
shěn pàn jī ɡuān
  • adjudication organization;judicial apparatus;judicial organization
  1. 刑事司法鉴定是司法鉴定在刑事诉讼活动中的具体运用,刑事司法鉴定结论作为法定的证据之一,是审判机关查明案件真相、正确定案量刑的重要依据。

    As one of the legal evidence forms , the conclusion of criminal judicial expertise is one important basis for the judicial apparatus to investigate the facts of the cases and to judge correctly .

  2. 面对这一不系统、不明确的规定,审判机关、检察机关又未予以严格遵守,也难以操作,导致司法实践中刑讯逼供等非法取证行为屡禁不绝,冤假错案不断滋生。

    The unsystematic and undefined prescription and the undemanding abidance of the judicial organization and the procuratorate cause difficult operation . Therefore , inquisition by torture and extortion for confession in the judicial practice are very common although being prohibited repeatedly and miscarriages of justice multiply unceasingly .

  3. 笔者认为WTO司法独立的原则的内涵主要是指审判机关与行政机关的独立。

    The article says that the connotation of the principle of judicial independence in WTO IP court not being governed by administration department .

  4. 审判机关在刑事二审程序中存在的问题及对策对我国刑事审判中法官和当事人地位的反思

    Problems and Countermeasure of Judicial Organs in Criminal Procedure at Second Instance

  5. 论审判机关的强制措施权

    On the Power of Coercive Measure of the Judicial Organs

  6. 量刑建议是检察机关向审判机关提出的关于量刑方面的建议。

    The sentencing advice which procurator organs put on to judicial organs called sentencing recommendations .

  7. 同时,司法实践中审判机关及审判人员对法律理解的不统一。

    At the same time , in the judicial practice judicial and judges understand the law differently .

  8. 清末司法制度改革大致包括三个方面:(1)新式司法审判机关的筹建;

    The reform of judicature consists of three aspects : ( 1 ) establishing the new trial organizations ;

  9. 在我国立法与实践中,权力机关与审判机关之间的关系均不同于实行三权分立的国家。

    In our country , the relationship between people 's congress and judicial organ is distinguished the western countries .

  10. 能够对公司法人人格否认作出程序启动和否认裁决的主体是国家审判机关。

    The author makes some feasible on the apply and procedure of the rule of disregarding of corporate personality .

  11. 侦查法律关系本质上是在侦查机关、犯罪嫌疑人以及审判机关之间产生的一种程序性法律关系。

    The nature of investigative legal nexus is a procedure legal nexus among investigative organs , offenders and courts .

  12. 中华人民共和国人民法院是国家的审判机关。

    The people 's courts of the people 's Republic of China are the judicial organs of the state .

  13. 在对抗制改革中,审判机关和检察机关处于齐步改、同步变的过程中;对我国法官独立审判制的思考

    The courts and the procuratorates are in process of simultaneous reform ; Thoughts on Independent Adjudication System for Judges in China

  14. 并针对这一系列问题,提出关于我国环保司法审判机关的设置建议。

    In allusion to these problems , put forward the install advices of the environmental protection judicial organ in our country .

  15. 对完善我国民事诉讼二审程序的思考审判机关在刑事二审程序中存在的问题及对策

    Perfect the Second Instance of Civil Procedure of China ; Problems and Countermeasure of Judicial Organs in Criminal Procedure at Second Instance

  16. 法院作为担负特殊职能的国家审判机关,是社会正义的守护者,也是排解社会矛盾纠纷的最后一道防线。

    Courts as judicial organs with special duties are guardians of social justice and the last line of defense of disputes resolution .

  17. 非刑罚处罚方法是审判机关对无需判处刑罚的犯罪人所适用的刑罚以外的其他实体处理方法的总称。

    Non-penalty punishment is no judicial sentencing of the perpetrators of the penalties applicable to entities other than the general term for treatment .

  18. 司法是与立法、行政相对的概念,司法权的实施在于审判机关和检察机关。

    Justice is a relative concept and the legislative , executive . The implementation of the judicial power is judicial and procuratorial organs .

  19. 上海华籍律师从事职业活动的法制环境是极其复杂的,这种复杂性主要表现在适用法律的多元与审判机关的多元上。

    The legal environment of Shanghai Chinese lawyer was very complicated and it showed mainly in the multivariate of applying law and judicial organ .

  20. 再者,加强检查机关和审判机关对刑事拘留的监督与制约,使其置于合理的状态下适用。

    Moreover , strengthening the supervision of inspection bodies and judicial authorities for criminal detention and restriction , applicable to in a reasonable State .

  21. 针对新闻舆论监督和审判机关接受监督方面存在的诸多问题,必须通过进一步实施审判公开制度;

    There are many problems not only in the supervision by media but also in the judicial organs in subjecting themselves to the supervision .

  22. 人民陪审制度就是让人民陪审员进入到国家审判机关内部对其审判工作进行独立有效的监督制约,为司法公正廉洁提供有力保障。

    People 's assessor system is that absorbs the assessorinto the judicial authorities to supervise the trial work independently to guaranteejustice and perform duties honestly .

  23. 这是中国第一个行政诉讼审判机关①,近代行政诉讼制度开始在中国运行。

    This is ' the first special trial institution for administrative cases in China ', and modern administrative litigation system was in operation in China .

  24. 在中央和地方国家权力机关、行政机关、审判机关和检察机关都有相当数量的少数民族干部。

    Minority cadres also account for a fair proportion of cadres in the central and local state organs , including administrative , judicial and procuratorial organs .

  25. 刑事二审期限制度是关于司法审判机关审理刑事二审案件所须遵守的法定期限制度。

    System of the criminal second trial period is about criminal appeals courts judicial authority required to comply with the legal time limit of the system .

  26. 民事审级制度是指法律规定的审判机关在组织体系上设置的等级以及一个案件经过多少级法院审判后裁判才发生法律效力的一种诉讼法律制度。

    The tiered judicial system of civil case refers to a legal suit system about the hierarchy of judicial organizations and the procedure of an effective verdict .

  27. 随着量刑偏差问题越来越受到社会的关注,实现量刑的规范化成为我国审判机关面临的重要任务。

    With the problem of sentencing deviation has draw more and more public attention , the standardization of sentencing has become the important task for the judicial .

  28. 日本的司法、审判机关在审判具体案件时,回避对自卫队的存在是否符合宪法这一问题做出判断。

    The judicial authorities of Japan avoid judgement on the compliance of the existence of self defense troops with the Constitution in their trial of specific cases .

  29. 从制度上保证审判机关和检察机关依法独立公正地行使审判权和检察权。

    We should institutionally ensure that the judicial and procuratorial organs are in a position to exercise adjudicative and procuratorial powers independently and impartially according to law .

  30. 陪审制度是国家审判机关吸收非职业法官参与审判,共同对案件做出事实判断及法律评价的一种诉讼制度。

    The jury system is a kind of litigation system that national judgment organization absorb nonprofessional judge to participate judgment and to make arbitration and law evaluation .