
  1. 主要差异一般门户网站和行业门户网站的内容和用户。

    The main differences between general web portals and industry web portals are the content and users .

  2. 打造全球最大的行业门户网站,为表面处理行业提供最广阔的网上交易平台。

    Providing a large business platform online , we aim to provide the global a website for the surface finishing industry .

  3. 本文从中国商标信息中心网入手,探讨了该行业门户网站的营销现状。

    This paper analyzes an industry door web named China trademark information center web , discuses its current marketing strategy and the shortcomings of its strategy .

  4. 行业门户网站的内容是关于特定产业,其中可能包括新闻,知识,招聘信息,及各种虚拟社区。

    An industry web portal 's content is about the specific industry , which may include news , knowledge , recruitment information , and various virtual communities .

  5. 用户的行业门户网站,是行业的工作人员,工作人员在相关行业,并寻求工作机会的行业。

    The users of an industry web portal are people working in the industry , people working in a related industry , and people seeking job opportunities in the industry .

  6. 如何提高行业门户网站的开发利用水平,改善行业门户网站信息服务质量,是行业门户网站及其主体厄待解决的重要问题。

    How to improve the level of development and utilization of industry portal , to improve the industry portal information QOS is an industry portal and its main Eph important issues to be resolved .

  7. 合肥会展行业门户网站的良好运营关系着合肥会展业的发展,虽然网站在一定程度上促进了会展的举办,但就现阶段来看,合肥会展行业门户网站存在着不少的问题。

    Hefei exhibition industry portal good operation relationship with hefei exhibition industry development , although website to a certain extent promote convention held , but at present to see , hefei exhibition industry portal has many problems .

  8. 大致可以看出,沿海一带的行业网站,门户网站可以说是占了一大部分。

    Can see roughly , the industry website that takes littoral , portal website can say was to occupy one much .