
  • 网络Tropical Geography
  1. 热带地理第26卷(2006年)总目次

    TROPICAL GEOGRAPHY Vol.26 ( 2006 ) Contents

  2. 从史前考古论中国热带地理环境的相对稳定性

    The stability of geographic environment in tropical China on the basis of Prehistoric Archaeology

  3. 第二个问题有关热带雨林的地理位置。

    The second question concerned the geographical location of rainforests .

  4. 我国东部热带地区植被地理及大农业发展的方针

    The vegetation geography and developmental policy of agriculture in eastern tropical China

  5. 总之,雅鲁藏布江河谷地区特殊的地形和地貌以及与其他热带地区的地理隔离是造成丝须蒟蒻薯在这一地区遗传多样性极低的可能原因。

    The extremely low genetic diversity in Brahmaputra populations was probably due to the unique landforms and vicariance of the Brahmaputra valley .

  6. 初步分析了江西种子植物区系热带性属的地理分布式样及其区系特征,将本省热带性种子植物465属划归为6种地理分布式样和7种间断分布式样。

    This paper studies the geological distribution patterns and their floristic characters of the tropical genera of spermatophyte flora in Jiangxi province . Four hundreds and sixty five tropical genera can be divided into 6 distribution patterns and 7 disjuncted distribution patterns .