
  • 网络arid land geography
  1. 《干旱区地理》1991~1995年载文的统计与分析

    Statistics and Analysis on the papers published in " Arid Land Geography " from 1991 to 1995

  2. 干旱区地理学是研究干旱区地理环境及其改造利用的科学。

    Arid Land Geography is the science of studying geographical environment in arid land and its reform and utilization .

  3. 中国干旱区地理水文研究概述

    A comprehensive review of the research on hydrography in arid lands in China

  4. 干旱区自然地理条件特殊性,是干旱区利会经济发展的重要制约因素。

    The arid area physical geography condition particularity is the arid area social economy development important restriction factor .

  5. 西北内陆干旱区的地理环境封闭,水系统独立,水资源稀缺,生态环境脆弱敏感。

    The inland arid area in northwestern China is characterized by a close geographical environment , independent water resources system , scarce water resources and vulnerable environment .

  6. 受干旱区自然地理、人口发展与分布等特殊条件的制约,酒泉、嘉峪关地域城镇系统的空间规模结构呈现中小市镇、多中心的特征。

    The article stresses two key factors : the characteristics of the physical geography and the population of arid land , with which to analyse the spatial scale structure of the city town system in the Jiuquan Jiayuguan region , hoping to obtain some law cognition .

  7. 中国干旱半干旱区地理信息资源开发利用初探

    Study on geographic information resources in arid and semiarid regions of China

  8. 西北地区属于自然地理区域的干旱区,其地理特殊性决定了生态环境的特殊性与敏感性。

    The northwest region is the drought area of physical geographic regions of china . Its specialties decide the specialties and sensibility of ecologic environment .

  9. 由此认为加强我国干旱半干旱区地理环境建设,不仅对该区域而且对全国的可持续发展均具有重要的战略意义,并提出进行地理环境建设的基本措施。

    It is very important for China to strengthening the geographical environmental construction in the arid and semiarid area , and some measures should be adopted .

  10. 针对西部干旱区特殊的地理环境和经济结构,将水资源总量和生态环境因子引入可持续度模型。

    Aiming the special geographical environment and economic structure in the west arid area , total amount of water resources factor and ecological environment factor are introduced to the sustainable development model .

  11. 中国干旱区形成的古地理过程

    Paleogeographical processes in the formation of Ch in a arid land

  12. 绿洲是干旱区人民生存发展的基地,其发展变化一直是干旱区生态地理过程和人类活动研究的核心。

    Oasis is survival and development base of the people in arid area . Its changes have been the core research of biogeographic processes and human activities .

  13. 绿洲是干旱区山地、荒漠和绿洲这三大系统之一,是干旱区特有的地理景观。

    Oasis is one of the three systems , mountains , desert and oasis in arid region . It is a special geographic landscape .