
  • 网络sterile water;sterilized water
  1. 细叶百合种子最适萌发条件研究表明,培养基为MS,温度25℃是细叶百合种子萌发的最适条件,采用人为添加无菌水的方式,可以有效保证种子的高萌发率。

    The research showed that the optimum seed germination condition was MS medium with 25 ℃ temperature . Adding sterile water artificially can effectively guarantee a high seed germination rate . 4 .

  2. 30℃固体培养70h,发酵后用无菌水(pH5.0)28℃浸提3h测定酶活性。

    The enzyme extraction obtained with sterile water at 28 ℃ for 3h was used for the activity determination .

  3. 发酵用水为无菌水或深井水(总硬度≤0.5度)。果汁入罐后调整SO2为50~80mg/kg。

    Water used for fermentation is aseptic water or deep-well water ( total hardness equal to or less than 0.5 ), SO2 regulated to 50 ~ 80 mg / kg after pot entry of fruit juice , and SO2 maintained during the whole aging period ;

  4. 采用400或600万单位/L的青霉素无菌水溶液处理细菌污染苗,分别浸泡60min或40min.可有效控制银白杨组织培养细菌污染。幼苗生长和产量的影响。

    Using sterile aqueous solution of penicillin with 4 or 9 million units per liter and per hour to deal with polluted seedlings can effectively control the pollution of tissue culture for Populus alba .

  5. 无菌水冲洗5次后,即用无菌滤纸吸干水分,然后接入培养基MS1上暗培养3-6d,再转入培养基MS2上进行筛选分化培养。

    All the explants were washed in liquid MSO medium for 2 hours . After washed with sterile water for 5 times and patted dry on the filter paper again , patted dry on the filter paper .

  6. 结果表明,外植体材料最适宜的灭菌处理方法为:先将外植体在70%酒精中浸30s,再将其用0.2%升汞液(加数滴吐温80)浸15min,无菌水冲洗10次,最后接种。

    Results were as follows : the most suitable sterilization method of explant was soaking them in 70 % alcohol for 30 s , putting them in 0.2 % HgCl ( adding several drops of Tween 80 ) for 15 mins and then washed 10 times by asepsis water .

  7. 血卟啉注射液就是血卟啉的无菌水溶液。

    Hematoporphyrinactual injection is an asepsis liquor of hematoporphyrin .

  8. 液体培养基中以查氏酵母浸膏培养基上生长量最大,无菌水最差。

    Czapek 's yeast extract fluid medium was the best for its mycelium growing .

  9. 且产量都是无菌水对照的2倍左右。

    Moreover , the yield are always 2 times to sterile water as negative .

  10. 切花在无菌水和自来水中微生物发生相近。

    No significant change in microorganism activity was observed of cut roses held in aseptic water and tap water .

  11. 用离体叶片接种尖孢镰刀菌,以接种无菌水作为对照。

    The leaves of banana were inoculated with the adjusted conidial suspension . The controls were inoculated with sterile water .

  12. 实验组灌喂复方黄连,对照组裸鼠仅灌喂无菌水。

    The experimental group was treated with Coptis Chinensis Compound while the control group was only perfused with sterile water .

  13. 在用无菌水浸润期间,休眠胚中该蛋白表达水平下降的速率迟于后熟胚中,且随着休眠的打破,该蛋白也消失了。

    During imbibition , the expression of the two proteins in dormant embryos was prolonged and disappeared with breaking of dormancy .

  14. 因为钻子速度很快,所以要在切割面不停地使用无菌水以减少火花。

    The blade spins at a high speed so sterile water needs to be constantly applied to the cut surface to minimize burning .

  15. 结果表明干粉无菌水悬浮液离心后,再用无菌水或者生理盐水悬浮所得悬浮液的生防效力较好。

    The results showed that the yeast powder suspension with sterile water was centrifuged then resuspended by sterile water or sterile saline water .

  16. 方法将40只猫行硬膜外水囊置放术,然后向水囊内注入无菌水直到昏迷,并对动物模型进行评估。

    Methods Epidural water sac installation were carried out in40cats , then saline were pure into the sacs until coma and the evaluation of the animals were made .

  17. 当发酵液接近20升的时候,要用灭过菌的温度计对温度进行测量,之后通过添加热或者冷果汁或者无菌水来调节温度。

    Test with your sanitized dairy thermometer when you 're up to20 liters , and add hot or cold juice or water at the end to adjust the temperature .

  18. 结果:采用半无菌水表面灭菌+75%酒精30s+0.1%升汞7~10min处理效果最好,污染率为13.3%。

    Results : The method of half-sterilized + 75 % alcohol 30s + 0.1 % HgCl_2 7 ~ 10min has a good sterilizing effect on explants . The rate of pollution is 13.3 % .

  19. 试验结果表明:松针散斑壳子囊孢子在25%松针煎汁中的萌发率最高,以下依次为2%葡萄糖液、20%马铃薯煮汁、2%蔗糖液、无菌水;

    The results were reported as follows : the rate of ascospores germination was the highest in 25 % decoction of pine-needle , and the following is 2 % glucose solution , 20 % potato decoction , 2 % sucrose solution and sterile water .

  20. 观察并记录空白组,无菌蒸馏水对照组及调胆合剂B组,3组家兔胆汁流量和胆汁成分的变化情况。

    Observes and records the blank group , the aseptic distilled water control group and adjusts the gallbladder mixture B group , 3 group of domestic rabbit bile current capacity and bile ingredient change situation . Results : 1 .

  21. 比较了无菌蒸馏水、NaClO溶液和强酸性水3种处理液对粪便中菌落的灭活效果。

    Meanwhile , we compared disinfection effects of distilled water , NaClO liquid and acidic water , respectively .

  22. 使用无菌消毒水清洗通道。

    Irrigate the channel with non-bacterial preserved-free sterile sealing .

  23. 但是在上世纪50年代,无菌和水密封的器具被认为将是玻璃的替代品。

    But back in the 1950s , sterile and watertight containers were seen as a novel alternative to glass bottles .

  24. 高浓啤酒稀释工艺是指糖化的高浓麦汁在发酵前或发酵后,与定量的无菌脱氧水混合至所需浓度的啤酒生产工艺。

    The dilution of high concentration mash meant that saccharified high concentration wort was blended with certain amount of aseptic deaerated water to achieve the required mash concentration before or after the fermentation .

  25. 结果显示,CY32夏孢子萌发的最适温度为9℃,最适宜的孢子量是6mg/200mL水,适宜的溶液是无菌蒸馏水。

    The results demonstrated that the optimal temperature is 9 ℃ . The optimal inoculation dose is 6mg / 200mL water . Sterilized distilled water is more beneficial than tap water to germinate .

  26. 月季营养繁殖应用无菌短茎水插法的研究

    The application of water-culture method with sterile short stems to the cultivation and propagation of Chinese rose study on Mutation Breeding of Chinese rose irradiated by γ - ray

  27. 而用无菌或灭菌蒸馏水保养松脂,在室温下可贮存24个月、冷沸水可贮存12个月、自来水可贮存9个月,松脂的颜色基本不变;

    Pine gum can be stored for 24 months under room temperature using distilled water , or 12 months using cool boiled water , or 9 months using tap water , and the color of pine gum did not change basically .

  28. 方法:将200例吸氧患者随机分为两组各100例,分别使用研究改进的500ml瓶/无菌专用吸氧湿化液及常规塑料桶盛装无菌蒸馏水。

    Methods : The patients were divided into two groups . The special oxygen inhalation moisture liquid that was improved and bottled in 500ml / bottle and the sterile distilled water that routinely contained in the plastic barrels respectively .