
  • 网络China Press;china daily
  1. 戈公振(1990a)。中国报学史。上海:上海书店。

    Ge Gongzheng ( 1990a ) . The History of China Newspapers .

  2. 然而,周一中国报出的数据显示,进出口双双出现大幅下滑。澳新银行(ANZ)分析师表示,这些进出口数据意味着中国一季度年化增长率将为6.9%。

    But on Monday China reported a sharp fall in both imports and exports , which ANZ analysts said pointed to growth of 6.9 per cent .

  3. 而中国报已表示有兴趣,未达成了协议。

    While China is reported to have expressed an interest , a deal was not reached .

  4. 这只手表保用五年。(1946年6月发表于《中国报》)

    This watch is guaranteed for five years . ( Printed in Zhongguo Bao in June 1946 )

  5. 第五部分首先分析国外报网互动对中国报网互动的启示,然后分析如何实现报网的深层次互动。

    The fifth part analyses the teaching of foreign newspaper-net interaction , and how to achieve deeper newspaper-net interaction .

  6. 《中国青年报》在2010年4月进行的一项调查显示,在2072位被调查者中,有83%的人承认写字的时候会遇到“提笔忘字”的情况。

    A poll commissioned by the China Youth Daily in April 2010 found that 83 percent of the 2072 respondents admitted having problems writing characters , forgetting how to write traditional Chinese characters – literally .

  7. “中国实时报”(ChinaRealTime)栏目将陆续介绍来自中国大陆、中华台北和中国香港的运动员。

    Check back as CRT profiles athletes from China , Chinese Taipei and Hong Kong .

  8. 《中国实时报》(ChinaRealTime)不禁猜想电影院工作人员背后的心思。

    The episode left China Real Time wondering what cinema staffers might have been thinking .

  9. 艺术家考克斯基告诉《中国实时报》(ChinaRealTime)说,他先前并不知道于上周六举行的这场同志主题活动。

    Artist Mr. Cocksedge told China Real Time that he was not aware of Saturday night 's gay-themed event . '

  10. 中国实时报(ChinaRealTime)未能找到一位狗肉市场的专家来证实狗肉价格是否已创纪录新高。

    China Real Time was unable to find a dog market expert to confirm whether a new record had been set .

  11. 中国实时报(ChinaRealTime)栏目的姐妹版日本实时报(JapanRealTime)让我们有机会一睹其部分真面目。

    Thanks to China Real Time 's sister blog , Japan Real Time , we have at least a partial answer .

  12. 上周,《中国实时报》栏目(ChinaRealTime)算出了北京和上海空气质量最佳的月份。

    Last week , China Real Time did the math to figure out the best months for air quality in Beijing and Shanghai .

  13. 沈阳对外宣传办公室的一名发言人周四对《中国实时报》(ChinaRealTime)表示,有关沈阳已完全取消住房限购的报道并不属实。

    A spokesman from Shenyang 's propaganda office told China Real Time Thursday that reports that Shenyang had completely scrapped home purchase restrictions were untrue .

  14. 去年秋末,我就这个问题接受了《中国企业报》(ChinaEnterpriseNews)一位记者的采访。

    In the late fall I gave an interview to a reporter from the China Enterprise News ( CEN ) on this question .

  15. 李开复在致中国实时报(ChinaRealTime)栏目的电子邮件中说,癌症令他反思自己在职业生涯中身体健康上做出的牺牲。

    In his email to China Real Time , Mr. Lee said the cancer had made him second-guess the physical sacrifices he had made during his career .

  16. 李开复在致“中国实时报”(ChinaRealTime)栏目的电子邮件中说,癌症令他反思自己在职业生涯中身体健康上做出的牺牲。

    In his email to China Real Time , Mr. Lee said the cancer had made him second-guess the physical sacrifices he had made during his career . '

  17. 北京市公安局未立即回应《中国实时报》(ChinaRealTime)周四提出的有关肇事车辆及司机现状的问题。

    Beijing 's City Police Bureau didn 't respond immediately to questions from China Real Time Thursday about the condition of the car , or of its driver .

