
  • 网络Lays;red packet;lucky money
  1. 埃尔姆利是东南部仅存的几块荒地之一。

    Elmley is one of the few wild areas remaining in the South East .

  2. 艾恩斯利是有史以来最成功的奥林匹克航海家,总共获得了5枚奥运奖牌。他也是路虎本·艾恩斯利帆船队(LandRoverBAR)的船长,他经常在比赛中后来居上,最终取得胜利。

    Ainslie - the most successfulOlympic sailor in history , with five medals - is captain of theLand Rover BAR sailing team and has a penchant for come-from-behind victories .

  3. 制造JPS的竞争对手利是美公司和制造万宝路的菲利普莫里斯公司证实,它们也进行了类似的提价。

    Competitor firms Reemtsma , which makes the JPS brand and Philip Morris , which makes Marlboro , confirmed similar rises .

  4. 爵士乐家威顿-马尔斯利是奥尔良土著。

    Jazz musician Wynton Marsalis is a native of New Orleans .

  5. 在你们数「利是钱」时,请欣赏一些即兴演奏的片段。

    Enjoy some jam snippets while you 're counting your'lai see ' .

  6. 在商业行为中,逐利是前提条件。

    The pursuit of profit is the precondition of all business practices .

  7. 劳拉·利是非盈利组织“野马教育”的主席。

    Laura Leigh is president of the nonprofit group Wild Horse Education .

  8. 治疗临界型高血压是利是弊?

    Is treatment of borderline hypertension good or bad ?

  9. 利是我们所热烈追求的,害是我们千方百计想逃避、想闪躲的。

    The interest is what we pursue and the harm is what we avoid .

  10. 弗劳利是个机敏老练的人。

    Frawley was an astute , practical man .

  11. 意利是我最喜欢的一个欧洲国家。

    One of my favourite European countries falls on Italy which is built of stone .

  12. 布林登·徒利是个善于倾听的人……除非对象是她父亲。

    Brynden Tully had always known how to listen ... to anyone but her father .

  13. 麦克兰格利是我们的朋友!

    Mack langly is our friend !

  14. 此次政策的出台到底会对我国房地产市场产生什么样的影响,对我们消费者是利是弊都值得我们来探讨一下。

    The influence for the real estate market and customers of this policy is worth discussing .

  15. 结论:盐酸依托必利是治疗功能性消化不良疗效较好的新一代胃肠道促动力药。

    Objective : To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of Itopride hydrochloride on functional dyspepsia .

  16. 父母给孩子们利是钱。

    Kids are given lucky money .

  17. 规划师、工程师、学者及政府官员将会讨论交通系统对我们的城市是利是害?

    Planners , engineers , academics and officials will discuss whether transport is our solution or our enemy .

  18. 不管是利是弊,它确实隐含着查询的运行方式(不久将介绍更多相关内容)。

    Either way , it does have implications for how queries are run ( more about that shortly ) .

  19. 注:名与利是多少人的捆绑、多少人的心结?

    Note : the name of the tied up how many people , how many person 's heart knot ?

  20. 因为利是义的核心内容,义必然体现为一定的利益。

    Because the benefit is the core content of justice , and justice will inevitably reflect the interests of some .

  21. 其中,第一个项目一人一利是筹款计划已在大年初一展开!

    Among them ," Save to Share " was the first to launch on this Chinese New Year 's day !

  22. 布莱切利是一座小城,坐落于白金汉郡,在平凡而阴郁街道两边,排列着砖彻的维多利亚建筑。

    Bletchley itself was a small town of ordinary dullness , a brick-built Urban District in the brickfields of Buckinghamshire .

  23. 这个商标最初由利是美公司在德国持有,但在2002年,当帝国烟草公司收购利是美公司的时候被帝国烟草公司收购过来。

    The trademark was originally held by Reemtsma in German but was acquired by Imperial back in2002 when it took over Reemtsma .

  24. 迄今为止,几乎没什么实例可以说明,持有信用衍生品头寸对陷入困境的公司是利是弊。

    So far , there are few concrete examples of credit derivatives positions hampering , or helping , a company in trouble .

  25. 腓利与司提反一样,也是七执事之一,腓利是希腊语名,对吗?

    Phillip , who was one of those deacons along with Stephen , Phillip , that 's a good Greek name right ?

  26. 但目前还不清楚,在学校中变得更加正式,对于高校电子竞技的发展来说究竟是利是弊。

    But it is unclear whether becoming a more formal part of a school would help or harm the growth of college e-sports .

  27. 新郎会用“利是钱”来开路,利是由红信封包装。

    The groom will try to buy his way in by presenting " Li Shi " , taken money wrapped in red envelops .

  28. 鲍克斯利是一位国际知名的艺术家,他雕刻的图腾柱可以在从迪斯尼世界直到日本的公共或私人收藏中见到。

    Boxley is an internationally known artist , whose carved totem poles can be found in public and private collections from Walt Disney World to Japan .

  29. 开利是全球最大的冷冻空调设备制造商,是第一个在中国建立工厂的美国冷冻空调制造商。

    Carrier is the biggest refrigeration & AC manufacturer in the world and it is also the first American Refrigeration Company that build factory in China .

  30. 去年,因扩产过快导致液晶面板行业整体亏损,夏普打破业界沉默的举动究竟是利是弊?

    Last year , the rapid expansion caused by the LCD industry overall losses , the industry break the silence Sharp 's move is beneficial or harmful ?