
  • 网络plume;feather
  1. 天文学家也看到过较近的星系伸出的巨大的羽状物。

    Astronomers have seen gargantuan plumes of material from nearer galaxies as well .

  2. 木卫一的向阳面故意的曝光过度以显示出模糊的羽状物,同时长的曝光时间提供了木卫一被木星照亮的夜面极好景象。

    Io 's dayside was deliberately overexposed in this picture to image the faint plumes , and the long exposure also provided an excellent view of Io 's night side , illuminated by Jupiter .

  3. 提出了基于人工势场方法对化学羽状物追踪定位的实现方法。

    Propose the Artificial Potential Field ( APF ) methods for tracing and locating the chemical plume . 4 .

  4. 研究人员发现,火山灰羽状物内部的电荷活动能改变火山灰粒子集中的状态,影响它们与降雨之间的相互作用。

    The study authors note that charging can change the way the particles clump and how they interact with rain .

  5. 详细介绍了水下机器人利用基于行为的方法对化学羽状物追踪定位的过程。

    Explain in detail the process of the behavior-based planning for AUV tracing and locating the chemical plume in turbulent fluid . 3 .

  6. 根据以前的模型,电荷仅存在于火山灰羽状物的顶部和低端,那里时常发生华丽的闪电。

    Models predicted that electrical charge should be limited to the top and bottom of any ash plume , which is often the site of spectacular lightning .

  7. 覆盖着羽状物的宴会服饰可能依然是主流,但你如果想用更低调的方式穿着这种面料,就选择带有羽毛装饰而不是全羽毛面料做的衣服吧。

    Cocktail dresses covered in plumes may have staying power , but if you 're looking for a more subtle way to wear this look opt for accents instead of all over fluff .

  8. 尽管货船排放出的废气羽状物以被观察出能使云朵变白,实验人员--琳?拉塞尔仍对实验成果,云朵的白化程度感到惊讶。

    Such brightening has been observed in the exhaust plumes of cargo ships for some time , but Lynn Russell , who ran the experiment , was still surprised by how much brightening the team saw .

  9. 该金属蒸气羽状物可逆向激光束传输,对激光有明显的屏蔽作用,降低激光辐射至焊件的能量密度,影响焊接效率和质量。

    This plume can transmit through the laser beam reversely and has a significant shielding effect on the laser beam . Therefore , the laser power which should be transferred inside the weldment is decreased , the welding efficiency and welding quality are seriously affected .