
yǔ róng bèi
  • duvet;eiderdown;down-and feather-filled quilt;Doona
  1. 天然填充的羽绒被必须交由专业人士干洗。

    Natural-filled duvets must be dry-cleaned by a professional .

  2. 橱柜最底层的抽屉里还有一床羽绒被。

    There 's an extra duvet in the bottom drawer of the cupboard .

  3. 他在起居室睡着了,我便给他盖上了羽绒被。

    He fell asleep in the front room so I covered him up with a duvet .

  4. TwoTog羽绒被内填充的是匈牙利鹅毛,现出售夏季和冬季两种款式,起价为140英镑。

    The Two Tog duvets are filled with Hungarian goose down and are available in summer and winter versions . Prices start at £ 140 .

  5. 这款名为TwoTog的羽绒被是由位于兰开夏郡的一家工厂设计,它首次实现了一床被子、两种温度的效果。

    The Two Tog , which is made in a Lancashire mill , is believed to be the first in which the quilt comes in one piece .

  6. 那天我在约翰路易斯(JohnLewis),发现这家主要顾客为丝毫不浮夸的中产阶层的百货商场,居然在昂贵的平底锅、羽绒被和坐垫等商品上打出“开学季”的宣传语。

    The other day I was in John Lewis - the department store patronised by the terminally un-flash , middle classes - to find it festooned with " Off to University " signs over expensive saucepans , duvets and cushions .

  7. 一张床羽绒被或床单做好睡觉的准备——无论后果是什么……

    BedDuvet or sheetReadiness for sleep - whatever it may bring ...

  8. 因为隔着二十条床垫和二十条羽绒被

    because through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eiderdown quilts

  9. 太冷了,而不想把羽绒被弄掉。

    It is too cold to risk the duvet moving at all .

  10. 高质量羽绒被和床上日用品的生产商。

    Manufacturers of fine quality down duvets and bed linens .

  11. 再往床上铺上二十条羽绒被。

    and then put twenty eiderdown quilts on top of the mattresses .

  12. 她拉起羽绒被遮住脑袋,试图挡住光线。

    She pulled the duvet over her head to try to shut outthe light .

  13. 你们能说出羽绒被的英语名字吗?

    Can you give a name to such kind of quilt with feather inside ?

  14. 320张病床上铺的羽绒被的光亮由开关控制。

    Switches lit duvets on the 320 beds .

  15. 一个无精打采的模特身上裹着一件外衣,看起来就像微缩版的黑羽绒被。

    One etiolated figure was wrapped in a garment like a miniature black duvet .

  16. 羽绒被,枕头,羽绒床垫,不同尺寸的枕头。

    Manufacturer of down duvets , pillows , featherbeds , and various sizes of pillow forms .

  17. 但是,一项新上市的发明或许能永久地结束“羽绒被之争”。

    But an invention has gone on sale which promises to end duvet wars for good .

  18. 惟有他盖他的羽绒被,我盖我的丝棉被。

    The only way out was that he covered with eiderdown quilts and I with silk-padded ones .

  19. 斯诺登不慎把一点鸡肉咖喱汁洒到了羽绒被上,他带着歉意用纸巾拭去。

    Snowden spills a bit of chicken curry on the duvet and apologetically mops it up with a towel .

  20. 虽然该羽绒被的两边厚度不同,但制造商表示,一旦将其叠好,就看不出它与普通被子有什么区别。

    Despite the two thicknesses , the makers say the duvet looks no different to any other once the bed is made up .

  21. 于是他们可以确认她是一位真正的公主,因为通过二十层褥子与二十层羽绒被她还是感觉到了那粒豌豆。

    And so they could see she was a real princess , because she had felt the pea through twenty mattress and twenty eiderdowns .

  22. 每晚睡前他都尝试说服我盖羽绒被,又说我对丝棉被执着。

    Every evening he tried to persuade me to share his quilts , and said begrudgingly that I was too stubbornly attached to my quilts .

  23. 此外,在酒店的礼品店中顾客能方便地买到倍受欢迎的酒店日用品,如酒店的超大枕头、轻柔的羽绒被、沐浴用品等,这一特色服务大受顾客的欢迎。

    Renaissance Yangtze offers a full range of products-for-daily-use , such as the oversize pillow , fluffy quilt and bath products , which are extremely popular among travelers .

  24. 第二个丈夫冬天一定要盖羽绒被,否则手足冰冷,无法入睡。

    My second husband had to cover himself with eiderdown quilts , otherwise his hands and feet would be icy cold , and he 'd be unable to sleep .

  25. 我的手在了罗爱裙子下游移,她愉快而轻松地解开我的裤子,好像这并不令我们感到奇怪,如同打开邮件或羽绒被一般。

    I slipped my hands under Chloe 's skirt and she unbuttoned my trousers with an air of indifferent normality , like someone opening the post or changing a duvet .

  26. 现有库存的床垫,羽绒被,羽绒衣,各种面料等要处理,希望有需要的人与我公司的人联系。

    Existing inventory mattresses , duvets , eiderdown clothing , all kinds of fabrics such as to deal with , I hope those who need it with my company 's contact person .

  27. 我有一个特大号床,有一张床垫和一床褥子,枕头上套着枕套。最上面有床羽绒被。

    I have a king bed , with a sheet on the mattress and a top sheet , with pillow cases on the pillows . Atop all that I have a down comforter .

  28. 近50%的人会经常使用羽绒被来分割空余的空间,以隔离自己的另一半打鼾,四分之一的人是为了摆脱自身的焦躁不安。十分之一的人则是被他们的孩子或宠物占据。

    Nearly 50 per cent who do tend to usually share a duvet head for the spare room to escape their other half 's snoring and a quarter to get away from their restlessness.One in ten are pushed out by their child or pet .

  29. 争取在中国传统元素在被世界逐渐认可的今天,使我们民族的羽绒服被世界所认可,真正创造出我们自己的世界品牌。

    Strive for today being approved gradually by the world in Chinese tradition element , make our nation down outerwear be approved by the world , create out our own world brand really .