
  1. 在整个采访过程中,记者忙不迭地记个不停。

    Throughout the interview the journalists scribbled away furiously .

  2. 我把今天早上律师念的一字不差地记了下来。

    I copied it down the way my lawyer read it to me this morning .

  3. 人们都在全神贯注地记笔记。

    The audience is all concentrating with rapt attention on taking notes .

  4. 她专心听着,把他说的话一字不漏地记下来。

    She listened attentively and set down every word he said .

  5. 比尔·杰克逊(BillJackson)是斯卡斯代尔新的数学教练之一,在观摩一堂四年级数学课时,他紧张地记着笔记。

    Bill Jackson , one of Scarsdale 's new math coaches , scribbled notes the other day as he watched a fourth-grade math class .

  6. 他们翻阅着SignetClassic出版社的平装版《第十二夜》(TwelfthNight)紧张地记着笔记。复习第一幕时,他们自然而然地明白了,伊利里亚公爵奥西诺(Orsino)着迷于奥丽维娅(Olivia)。

    Flipping through their Signet Classic paperbacks and scribbling notes , they reviewed the first act of " Twelfth Night , " intuitively understanding that Orsino , Duke of Illyria , had become obsessed with Olivia .

  7. 元素和集合之间的关系在Cantor集合中只有属于和不属于两种,当所谓的集合自身的概念含糊不清时,某些元素就不能被单纯地记为属于或是不属于这个集合。

    There are only two kinds of relations between the elements of the cantor set and the cantor set including belonging or not belonging to . But when the concept of the set itself is ambiguous , some elements cannot be simply regarded as belonging to the set .

  8. 奥利弗太太在电话记事簿上简单地记了一笔。

    Mrs Oliver made a brief note on the telephone pad .

  9. 尼德·兰老朋友,好吧,请您听我说,情您好好地记下来吧!

    All right , listen and learn , Ned my friend !

  10. 于是,我便牢牢地记在了心中。

    Therefore , I have firmly in mind at the heart .

  11. 拼命地记单词,好希望时间多点。

    I hope I would have more time to learn more words .

  12. 我们都知道历史要牢牢地记在心里面。

    We all know the history should be kept in our minds .

  13. 他们已经把他的演讲逐字逐句地记了下来。

    They have written down his speech word for word .

  14. 我要保持自己冷静,并清楚地记。

    I have to keep myself cooling and clearly mind .

  15. 他把一切开支都仔细地记下来。

    He kept a careful record of all expenses .

  16. 思嘉心酸地记及方丹老太太跟她的那次谈话。

    Scarlett recalled bitterly her conversation with grandma fontaine .

  17. 且他们会仔细地记下你的姓名。

    And they 'll write down your name carefully .

  18. 大一新生:上课时一丝不苟地记四色笔记。

    Freshman : Takes meticulous four-color notes in class .

  19. 警察仔细地记下了详情。

    The policeman wrote down the details carefully .

  20. 但是砝码认真地记下了他们对他说的话。

    But Jordan Farmar listened , intently , to what they said to him .

  21. 有了计算机的帮助,人们可以快速地记单词。

    With the help of a computer , one can remember English words fast .

  22. 历史会公正地记下他们的功绩。

    Their efforts will be remembered by history .

  23. 我希望我能用日记详细地记下这段中国时光。

    I now wish I had kept a detailed dairy of my time in China .

  24. 我不过把这些了不起的男女青年战士的话筒单地记了下来。

    I simply wrote down what I was told by the extraordinary young men and women .

  25. 孩子们发狂地记着笔记。

    The boys scribbled like mad .

  26. 我不太聪明,我会焦急地记着笔记,

    I wasn 't all that smart , and I would be scrambling , taking notes ,

  27. 我可以清楚地记着。

    I can remember clearly .

  28. 他们搜查时,在笔记本上详细地记下了他们找到的所有的东西。

    As they searched , they wrote down in a notebook details of all the things they found .

  29. 这个学生把教授的话牢牢地记在心里,从此努力学习。

    The student laid to heart what the professor told him and has been working hard ever since .

  30. 杨素莲依然清楚地记着,她发现倩倩那天,倩倩还是襁褓中的婴儿。

    Yang still vividly remembers the day she found Qianqian , still a baby swaddled in a blanket .