- emergence;eclosion;ascend to heaven and become immortal;die;Taoist die;emeragence

(1) [ascend to heaven and become immortal]∶ 旧时迷信的人说仙人能飞升变化,把成仙称为羽化
飘飘乎如遗世独立,羽化而登仙。--宋. 苏轼《前赤壁赋》
(2) [Taoist die]∶ 道教徒称人死
(3) [emeragence]∶昆虫由蛹变为成虫
(4) [eclosion]∶ 由蛹壳出现成虫的动作
In 3 ~ 5 days after emergence , the accumulative rate of blood feeding was 86 . 67 % .
The adults mate in 7 ~ 25 days after emergence and oviposit 22 ~ 23 days later .
The PAGE analysis for the protein of salivary gland and hemolymph of Anopheles sinensis and Aedes albopictus were compared .
After pupation , the CAT activity rised rapidly and reached a peak at 48-96 h , then declined drastically until eclosion .
The IC50 of methamidophos and methomyl to the AChE was 3.001 + 0.03 lug / ml and 0.319 + 0.003ug/ml respectively .
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Developing pupae were less tolerant of low temperature than eggs . One day old pupae refrigerated for 3 days had an eclosion rate of only 80 % , less in older pupae and longer refrigeration .
The adult emerged 7 to 10 days earlier in the area near the city proper than in the field of outskirts .
Results showed that fairly many of silkworm moths freshly emerged and preserved at 4 ℃ within 4 days could mate and lay eggs which can develop normally ;
The grade-I , grade-II and mature eggs began to be generated in the ovary at pharate adult stage , newly-emerged-adult stage and 12 h after emergence , respectively .
More than half of eggs were laid in 14 d and over 80 % eggs were laid in 28 d after adult eclosion .
The eclosion rate of larvae is zero when the temperature is higher than 45 ℃ for 2 hours or the relative moisture of soil is 100 % for 20 hours .
In the first April , the overwintering larva makes a oval papal chamber in xylem . After 13 ~ 15 days , the adult emerges .
Using degenerate primers and RT-PCR method , the middle part of the cDNA of EH gene from O. furnacalis was cloned and sequenced . The full-length cDNA of EH gene was then obtained with rapid amplification of cDNA ends ( RACE ) method .
RT-PCR analysis showed that the EH mRNA only expressed in the brain , and was not be detected in other neural tissues , such as suboesophageal ganglion , thoracic ganglion , abdominal ganglion , and non-neural tissues , such as midgut , fat body and epidermis .
The differences of emergence behavior between both sexes were statistically significant during the 4th , 5th and 8th hour of the scotophase ( t > 4 ; P < 0.05 ) .
Fed with 15 % honey , the lifespan of adults was 7-18 d , with an average of 14.2 d .
The duration of emergence of adults was 4 to 12 days , and each emergence lasted for 20 to 25 min.
The results of host egg exposure showed that imidacloprid , triazophos , fipronil and chlorpyrifos were all badly detrimental to adult survival , parasitism capacity ( F0 ) and adult emergence ( F1 ) .
Mortality of larvae from 2nd to 5th instar was significantly higher , and the weight of survival larvae , pupation rate and eclosion rate were significantly lower fed on transgenic two genes cotton compared with that fed on transgenic Bt gene cotton .
The results showed that Wolbachia density dynamic in whole adult wasp was a progress with an initial slow raise , then a quick raise and finally a decrease trend .
In terms of egg dynamics , the grade-I egg was maintained at a high level during the period from pharate adult stage to 18 h after emergence .
- 6 o clock in the next morning after emergence , the adults begin to copulate , each copulation last 1.5-3 hours , and lay 40 or more eggs per female singly on the lower surfaces of apple leaves .
The hatching rate of eggs and the emergence rate of the nymphs decreased while the number of eggs laid per female and the adult longevity both increased in F1 generation , which were totally in verse in F2 generation .
As the 1st - 4th instar larvae had continuously fed on the Bt cotton flowers and 2nd - 5th instar larvae continuously fed on Bt cotton bolls , both of them could partly pupate and emerge , the pupation rate increased with the larval instar .
The results revealed that the timing of pigmentation of compound eyes and adult emergence were delayed by treatment of KK-42 before 36th hours after pupation .
Adult stage may reach as long as 78 days . Adults start laying eggs in 17 ~ 21 days after eclosion , mostly in the evening .
Objective To discuss the susceptibility of insect growth regulators S 31183 ( pyriproxyfen ) to Culex pipiens pallens larva and pupa in the laboratory .
Adult behavior and circadian rhythm of sex pheromone production and release of the legume pod borer were investigated at ( 29 ± 1 )℃ and 75 % - 80 % RH under 14L ∶ 10D .