
  • 网络International non-governmental organizations;NGOs;NGIO;ingos;INGO
  1. 论非政府间国际组织的国际法律地位

    New Theory of Government On the International Legal Position of the NGOs

  2. 另一方面,非政府间国际组织的建立与发展,自下而上地主动导向世界的多层次、广泛联系,为全球化的进一步深入提供了新的动力。

    The other is that the formation and development of non governmental organizations supply with new energy to the further through going of globalization .

  3. 随着经济全球化和国际社会的进一步发展,必须对个人、跨国公司和非政府间国际组织等非国家实体的国际法主体地位加以考虑。

    With the further development of global economic and international society , we must think over the individual , multinational corporation and the non-governmental organization as the subject of international law .

  4. 最后,在国际社会的大舞台上,国际奥委会为了使奥林匹克运动能真正地融入国际社会,分别与政府间国际组织和非政府间国际组织、跨国公司都建立了联系。

    Lastly , in international societies , IOC established relationships respectively with governmental international organizations and non governmental organizations and transnational corporations in order to let Olympic movement truly blend in international societies .

  5. 但教育社团的民间性质局限其只与非政府间国际教育组织发生联系。

    But the civil property of educational societies and groups had restricted them only to connect with non-governmental international educational organizations .