
yǔ máo qiú
  • badminton;shuttlecock
羽毛球 [yǔ máo qiú]
  • (1) [badminton]∶两人或四人的球场运动用长柄轻球拍把带羽毛的球打过横跨球场中线挂的球网

  • (2) [shuttlecock]∶板羽球游戏用的球,底下是橡皮圆托,上面排列着羽毛,可以用球拍打来打去

  1. 我今晚不想打羽毛球了。

    I think I 'll give badminton a miss tonight .

  2. 打羽毛球时,我的跟腱撕裂了。

    Whilst playing badminton , I ruptured my Achilles tendon .

  3. 试试网球、羽毛球或帆板运动吧。总之,只要是有挑战性的。

    Try tennis , badminton or windsurfing . In short , anything challenging

  4. 巴纳比可能15岁了,但他动作敏捷,适合打羽毛球。

    Barnaby may be 15 , but he 's nippy and suited to badminton .

  5. 羽毛球俱乐部每周五晚上为初学者与中等水平练习者开设训练课程。

    The Badminton Club holds coaching sessions for beginners and intermediate players on Friday evenings .

  6. 什么乒乓球啊,羽毛球啊,篮球啊,他都会玩。

    He can play table tennis , badminton , basketball , anything .

  7. 他的羽毛球打得真灵光。

    He plays badminton very well .

  8. 使用这种球开展毽球或羽毛球运动,能增加运动乐趣。

    Sports pleasure can be enhanced via carrying on shuttlecock game or badminton game through the ball .

  9. 在这次羽毛球团体赛中,中国男女队双双夺杯。

    Both china 's men 's team and women 's team carried off the first prizes in the badminton championships team events .

  10. 加里和我都不擅长打羽毛球。

    Neither Gary nor I am good at playing badminton .

  11. 贝蒂和托尼可以爬树、种花甚至打羽毛球。

    Betty and Tony could climb up trees , grow flowers and even play badminton .

  12. 网球、羽毛球和放风筝等其他运动也能让疲惫的眼睛放松。

    Other sports like tennis , badminton and kite flying are also great for relaxing tired eyes .

  13. 17岁的刘雨桐也梦想着在残奥会羽毛球比赛中摘金。

    Seventeen-year-old Liu Yutong also dreams of Paralympic gold in badminton .

  14. 那年主场作战的他在中国残疾人羽毛球国际公开赛上获得三枚金牌。

    He finished the year with three golds in front of a home crowd at the China badminton International .

  15. 世界排名第一的羽毛球运动员屈子墨是这个残奥会新增项目中值得关注的选手。

    Ranked No. 1 in the world , badminton player Qu Zimo is the one to watch in this new Paralympic sport .

  16. 7月29日,中国羽毛球混双两对选手在半决赛中均战胜对手,提前锁定该项目的金银牌。

    China has ensured a one-two finish in badminton mixed doubles after two Chinese pairs beat their respective opponents in the semifinals on Thursday .

  17. 2019年,他分别获得羽毛球WH1级别男子单打和WH1-2级别男子双打世界冠军。

    The teenager had a sensational 2019 , becoming world champion in the men 's singles WH 1 and men 's doubles WH 1-2 .

  18. 乒乓球项目的比赛中,中国队最年长的运动员、56岁的赵平在2016年里约奥运会夺冠后,期待着再创佳绩。羽毛球、田径等项目成中国队冲金点

    In table tennis China 's oldest athlete Zhao Ping , 56 years old , looks to follow on his gold medal win from Rio 2016 .

  19. 世界羽毛球联合会(BadmintonWorldFederation)不应该取消那些想要夺金的运动员的资格。

    The Badminton World Federation should not have disqualified players for wanting to win gold .

  20. 2008奥运羽毛球热身馆单层网壳稳定分析的ANSYS二次开发及其应用

    Secondary development of ANSYS software and its application in single-layer reticulate shell of badminton arena for 2008 Olympic Games

  21. 现在JP每个星期都去打几次羽毛球。

    Nowadays JP plays badminton several times a week , usually in local community centres .

  22. 结果8例CT表现为结肠内偏心性软组织肿块影,其中4例见肾型或双叶型影,3例见香肠样影,2例呈羽毛球样影;

    The diagnosis was proved by operation and pathology . Results Among 8 cases CT examination , there were eccentric parenchyma masses in colon . The masses appeared reniform or bifoliate shape in 4 cases , sausage shape in 3 cases and shuttlecock shape in 2 cases .

  23. Kamala说,所有训练的长远目标就是在2016年下届奥运会上为泰国赢得一枚羽毛球金牌。

    The long-term goal from all this smashing and lobbing is to win Thailand a gold medal the next Olympics in 2016 , says Ms. Kamala .

  24. 采用心理量表(PSPP和POMS)测量的方式研究长期的羽毛球锻炼对中老年人的心境和身体自尊的影响。

    This study is focused on the effects of long-term badminton training on the mental state and self-physical esteem among milder and old aged people , by the using of PSPP and POMS .

  25. 为了鼓励健康的生活方式,NetApp总部员工拥有26000平方英尺的健身中心,其中包括一个可变为排球场、室内足球场和羽毛球场地的室内篮球馆,并提供免费的健身课程。

    To encourage a healthy lifestyle , employees at NetApp headquarters have a 26000-square-foot fitness center , with an indoor basketball gym that transforms into volleyball , indoor soccer and badminton courts , and free exercise classes .

  26. 羽毛球在高校体育教学中深受广大学生的喜爱。

    Badminton in university sports teaching deeply general student 's affection .

  27. 世界羽毛球强队女双技战术比较

    Comparison between techniques and tactics in top female double badminton teams

  28. 中国羽毛球运动员体能现状及对策研究

    Research on Chinese Badminton Players ′ Physical Readiness and the Strategy

  29. 这5条原则是羽毛球运动的根基。

    I think these five principles are the roots of badminton .

  30. 他在这次羽毛球比赛中失利了。

    He was behind the eigth ball in the badminton match .