
  • 网络niche;leakey;Market Niche
  1. 你得去找到利基(niche),制作出优秀的网站并寻找客户。

    You need to find a niche and make a really good websites to find clients .

  2. 摩根大通进入信用担保公司和信托公司领域,实施的是一种利基策略(nichestrategy),在某种程度上来说是顺势而为。

    In pursuing its niche strategy involving credit guarantee firms and trust companies , JPMorgan is to some extent making a virtue out of necessity .

  3. PC市场在规模化市场之外还有许多新兴的利基市场,例如为建筑师和设计师服务的专门市场。

    Out of the mass market for PCs there ultimately emerged some niches , such as the specialist market for architects and designers .

  4. 超便携个人电脑体型小,重量轻,具备很强的连接功能,售价在2000美元或更高,投入市场几年来一直属于利基产品(nicheproduct)。

    UMPCs are small , light computers with strong connectivity features that can cost US $ 2,000 or more and have remained a niche product after several years in the market .

  5. 英国其它小型出版商如profilebooks和quadrillepublishing也同样成功找到了有利可图的利基市场,并成功地从事图书出口业务。

    Other small UK publishers such as profile books or quadrille publishing have been similarly successful in finding a profitable niche and exporting books .

  6. ABC公司为一家从事投影仪替换灯泡的新创贸易公司,凭借其敏锐的利基市场嗅觉,获致初期的成功。

    ABC Corporation is a new entrepreneurial venture in the projector replacement lamp market , and has tasted some early success due to its niche market sense .

  7. 分析师表示,与神州数码的协议标志着一次重要的转变,它将令RIM公司从其在中国的传统市场公司利基领域扩张至更广阔的消费者市场。

    Analysts said that the Digital China deal was an important shift , allowing RIM to expand beyond its traditional corporate niche in China to the broader consumer market .

  8. 根据研究机构尼尔森(nielsen)的数据,流媒体服务仍是一个利基领域,只有不到6%的人在使用。

    Streaming services are still a niche area , used by fewer than 6 per cent of people , according to Nielsen , the research group .

  9. 尽管eharmony直到五年之后才出现,但它开发了自己的利基市场。

    Although eHarmony did not arrive until five years later , it developed its own niche .

  10. 在清洁产品中,利基产品例如不锈钢专用清洁剂和木地板清洁皂的销售有所下滑,因为家庭开始选择使用多功能的Cif清洁剂。

    In the cleaning aisles , sales of niche products such as specialist stainless steel cleaners and soaps for wood floors are declining as families opt for multi-purpose Cif cleaners .

  11. 以便专注于Yellowberry的运营。格拉塞进入大学后可能会学习商科,不过她已经成功实现了大多数MBA毕业生们的梦想:她发现了一个未得到满足的利基市场,设计了具有针对性的产品来满足市场需求。

    While Grassell may study business when she gets to college , she has already managed to do something that most MBAs dream of : She identified an unfulfilled niche in the marketplace and designed a specifically targeted product to fulfill the demand .

  12. 他转而关注于规模太小、中国人不感兴趣的利基领域:他为农业和建筑车辆生产定制轮胎(共2000个型号),供应给卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)等跨国企业。

    Instead , he focuses on niches that are too small to be of interest to them : he makes customised tyres ( 2,000 models in all ) for agricultural and construction vehicles , supplying multinationals such as Caterpillar .

  13. 他转而关注于规模太小、中国人不感兴趣的“利基”领域:他为农业和建筑车辆生产定制轮胎(共2000个型号),供应给卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)等跨国企业。

    Instead , he focuses on niches that are too small to be of interest to them : he makes customised tyres ( 2000 models in all ) for agricultural and construction vehicles , supplying multinationals such as Caterpillar .

  14. 目前,投资者可以利用ETF,查看跨资产类别、地理位置和利基领域的各类市场&从美国医保股到纳米技术股,到比利时股市等所有领域。

    ETFs are now available for investors to take a view on markets ranging across asset classes , geographies and niche areas – everything from US healthcare stocks to nanotechnology shares to the Belgian stock market .

  15. 这位曾担任律师的心理治疗师在纽约翠贝卡区(Tribeca)工作,他开拓了一个专门针对法律人士的利基市场;

    Based in Tribeca , New York , the former lawyer is a psychotherapist who has carved out a niche seeing clients from the legal profession ;

  16. 他预测,由于点击能否转化成消费者的购买行为取决于诸多因素,比如广告商网站的使用方便程度,因此PPA模式将会成为一种利基。

    Pay-per-action will be a niche , he predicts , since converting a click into an action depends on a variety of factors such as the ease of use of the advertiser 's website .

  17. 站在一间布满电视屏幕的房间里,百视通(bestv)首席执行官李怀宇对于能够在数字世界中找到自己的利基市场颇感自豪。

    Standing in a room full of television screens , Li Huaiyu is proud of finding his niche in the digital world .

  18. 波恩西盟帕特内咨询公司(simon-kucher&partners)的董事长赫尔曼西蒙(hermannsimon)表示,依赖于强调创新,有能力生产其它制造商几乎无法媲美的范围相对狭窄的利基产品,也将是非常重要的。

    An ability to make products in relatively narrow niches that few others can match , backed by an emphasis on innovation , will also be important , says Hermann Simon , chairman of simon-kucher & partners , a Bonn consultancy .

  19. 在中国,ErnoLaszlo仍然是一个利基品牌,但近年来由于其高品质的产品,它已经积累了少量的忠实粉丝。

    In China , Erno Laszlo is still a niche brand , but it has accumulated a small number of loyal fans in recent years because of its high-quality products .

  20. 相反,这笔26.5亿美元、刚果民主共和国(DRC)历史上最大规模的私人投资,旨在确保中国的钴供应。钴曾是一种利基原材料,如今对研发电动汽车电池至关重要。

    The $ 2.65bn deal , the biggest private investment in the Democratic Republic of Congo 's history , is instead designed to secure China 's supplies of cobalt , a once niche raw material that is crucial to developing batteries for electric cars .

  21. 在伦敦上市将为PTG的进一步收购提供来自欧洲投资者的资金。PTG拥有Holroyd和Binns&Berry,这些脆弱的英国机床制造商在机床行业重要的利基领域拥有牢固的地位。

    The idea of listing in London would be to provide cash from European investors for further acquisitions by PTG , which owns Holroyd and Binns & Berry , venerable UK machine tool makers with strong positions in important niches of the business .

  22. 哪些类或市场利基产业可以更好的服务?

    What market category or niche could our industry better service ?

  23. 有机纺织品行业的创新与利基市场理论研究

    A Theoretical Study of Innovation and Niche Market in Organic Textile

  24. 他在玩具市场替自己找到一个利基。

    He found a niche for himself in the toy market .

  25. 因为这算是一个利基市场

    Because it is a bit of a niche market ,

  26. 与食品杂货不同,手工食品通常被认为是一个利基市场。

    Unlike groceries , artisanal foods are generally considered a niche market .

  27. 预设看起来明明不错,但“大店家”是个利基市场。

    It looks really good but Big Boss is a niche product .

  28. 利基营销:中小企业制胜的法宝

    Niche : the Magic Key to Subdue for the Medium-sized and Small Enterprises

  29. 我们都知道我们是充满激情,但不可否认利基社区。

    We all know that we are a passionate but admittedly niche community .

  30. 南极假日游是一个利基市场。

    Holidays in the Antarctic be a niche market .