
yǔ piàn
  • accessory pinna
羽片[yǔ piàn]
  1. Ching相似,但叶片的背面密被绒毛,表面被短柔毛,侧生羽片9–16对。

    Ching in size , but differs by its lamina being tomentose on the lower surface and pubescent on the upper surface and having 9 – 16 pairs of lateral pinnae .

  2. 五种苏铁羽叶和羽片的生长发育

    The Growth and Development of Frond and Pinna in Five Species of Cycads

  3. 带有羊齿羽片披针形复叶的蕨类。

    Any fern of the genus doodia having pinnate fronds with sharply dentate pinnae .

  4. 或缩写。在同一靶中应使用同一形式和颜色之箭杆、羽片箭尾及箭饰。

    Name or initials on the shaft , and all arrows used at any one end will carry .

  5. 当它被缠绕到箭轴上时,羽片的毛尖部分均指向箭尾凹口。

    When it was wrapped around the shaft , the tips of the web all pointed back towards the nock .

  6. 此外,研究还发现羽片回数、叶柄颜色、叶尖和叶基类型等也有很重要的分类价值。

    Furthermore , the research also found that pinnate , petiole color and type of leaf top or base were significant for the taxonomy too .

  7. M.Chu相似,但羽片边缘无软骨质的膜质边,侧生羽片多达9–16对。

    M. Chu in the lamina indumentum , but differs by pinnae lacking the membranous cartilaginous margin and having 5 – 16 pairs of lateral pinnae .

  8. 囊群椭圆形,由4~10个孢子囊组成,着生于小羽片背面,位于中脉的两侧;

    The sori are borne on the abaxial surface of the pinnule , arranged in two rows parallel to the midvein , elliptic , and composed of 4-10 round sporangia .

  9. 在9种苏铁类植物叶轴的结构中发现,苏铁科6个种的叶轴都有与羽片一样的栅栏组织和海绵组织结构,这是植物适应环境的一种很进化的现象;

    As the structure of the pinnaes , palisade and spongy tissues are found in the structure of the rachises of the 9 species of cycads , which is an advent appearance that cycads adapt to the environment .