵表现,影片风格的形成及观众审美感受三方面予以展开。

    The discussion includes three aspects : the character 's mind performance , the formation of movie style and the audience 's aesthetical feelings .

  23. 从生态文学的角度阅读华兹华斯的自然诗可以更好地理解、发掘其诗作的价值并获得新的审美感受。

    Reading Wordsworths ' natural poem in terms of Eco-literature we can understand , explore the value of the poem and obtain new aesthetic experience .

  24. 再进行创作时要分析古人笔墨汲取养分,更要通过对笔墨现代性的提炼画出画家新时代的独特审美感受。

    Then to analyze the creation of text to draw nutrients , but through the ink modern refining paint painter new era of unique aesthetic feelings .

  25. 我们的目的是最大限度地挖掘创造性和数码产品的内在价值,从而丰富消费者对美妙生活的审美感受。

    Our goal is to get full play to creativity and digital products'inherent value ( Essential value ), and to enrich end-users'aesthetic felling to wonderful life .

  26. 浅论高调悲剧低调悲剧审美感受赤水玄珠&从审美中介论美与美感

    A Study on High Tragedy and Low Tragedy ; The National Black Treasure of Red River On the Relationship between Beauty and Aesthetic-Feeling from Aesthetic Intermediary

  27. 不管精神或真实,都主要从宏观的角度强调译者对译入语风格的审美感受。

    Either " spirit " or " truth " will mainly focus on the translators ' aesthetic feeling of the SL 's style from a macroscopic angle .

  28. 白先勇独特的人生经历不仅为他的创作提供了独特的表现对象,而且形成了其作品中独特的抑郁气质和审美感受。

    Bai Xianyong 's special experiences not only apply unique object of expression for his creation , but also form his special melancholy temperament and aesthetic perspective .

  29. 她的散文没有虚伪和矫饰,以平实的笔调,静静地予人以淡泊、宁静的审美感受。

    Her prose has not been false and feigns , by the level writing style , calmly gives the human by to live simply , the tranquil esthetic feeling .

  30. 论文旨在通过对理论的梳理,为现当代价值理念和审美感受方式对艺术的影响研究提供一定借鉴的理论视域。

    The objective of the paper is to supply a degree of reference for the concepts of value and aesthetic feeling mode in the modern and the contemporary time .