
  • 网络Software
  1. 针对GPS行业软件开发的现状,通过把GPS行业通用的功能模块提取出来进行封装,做成构件,提高软件开发的效率,改善软件开发的质量。

    According to the status quo of the development in GPS professional software , with picking up the general functional model of GPS and encapsulated into components , enhanced the efficiency yet improved the quality of software development .

  2. 第三章对DZ科技所处的中国电信运营业行业软件市场的总体规模、特点进行了分析。

    Chapter 3 analyses the general scale and the feature of China Telecom Operation Industry Software Market that DZ technology faces .

  3. 随着软件业和Internet的飞速发展,越来越多的行业软件的广泛应用,使我们的工作生活效率和质量大大提高。

    With the fast development of software industry and the Internet Technology , more and more professional software application has been widespread , and they make our life and work more efficient and effective .

  4. ArpanSen是一名首席工程师,致力于开发电子设计自动化行业软件。

    Arpan Sen is a lead engineer working on the development of software in the electronic design automation industry .

  5. 通信电子行业软件产品度量研究及应用

    Practices of Choosing Software Product Metrics in Communications and Electronics Industry

  6. 功能点估算法及其在电信行业软件中的应用

    Function Point Method and its Application in Software Assessment of Telecom Industry

  7. 大型的地质行业软件系统使用到多达几十种数据类型。

    Large scaled geosciences software systems often use several dozens of types of data .

  8. 最后总结了行业软件性能测试的特点。

    In the end , some characteristics of telecom software performance testing is summarized .

  9. 对于担保行业软件的开发具有一定的借鉴价值。

    It has certain reference value to the software development of the credit guarantee industry .

  10. 因此新产品营销对于行业软件产业显得尤为重要。

    From above reasons it is very clear that new product marketing is more important for the industrial software .

  11. 安徽华诺软件科技有限公司作为国内领先的行业软件供应商,公司聚集了大批优秀的高素质专业人才。

    The Honor Software as the domestic industrys leading software supplier , the company has gathered some of high-caliber excellent professional .

  12. 主营产品:提供各种装饰画,油画,摄影装饰画等,提供行业软件。

    Porduct : Provide a variety of decorative painting , oil painting , photography and other decorative painting , providing the software industry .

  13. 随着水电行业软件需求的发展,开发通用型水库调度软件将具有巨大的经济效益和社会效益。

    With the increase of the software demand for hydro industry , it will have enormous economic and social benefits to develop the general reservoir optimal dispatching software .

  14. 为了减少资本性支出,各金融机构纷纷降低了IT产品的采购规模,金融行业软件领域的增长速度已出现下降迹象。

    To decrease capital expenditure , numbers financial institutions adjust the scale of purchase order of IT products , which has slowed down the increasing speed of requirement of financial software .

  15. 对于金融行业软件来说,其对安全性、稳定性、可靠性等各方面质量要求更为严格,软件测试的地位尤为重要,软件测试的效果也更为期待。

    To the financial industry software , security , stability and reliability are more stringent quality requirements , and software testing is particularly important and the effects of software testing are also more expected .

  16. 因此有必要将先进的保险管理理念、科学的保险流程设计以及方便周到的保险服务体系融入到保险行业软件中,以形成保险公司整体的企业级信息平台。

    It 's indispensable to combine the advanced insurance management idea , the scientific business flow design , the convenient service system with insurance software , in order to form a integer enterprise information platform .

  17. 本文研究了金融银行行业软件开发特点,如时效性,统一性,稳定性,安全性,保密性等,这些特点决定了其对使用软件的质量要求。

    This paper studies the software development features for financial and banking industry , such as timeliness , uniformity , stability , security , confidentiality and etc. These characteristics determine the quality requirements on banking software .

  18. 在计算机网络环境下集成的勘察设计业务管理系统是今后勘察设计行业软件应用的发展趋势.该系统集成了工程项目管理、设计业务管理。

    The management system of reconnaissance and survey design operation integrated under the computer network environment , which comprises engineering management and design operation management , will be widely employed by reconnaissance and survey design institutes .

  19. 软件产业是国家的基础性、战略性产业,行业软件产业是其中重要的一环,目前国内行业软件企业大多是中小型企业,对这个领域的研究也很少。

    Software industry is a fundamental and strategic industry for a country while industrial software is the key . Now , most of the industrial software companies are small and the researches of this field are rare .

  20. 笔者指出:应加快系统数据接口模块的设计;并建议成熟的软件公司开发出满足本地集中财务或远程集中财务特殊要求的通用行业软件;

    It was pointed out that we should quicken the design of system data interface module and suggested the ripe software companies should develop all-purposed industry software which could fulfill the special requirements of centralized finance based on LAN or WAN ;

  21. HPCMS致力于在项目管理领域建立一套有效的管理方法,能够适应和面对挑战,其中面向电信行业的软件项目沟通管理体系是其中一项重点。

    HP CMS is devoted to a series of effective management methods which can be challenged in project management area , in chich communication management system of software project is an important item .

  22. 本世纪信息产业成为我国的支柱产业,C2公司作为IT行业的软件企业,属于知识密集型的高科技企业,高素质、高效率的软件人才队伍是其立足、发展的关键。

    The IT industry , as the company C2 software enterprises , high-tech enterprises are knowledge-intensive , high quality , efficient software is based on personnel , the key to development .

  23. 本文结合中国邮政行业应用软件的实际,以元数据理论、构件技术和DSSA技术为基础,对应用软件客户端的人机界面和业务流程的自动生成技术进行了研究。

    Considering the current situation of application software in the post industry of China , in this thesis , a study for automatically generating client-side human / computer interfaces and workflows in the application software has been carried out by leveraging the meta-data theory , component technology and DSSA technology .

  24. 煤炭行业应用软件开发中的关键技术研究

    Research on key technologies for applied software development of coal industry

  25. 他居住在伦敦,为银行、卫生保健、后勤等行业做软件开发问题的技术咨询。

    He lives in London and consults on software development issues in banking and healthcare .

  26. 在需求分析中,详细阐述了保险行业应用软件的特性。

    The features of the application for the insurance industry are listed in the requirement analysis .

  27. 目前,软件行业对软件开发的时间、效率都有了更高的要求。

    At present , the software industry has a higher request at software development time , efficiency .

  28. 但实际上,只有一些专业行业的软件才会使用与硬件结合的方式来保护软件。

    But , in fact , only some professional field will use the additional hardware to protect software .

  29. 这是诚卓数码为行业应用软件在中国的健康发展作出的承诺。

    This is the digital-Zhuo for the application software industry in China and healthy development of the commitments made .

  30. 分布式服务架构的出现提高了系统的灵活性、可伸缩性,已成为当前行业应用软件开发的主流架构。

    The distributed service architecture has become the mainstream architecture in current software development because of its agility and flexibility .