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  • feather fan
羽扇 [yǔ shàn]
  • [feather fan] 用鸟羽制成的扇子

羽扇[yǔ shàn]
  1. 土壤pH值对多叶羽扇豆生长发育的影响

    Effect of pH of Soil on Growth and Developing of Lupinus polyphylla

  2. 玉米和羽扇豆、鹰嘴豆间作对作物吸收积累Pb、Cd的影响

    Absorption and accumulation of Pb , Cd by corn , lupin and chickpea in intercropping systems

  3. 羽扇豆种间遗传差异AFLP分析

    Analysis of Genetic Difference Between Species in Lupins by AFLP

  4. b值以羽扇豆皮和啤酒糟最高,其次是酒精粕、麦芽皮和芝麻粕,木炭最低。

    For " b ", Lupine hull and Brewers ` grain were the highest , then Distillers grain , Malt hull and Sesame oil meal , Quercus charcoal was the lowest .

  5. 同时,还讨论了不同分隔/间作方式对羽扇豆和鹰嘴豆Pb、Cd含量的影响。

    The changes in concentrations of Pb and Cd in lupin and chickpea plants under different intercropping systems and different separation modes were also discussed .

  6. 目的探讨香加皮羽扇豆烷乙酸酯(CPLA)对人外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)来源的树突状细胞(DC)在体外分化成熟及免疫活性的影响。

    AIM : To investigate the effect of lupane acetate of cortex periplocae ( CPLA ) on the differentiation , maturation and immune activity of human peripheral blood mononuclear cell ( PBMC ) - derived dendritic cells ( DCs ) in vitro .

  7. 目前乙型肝炎病毒的转基因食用疫苗研究已有很大进展,HBsAg基因导入烟草、马铃薯、羽扇豆和莴苣、花生等植物中,有关HBsAg基因导入草莓中的研究未见报道。

    Up to now , the study of edible HB vaccine produced by transgenic plant has been proved to be possible and practical since HBsAg gene has been transformed into tobacco , potato , lupine callus , lettuce and peanut etc. But there is no report in strawberry yet .

  8. 目的:羽扇豆醇(Lupeol)广泛存在于蔬果等天然食物中,具有抗肿瘤活性,但其本身又有一定免疫抑制作用。

    Objective : Lupeol , widely found in fruits and vegetables and other natural foods , has anti-tumor activity , as well as immune inhibitory function .

  9. 她的头低着,眼睛看着手中的威尼斯鹰羽扇。

    She looked down at her Viennese fan of eagle feathers .

  10. 由于来源于天然食物,羽扇豆醇几乎没有毒性。

    As derived from natural food , Lupeol showed almost no toxicity .

  11. 作者:尤小宁,转载请署名招贴以羽扇为“智慧”的诠释展开创作。

    Poster with lupine as the " intelligent " interpretation of start writing .

  12. 不同羽扇豆锰吸收差异及其机制探讨

    Research on Differences of Manganese Uptake in Different Lupine Species and Its Mechanism

  13. 羽扇豆碱类型。

    ( 3 ) the lup a nine type .

  14. 缺磷白羽扇豆根系分泌物收集方法的比较研究

    Comparative studies on methods of collecting root exudates from phosphorus deficient white lupin

  15. 羽扇豆属的任何一种植物;花通常蓝紫色,直立总状花序。

    Any plant of the genus Lupin ; bearing erect spikes of usually purplish-blue flowers .

  16. 在美国加利福尼亚州的约塞米蒂国家公园,一只瓢虫正在一株野生羽扇豆的叶子上散步。

    Bailey A ladybug walks along a wild lupine leaf in California 's Yosemite National Park .

  17. 多叶羽扇豆的引种栽培

    Introduction and Culture of Washington Lupin

  18. 羽扇豆蛋白作为&种新型蛋白资源,在食品中具有很高的开发利用价值。

    Lupin has very high value of development and research as a new kind of protein sources .

  19. 不知什么原因,所有的物种都是紫蓝色的:羽扇豆,蓝眼草,蒲公英,龙胆草。

    For some reason every species is blue-violet : lupine , blue-eyed grass , thistle , gentian .

  20. 通过对羽扇豆种子注入不同种类和浓度的离子,研究了不同离子对羽扇豆当代生长发育的影响。

    The growth and development of Lupinus polyphyllus seeds with different ion at different dosage implanted were studied .

  21. 结果表明:(1)缺磷能够诱导白羽扇豆根系产生大量排根,根系的有机酸分泌量也明显增加。

    The results showed : 1 . More proteoid roots were induced by P deficiency stress in white lupin .

  22. 尧派遣舜征讨时,舜只用舞蹈时用的干盾与羽扇便使有苗屈服。

    When Yao sent Shun on expedition , Shun was able to use props used for dancing to subdue the Miao tribes .

  23. 若证实羽扇豆醇对肿瘤有一定预防作用,则人们可以通过日常饮食降低罹患癌症的可能性。

    If we can confirmed that Lupeol have some preventive effect on tumor , it will be possible for us to reduce cancer through diet .

  24. 芜菁甘蓝、饲料甜菜、饲料用根、干草、紫苜蓿、三叶草、驴喜豆、饲料羽衣甘蓝、羽扇豆、巢菜及类似饲料,不论是否制成团粒。

    Swedes , manigolds , fodder roots , hay , lucerne ( alfalfa ), clover , sainfoin , forage kale , lupines , vetches and similar forage products , whether or not in the form of pellets .