
  • 网络Geographical Research;geography research;Geographical Studies
  1. 我国粮食播种面积变化的地理研究

    The geographical research for change of grain sowing acreage in China

  2. 我国人均粮食变化的地理研究

    Geographical research on change of grain per capita in China

  3. 外资在华ICT产业R&D活动的地理研究

    The Geographical Study of Foreign ICT Industry 's R & D Activities in China

  4. 细胞自动机(CA)现已成为城市地理研究的重要模拟实验工具,有人甚至认为它是21世纪的新的范型。

    Cellular automata ( CA ) have become important methods as a kind of modeling experiment tools for geographical researches , and will probably be , as M.Batty pointed out , a paradigm for the 21st century .

  5. 国际服务贸易&国际贸易地理研究的新领域

    International Service Trade : A New Sub-field of International Trade Geography

  6. 关于云南文化地理研究的几点思考

    A Few Considerations on the Study of Cultural Geography in Yunnan

  7. 中国省藤属(棕榈科)区系地理研究

    Floristic Geography of Calamus ( Palmae : Calamoideae ) in China

  8. 化学地理研究的回顾,近期进展和瞻望

    Retrospect , current development , and prospect of chemical geography research

  9. 长江三峡人文地理研究的回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect about Geography Researches of Yangtze Three Gorges Area

  10. 中国地理研究性教学方法的探索

    Probing into the Research Teaching Method of " Chinese Geography "

  11. 赛博空间技术支撑及在城市地理研究中的应用

    The supporting technique of cyberspace and using in urban geographic researching

  12. 华南12个自然保护区鱼类区系及动物地理研究

    The fishes fauna and biogeography of 12 nature reserves in South China

  13. 广西十万大山地区兽类区系及动物地理研究初报

    Studies on Mammal Fauna of Shiwan Mountain Region , Guangxi

  14. 北京城市边缘交通事故地理研究

    The geographical study on traffic accident in the city fringe of Beijing

  15. 农业区域开发与建设地理研究

    The Development of Agricultural Region and Research of Con-structive Geography

  16. 20世纪50年代以来中国综合自然地理研究进展

    Review and prospects : integrated physical geography in China since the 1950s

  17. 甲骨文与殷人景观地理研究刍议

    Research on Oracle Bone Inscription and landscape of Yin Dynasty

  18. 她正在做这一地区的地理研究。

    She is making a geographical study of this area .

  19. 医学地理研究进展与展望

    A process and the prospects for the medical geographic study

  20. 集团异化与国家地理研究的理论思考

    Group alienation and theoretical thinking of national geography study

  21. 农业是区域历史地理研究的一个重点。

    Agriculture is one of the focal point of regional historical geography study .

  22. 社会不公平问题的地理研究

    Geographical Studies on Social Inequality in China : An Important but Overlooked Issue

  23. 农村聚落地理研究&以江苏省为例

    The geographic study of rural settlements & taking Jiangsu Province as an example

  24. 开辟了历史农业地理研究的新领域;

    Opened up a new field in the research of historical agricultural geography ;

  25. 校本课程下地理研究性学习的探究

    The Exploration of Geographical Project Learning in School-base Curriculum

  26. 中国城市地理研究的若干问题:海外学者的观点

    Urban geography of china : views of oversea scholars

  27. 双核型空间结构模式及其在世界地理研究中的应用

    Two-core spatial structure model and its application in the research of world geography

  28. 南太行&中条山植物区系地理研究

    Study on the floristic geography in South taihang-zhongtiao mountain

  29. 德语国家休闲与旅游地理研究的回顾与进展

    Geography of Leisure and Tourism Research in the German-speaking Countries Retrospect and Perspective

  30. 唐前期河西军事地理研究

    Military and Geographic Research of He-xi in the Early Stage of Tang Dynasty