  18. (我们还没有时间在中国实时报(ChinaRealTime)栏目实验室中测试这个方法,所以不能保证这招有效。

    ( We haven 't had time to test this approach in China Real Time 's lab facilities , so we can 't vouch for its efficacy . )

  19. 《中国青年报》(ChinaYouthDaily)对所谓的拜“金”主义提出质疑,并称羽球赛场丑闻刺痛奥运神经。

    China Youth Daily questioned what it called China 's gold obsession and how the scandal has ' pricked the Olympic nerves . '

  20. 《华尔街日报》“中国实时报”(ChinaRealTime)栏目在上海长宁区婚姻登记处采访的一名工作人员说,到该机构申请离婚的人数出现增长。

    At the Changning district marriage registration center in Shanghai , staff saw an increase in the number of people applying for divorces , according to a staffer interviewed by China Real Time . '

  21. 《中国证券报》(ChinaSecuritiesJournal)的报道显示,前半年信托公司在地产领域的投资约为2078亿人民币(324亿美元)。

    The China Securities Journal reported that trusts invested about RMB 207.8 billion ( $ 32.4 billion ) in the property market in the first half of the year .

  22. 中国证券报:受经济大环境的影响,IPO也暂时停止。

    Chinese negotiable securities signs up for : Suffer the effect of economic big environment , IPO also intermit .

  23. 1973年负责建立美国驻华联络处的卜大卫(DavidBruce)就有75岁高龄,但中国实时报(ChinaRealTime)认为当时的空气至少要略微干净一些。

    David Bruce was 75 when he set up the U.S. Liaison Office in Beijing in 1973 -- though China Real Time assumes the air was at least slightly cleaner then .

  24. 此外,《中国证券报》(ChinaSecuritiesJournal)上周援引未具名消息人士的话称,中国政府正在探讨养老金税收优惠政策,可能将于今年晚些时候在上海进行试点。

    In addition , the government is studying tax breaks for pension funds and may introduce a trial program in Shanghai later this year , the China Securities Journal reported last week , citing unnamed sources .

  25. 《中国青年报》(ChinaYouthDaily)最近一项调查发现,多数观众是抱着了解“育儿之道”的想法收看这档节目的,只有25.9%的人是冲着“明星家庭的隐私”去观看的。

    A recent survey by China Youth Daily found that most viewers watch the show for what they can learn about how to raise balanced children - and only a quarter watch it for a peek at celebrity family life .

  26. 根据官方的《中国证券报》(ChinaSecuritiesJournal)的数据,周四大约有457家公司的股票被停牌,停牌的表面原因是等待进一步公告。不过,许多人怀疑这么做的真实动机是阻止股价进一步下跌。

    Some 457 companies suspended trading of their shares on Thursday , ostensibly because of pending announcements , according to data compiled by the official China Securities News , though many suspect the real motive was to prevent further share-price losses .

  27. 官方的《中国证券报》(chinasecuritiesjournal)形容钢铁行业为“重灾区”,80%的上市钢材生产商警告称,它们的业绩将逊于预测。

    The China Securities Journal , an official newspaper , described the steel industry as the " main disaster zone " in the downturn , with 80 per cent of listed steel producers warning that their results will be worse than forecast .

  28. 网上对杨达才所说内容的怀疑在周四进一步发酵。从当天网民新上传的图片来看,杨达才除了已经承认的那些,似乎还戴过另外四五块手表。“中国实时报”(ChinaRealTime)栏目无法验证这些照片的真实性。

    Doubts about Mr. Yang 's story swelled further on Thursday , when Internet users posted new images that appeared to show him wearing as many as four or five additional watches beyond those he 'd admitted to buying , though China Real Time could not verify the authenticity of those photos .

  29. 《中国实时报》希望获得与此相关的更多信息,但CCTV和广电总局均未回复记者的置评请求。

    China Real Time likes a bit more proof than that . But CCTV didn 't respond to request for comment . China 's broadcast regulators also didn 't respond .

  30. 不过根据中国汽车报的说法,IG的续航里程应比Nano短,因为相比Nano中广泛试验塑料,IG更多采用钢铁车身。

    Gas mileage should consequently be lower than the Nano 's , reports the China Car Times , also owing to the car 's steel body versus the Nano 's extensive use of plastic .