
yǔ máo
  • feather;plume;pinion;pinna;honer;indumentum
羽毛 [yǔ máo]
  • (1) [plume;feather]∶鸟类的毛

  • (2) [honer]∶鸟羽和兽毛,比喻人的名誉

羽毛[yǔ máo]
  1. 顽皮的紫色鹦鹉啄粉红色鹦鹉的羽毛。

    The playful purple parrot pecked the pink parrot 's plume .

  2. 头盔顶部用作装饰的羽毛。

    A plume used as decoration on top of a helmet .

  3. 母鸟抖开羽毛孵蛋。

    The female sat on the eggs , fluffing out her feathers .

  4. 垫子撕破了,羽毛掉得到处都是。

    The cushion split open and sent feathers everywhere .

  5. 她的帽子嵌着羽毛,帽檐很宽,真是件奇物。

    Her hat was an amazing affair with feathers and a huge brim .

  6. 鸭子的羽毛不沾水。

    A duck 's feathers shed water immediately .

  7. 这只鸟竖起了羽毛。

    The bird ruffled up its feathers .

  8. 很少有鸟类会在镜头面前梳理自己的羽毛。

    Rare birds preen themselves right in front of your camera .

  9. 燕雀大约在12个星期大小的时候开始换羽毛。

    Finches start to moult at around twelve weeks of age .

  10. 我用胶带把羽毛的根部粘在了天鹅绒上。

    I taped the base of the feather onto the velvet

  11. 它全身的羽毛突然竖了起来,胀得鼓鼓的。

    Its body plumage suddenly began to ruffle and swell .

  12. 她将羽毛笔在墨水里蘸了一下,随后开始书写。

    She dipped a quill in ink , then began to write .

  13. 很多雄鸟进化出鲜艳的羽毛是为了吸引雌鸟。

    The bright plumage of many male birds has evolved to attract females

  14. 她脖子上围着一条粉色长羽毛围巾。

    She wore a large pink boa around her neck .

  15. 这只公鸡胸部羽毛呈浅栗色,带有白色细条纹。

    The cock 's breast is tinged with chestnut .

  16. 美洲印第安人在举行仪式时用到各种羽毛。

    Feathers of various kinds are used by Native Americans for ceremonial purposes .

  17. 只见亮闪闪的蓝色羽毛一闪,一只松鸦从刺柏丛中钻了出来。

    A jay emerged from the juniper bush in a flash of blue feathers .

  18. 叶子如羽毛般轻软柔和。

    The foliage was soft and feathery .

  19. 进来了3匹饰有羽毛的马。

    Three plumed horses entered .

  20. 这只鸟有着绚丽的羽毛。

    This bird has feathers of gorgeous colours .

  21. 羽毛轻盈地飘在空中。

    The feather floated lightly in the air .

  22. 两支羽毛球队打成平局。

    Two badminton teams ended in a draw .

  23. 这只小鸡很快就要长羽毛了。

    The chick will soon feather out .

  24. 羽毛飘摇落地。

    The feather wavered to the floor .

  25. 鸟羽毛的羽轴一般是中空的。

    The stem of the bird feather is usually hollow .

  26. 鹦鹉的一身华丽羽毛使人们很爱它。

    The bright plumage of a parrot made it beloved by people .

  27. 鸟翅膀上的羽毛一片压着一片。

    One feather overlaps another on a bird 's wing .

  28. 巢的底部是用羽毛和毛发铺成的。

    The bottom of the nest is laid with feathers and hairs .

  29. 圣坛用橘黄色的羽毛,菊花和金线织物装饰着。

    The altars were adorned with orange feathers , chrysanthemums and gold cloth .

  30. 麻雀在泥浴后用喙整理羽毛。

    The sparrow plumed itself after a mud bath .