
  • 网络carbonate compensation depth;CCD
  1. 碳酸盐补偿深度也是南部的较深,南部为3600m上下,而北部在3400m上下。

    The CCD is 3 600 m deep in the southern area , and 3 400 m deep in the northern one .

  2. 碳酸盐补偿深度(C.C.D)及溶跃面是海洋学中两个重要界线。

    Carbonate compensation depth ( C.C.D. ) and lysocline are two important boundaries in oceanography .

  3. 弧前复理石至少可细分为三个巨层序,从宽阔而切割较深的粗粒水道充填物开始,而以半远洋泥灰岩(沉积于碳酸盐补偿深度CCD之上)和黑色页岩告终。

    The forearc flysch may be subdivided into at least three mega-sequences , which begin with wide and relatively deeply cut , coarse-grained channel fills and end with hemipelagic marls ( deposited above the CCD ) and dark shales .

  4. Ⅰ层内钙质超微化石的缺失可能与白垩纪末期碳酸盐补偿深度的骤然变化有关。

    The absence of calcareous nannofossils in layer ⅰ may be related to the abrupt changes of carbonate compensation depth ( CCD ) in the late Cretaceous .