
yǔ guān
  • crista;crest;crest of a bird
羽冠 [yǔ guān]
  • [crest of a bird] 鸟类头上长的羽毛

羽冠[yǔ guān]
  1. 两种鸟都长着深蓝色的羽冠。

    Both birds had a dark blue crest .

  2. 雄鸟头部褐中杂灰,部分羽毛向后j延伸成羽冠;

    The head of the male bird is covered with brown and gray feathers , which extend backwards to form a crest .

  3. 这些鸟的羽冠全都竖了起来。

    The birds'feather crests are raised .

  4. 在春天肆意的凤头麦鸡为自己换了羽冠。

    In the spring the wanton lapwing gets himself another crest ;

  5. 欧亚大陆南部和非洲东北部纯种白色有羽冠的琵鹭。

    Pure white crested spoonbill of southern Eurasia and northeastern Africa .

  6. 有金属般黑色羽毛、无羽冠的非洲热带鸟。

    Tropical African bird having metallic blackish plumage but no crest .

  7. 有黄色羽冠的澳大利亚灰色小鹦鹉。

    Small gray Australian parrot with a yellow crested head .

  8. 东半球长肉垂和刺壮物的大型有羽冠的鸻。

    Large crested Old World plover having wattles and spurs .

  9. 羽冠上有栗黄色条纹的灰蓝色北美翠鸟。

    Grayish-blue North American kingfisher with a chestnut band on its chest .

  10. 白光中除去蓝光就呈黄色或红色。生有黄色直立羽冠的白色凤头鹦鹉。

    White light minus blue light is yellow or red in hue .

  11. 浅黄色松鸦,黑白色羽冠,蓝黑色翅膀。

    Fawn-colored jay with black-and-white crest and blue-and-black wings .

  12. 头部有羽冠、厚喙的北美洲雀鸟,雄鸟的羽毛色泽亮红。

    Crested thick-billed North American finch having bright red plumage in the male .

  13. 中美和南美有羽冠的大型野鸭;广泛被家养。

    Large crested wild duck of Central and South America ; widely domesticated .

  14. 你可能会注意到它那白色的羽冠。

    You might notice its crest of white feathers .

  15. 美洲热带大型黑白色有羽冠的鹰。

    Large black-and-white crested eagle of tropical America .

  16. 有羽冠的啄木鸟现在在增加。非洲色彩鲜艳有冠毛的大鸟。

    Pileated woodpeckers are on the wax now . large brightly crested bird of Africa .

  17. 东半球有羽冠和细长下弯的喙的几种鸟。东半球热带海岸小型树种,树叶下端呈银色。

    Small tree of coastal regions of Old World tropics whose leaves are silvery beneath .

  18. 北美洲的小鸭子,其雄性头顶有高而圆的羽冠。

    Small North American duck with a high circular crest on the male 's head .

  19. 北美洲的大型斑背潜鸭,雄性的羽冠为偏绿的五彩色。

    Large scaup of North America having a greenish iridescence on the head of the male .

  20. 澳大利亚有白色和浅色羽冠的鹦鹉;常作为笼中鸟。

    White or light-colored crested parrot of the Australian region ; often kept as cage birds .

  21. 南美洲有羽冠并发出难闻味道的鸟,幼时翼的第一及第二趾上有爪。

    Crested ill-smelling South American bird whose young have claws on the first and second digits of the wings .

  22. 北美洲北部灰色的松鸦,头部黑色,无羽冠;以名目的盗窃而著名。

    Gray jay of northern North America with black-capped head and no crest ; noted for boldness in thievery .

  23. 南美洲北部的热带鸟,雄鸟的羽毛是鲜艳的红色或桔黄色并有直立的圆盘状羽冠。

    Tropical bird of northern South America the male having brilliant red or orange plumage and an erectile disklike crest .

  24. 产于东南亚和印度东部的鸟,不同于纯种雨燕,羽冠直立,在树上筑巢。

    Birds of southeast Asia and East Indies differing from true swifts in having upright crests and nesting in trees .

  25. 非雀形目中大头、短尾并尖嘴的鸟;通常颜色鲜艳并有羽冠;主要以鱼为食。

    Nonpasserine large-headed bird with a short tail and long sharp bill ; usually crested and bright-colored ; feed mostly on fish .

  26. 一种大型的非洲食肉鸟(蛇鹫),腿长,脑后长有长羽集起的羽冠。

    A large African bird of prey ( Sagittarius serpentarius ) with long legs and a crest of quills at the back of the head .

  27. 生有黄色直立羽冠的白色凤头鹦鹉。鸟目,由鹦鹉、巴西鹦鹉、葵花鹦鹉、小五彩鹦鹉、五彩鹦鹉、金刚鹦鹉、长尾鹦鹉等组成。

    White cockatoo with a yellow erectile crest . an order of birds including parrots and amazons and cockatoos and lorikeets and lories and macaws and parakeets .

  28. 一种分布于北美东部地区的黄色和橄榄色的林莺(哀林莺),长有淡蓝灰色的羽冠,胸口衬有黑条纹。

    A yellow and olive warbler ( Oporornis philadelphia ) of eastern North America , having a bluish gray hood set off by a black band on its breast .

  29. 戴胜一种东半球戴胜科鸟类,尤指戴胜鸟,有特别的带花纹的羽毛,扇形羽冠,和狭长下弯的喙。

    Any of several Old World birds of the family upupidae , especially Upupa epops , having distinctively patterned plumage , a fanlike crest , and a slender , downward-curving bill .

  30. 松鸦一种常带有羽冠的鸦科松鸦、蓝松鸦、灌丛松鸦属鸟类,经常嘶哑地大声鸣叫。

    Any of various often crested birds of the genera garrulus , cyanocitta , aphelocoma , and related genera within the family corvidae , often having a loud , harsh call .