
  • 网络capital flow;fund flow;money flow;flow of funds;flow of money
  1. 由于我们更谨慎的关注资金流向,我们不争最高的价格。

    Because we are more cautious about money flow , we do not compete for the highest bid .

  2. 不过,不仅资金流向指标仍为正值,而且1180点位是一个强有力的支撑,不会很快跌破。

    However , not only that Money Flow measure remains positive , the1180 level is too big to fall out quickly .

  3. 引发全球金融危机的银行获得了数十亿美元,只有一小部分资金流向了房主和银行掠夺性放贷行为的受害者。

    The banks that brought on the global financial crisis got billions while a tiny bit went to the homeowners and victims of the same banks ' predatory lending practices .

  4. 美联储编制的《资金流向报告》(FlowofFundsAccount)表明,截至2012年年底,金融机构存款总额为10.6万亿美元。

    The Fed 's Flow of Funds Account indicates that total deposits in financial institutions were $ 10.6tn at the end of 2012 .

  5. 因此,私人银行investecprivatebank相信,能“准确把握主权财富基金动向及其资金流向”的投资者有大量投资机会。

    So Investec private bank believes there are significant opportunities for investors who " keep their finger on the pulse of sovereign wealth funds and their flow of money " .

  6. 近几年,越来越多的资金流向上市交易基金(ETF)和其他倾向于跟踪指数表现的基金。

    In the past few years , more and more money has been going into ETFs and other funds that tend to track indexes .

  7. 人们批评危机之前证券化市场中的许多无节制行为,认为它们导致资金流向了那些几乎没有可能偿款的家庭。IMF对旨在遏制这种行为的努力表示了欢迎,但暗示目前的一些提议过于严苛。

    The fund welcomed efforts to tame many of the pre-crisis excesses in securitisation markets , which have been blamed for allowing money to flow to households with little chance of paying it back , but signalled that current proposals were too draconian .

  8. 默比乌斯补充称:将有更多资金流向这些市场,因为全球投资者开始意识到,新兴市场的增长比发达市场快3倍,而且外汇储备更多,债务占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例也更低。

    Even more money will be directed into these markets as investors around the world are beginning to realise that emerging markets are growing three times faster than developed markets , [ and ] have more foreign reserves and lower debt-to-GDP ratios than developed markets , Mobius added .

  9. 过去3个月的投资者行为遵循了风险缩减的典型模式,资金流向了被视为是最安全的资产,即g3(指美国、欧盟和日本)政府债券。

    Investor behaviour in the past three months has followed a typical pattern of risk reduction , with capital flows into what are perceived to be the safest assets i.e. G3 government bonds .

  10. SunriseCapital投资经理斯坦顿(ChrisStanton)称,似乎美国正带动全球走出衰退,而这将自然而然地使资金流向美元。SunriseCapital总部位于加州,管理的资产规模约为3亿美元。

    ' It looks like the U.S. is leading the world out of recession , ' said Chris Stanton , portfolio manager at Sunrise Capital , a California-based fund managing about $ 300 million . ' This will naturally lead to a flow of money into the dollar . '

  11. 第四部分为资金流向分析法。

    The fourth part is the basic content of Capital-flow Analysis .

  12. 存在交易费用条件下的资金流向

    The Direction of Capital Flow Where Transaction Costs Are Required

  13. 金融市场的不规范对商业银行资金流向产生误导;

    Irregular financial market mislead the flow of commercial banks ;

  14. 资金流向发展中国家问题独立小组;

    Independent group on financial flows to developing countries ;

  15. 我觉得中国不让资金流向朝鲜才是真的蠢。

    I think China is foolish for not pumping money into North Korea .

  16. 越来越多的资金流向了更少的风投公司。

    More dollars are flowing to fewer firms .

  17. 第二,资金流向明确。

    Secondly , capital flows is clear .

  18. 这个原因直接影响到开发商的资金流向和招商、运营工作。

    This challenge also affected capital flows , investment and operation of the developers directly .

  19. 利用结算中心控制企业资金流向

    Control enterprise cash flow through settlement centre

  20. 从资金流向角度而言,这一过程就是中国进行资本输入的过程。

    From the perspective of capital flows , this process is the process of capital input .

  21. 塞浦路斯危机发生以来,避险资金流向美元的步伐可能有所加快。

    It is a fair bet that flight into dollars has accelerated since the Cyprus crisis .

  22. 资金流向迅即逆转。

    Flows slammed into reverse .

  23. 但是,即使假定多数资金流向正当去处,也有许多值得担忧的理由。

    But even assuming that most has gone where intended , there are many reasons to worry .

  24. 更为严重的是,农村金融机构成了农村资金流向城市的重要渠道。

    Moreover , rural financial organizations have become a bridge of cash flow from suburb to city .

  25. 全球储蓄资金流向美国,造成了全球实际利率偏低和美国消费旺盛的局面。

    The flow of savings to the US fosters low worldwide real interest rates and high US consumption .

  26. 首先,我们甚至没有适当的统计制度,以记录资金流向数据。

    To start with , there is not even an adequate statistical framework to capture capital flow data .

  27. 美国利率下调导致大量资金流向这些经济体,从而引发了汇率波动。

    The lower US interest rates are causing a substantial capital flow to those economies , creating currency volatility .

  28. 关于资金流向发展中国家的制度,包括国际债务战略演变情况的会议

    Conference on the System of Financial Flows to Developing Countries , including the Evolution of the International Debt Strategy

  29. 优化投资测算模型,引导投资方向和调节资金流向;

    Further , the investment calculation model ought to be optimized to channel the investment direction and flow of funds ;

  30. 从顾客需求,商品销售排面,到资金流向,再到市场反馈,家乐福都给予中小供应商提供免费咨询服务。

    Carrefour offered these SMEs free consultation , including the customers'needs , layout of products , flow of funds and market feedback .