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The reflective transformation and its quality
DRIFTS Study on Adsorption and Activation of CH_4 and CO_2 on Ni / SiO_2 Catalyst with Various Ni Particle Sizes
The adsorption and activation of CH_4 and CO_2 on Ni / SiO_2 catalyst with different Ni particle sizes were investigated by diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy .
The content of Chinese herbs , medicine and medicament can be quantified without destruction by Diffused Reflection Fourier Transform and Near Infrared Spectroscopy ( DR NIR FTIR ) .
Some Chinese crude herbs can be directly and quickly identified by Fourier Transform Raman Spectroscopy ( FT Raman ) and Diffused Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy ( DR FTIR ) .
The transdermal enhancing mechanism of oleyl pyroglutamate was studied with the attenuated total reflectance Fourier transfer infrared spectroscopy ( ATR FTIR ) of the human stratum corneum in vivo .
The surface composition of the poly ( ethylene glycol ) / polyethylene ( PEG / PE ) blends was determined quantitatively using attenuated total reflectance FTIR spectroscopic ( FTIR-ATR ) technique .
The crystalline structure of HDPE surface layer was studied by attenuated total reflection FTIR ( ATR-FT-IR ) and thin film X-ray diffraction ( TF-XRD ) .
In situ diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy ( DRIFTS ) was used to investigate the effect of SO_2 on the selective catalytic reduction ( SCR ) of NO_x by C_3H_6 over an Ag / Al_2O_3 catalyst .
Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Study of Silicon Nitride Powders
Determination of amoxicillin capsules by diffuse reflectance FTIR
Quantitative Analysis of Surface Composition of PEG / PE Blends Using Attenuated Total Reflectance FTIR Spectroscopy
The effects of stressed mouse tissue have been studied for the first time by ATR / FTIR .
The diffuse reflection using Fourier transform spectroscopy ( DRIFTS ) was used to determine the strengthened fiber in rubber products .
A new method using single reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was proposed for direct and fast determination of Corydalis yanhusuo W. T.
METHODS Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier transform Infrared spectroscopy ( ATR-FTIR ) was used to determine the content of cimetidine polymorphic form A .
In this paper , the normal thyroid tissues and thyroid carcinoma were determined directly and rapidly by horizontal attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ( HATR-FTIR ) .
To establish direct KBr disk method for determination of amoxicillin in capsules . Methods : Diffuse Reflectance FTIR was used to determination of amoxicillin powder in the capsules .
In this paper , by the mathematical methods of vector rotation and vector coordinate transform , as well as mirror vector transform , the transform relationship of the line-of-sight in a basic compound-axis structure between detector coordinate and base coordinate is discussed .
The effect of NiO content on the basicity of catalyst was investigated by using H2 TPD ( temperature programmed desorption ), DRIFTS ( diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy ), and CO2 TPD . The catalytic performance was tested and the amount of coke deposition was measured .
Application of ATR-FTIR in the study of Chinese drug emplastrum and skin disease
Numerical Value Simulation for Bent Surface Quasi-Optical Mode Converter with a Special Reflector
The transformation property of the general covariant equation under charge conjugation , space inversion , time reversal and strong reflection is studied .
This paper illustrates the advance and application general situation of attenuated total reflectance FTIR spectroscopy , including the foundation theory , technology characteristic of ATR and a new accessory .
Denoising in Near - Infrared Diffusive Reflectance Spectra by Wavelet Transform
A New Compact reflective Fourier Transform Spectrometer