
xiāo shòu chénɡ běn
  • Cost of sales;cost of marketing;cost of producing goods for sale
  1. 其目标是缩减销售周期和销售成本、增加收入、寻找扩展业务所需的新的市场和渠道以及提高客户的价值、满意度、赢利性和忠诚度。

    It aims to cut off selling circulation and cost of marketing , increase income , and search for new market . In addition it can improve customers ' value , satisfaction , productiveness and loyalty .

  2. 比如,Facebook的销售成本占到2013年二季度营收的26%,而Twitter的这个比例为36%。

    As an example , Facebook currently has costs of sales that are 26 % of Q2 2013 revenue and Twitter is at 36 % .

  3. 将所有余额全部转入产品销售成本账户

    Charged the balance entirely to Cost of Goods Sold

  4. 我们应该直接使我们的销售成本中心分裂成间接和直接销售吗?

    Should we split our sales cost center into direct and indirect sales ?

  5. 但是人与人的直面销售成本很昂贵。

    But the cost of person-to-person selling is high .

  6. 但现在,中国市场的销售成本也变得越来越高。

    But now , it is becoming expensive to sell there , too .

  7. 当地的多层次分销结构确实增加了产品销售成本。

    The multilayer distribution there really adds to the cost of getting products to market .

  8. 采用不同的存货计价方法对销售成本的确定和利润计算有不同影响。

    Adopting different method of inventory valuation influences the cost of goods sold and its profit .

  9. 其中70%的收入用于返奖奖金,其余大部分为销售成本。

    Seventy percent is paid out in prizes . Most of the rest goes in costs .

  10. 生产运输和其他销售成本的上升造成世界范围内的净损失。

    Increases in production costs and transport and other marketing costs account for the net worldwide loss .

  11. 营业费用如果也作为公司标准成本系统的一部分,其列示方法与销售成本相同。

    Operating expenses are treated similarly if they are part of the company 's standard cost system .

  12. 提起降低产品的生产、销售成本,我想大家并不陌生。

    Refer to reducing of production , cost of sales , I think we are no strangers .

  13. 该公司已表示,海运费占12%的销售成本在欧洲。

    The firm has already said that sea freight accounts for12 % of sales costs in Europe .

  14. 另一种方法是将所有余额转入产品销售成本账户。

    The alternative method transfers the entire over-applied or under-applied balance to the cost of goods sold account .

  15. 数据,以及购买数据的成本,将成为一项销售成本。

    Data , and the cost of purchasing them , would become a cost of sale in transactions .

  16. 首先,我们应当以销售成本为基础结合存货的变动调整计算购货净额。

    First , we must calculate net purchases by adjusting cost of goods sold for change of inventory .

  17. 费用包括销售成本、管理费用、销售费用、财务费用等。

    Expenses include cost of goods sold , administrative expenses , selling expenses , and financial expenses , etc.

  18. 一方面,氢燃料驱动汽车的销售成本要高于生产成本。

    For one , selling cars that run off of hydrogen will take much more than just making them .

  19. 我需要知道购买瓷砖的集装箱在尼日利亚销售成本。

    I need to know the cost of purchasing a container load of tiles to be sold in Nigeria .

  20. 家具是一种大众化的消费品,其销售成本直接关系到生产企业的效益。

    As a popular consumable , marketing costs of furniture are directly related to the benefits of manufacturing enterprise .

  21. 将余额转入在产品、产成品和产品销售成本账户

    Allocated the balance to Work in Process , Finished Goods , and Cost of Goods Sold on some equitable basis

  22. 谁控制存货的准确性、完整性和进入使用存货及销售成本程序和数据文件?

    Who controls the accuracy , completeness of , and access to inventory and cost of sales programs and data files .

  23. 首先,它降低了用户接受的成本,也降低了我们公司的销售成本。

    First , it lowers the cost of adoption for users and the cost of sales for us as a company .

  24. 当煤被售时,该成本从存货账户转到销售成本账户。

    As the coal is sold , this cost is transferred from the inventory account to the cost of goods sold account .

  25. 第一种方法是将余额分配到在产品、产成品和产品销售成本账户。

    First , the balance may be allocated among the work in process , finished goods , and cost of goods sold accounts .

  26. 因为采购成本占据销售成本的一半以上,所以如何提高采购绩效已经为越来越多的企业所关注。

    As the purchasing cost dedicate more than half of sales cost more and more companies focus on how to improve purchasing performance .

  27. 重点阐述了原材料成本、生产成本、销售成本的控制方法以及应收款的控制方法。

    This paper focuses on the costs of raw materials , production costs , marketing costs and the control methods of account receivables .

  28. 提高整个汽车产业的生产效率,降低原材料的采购成本及产品生产、销售成本已成为当务之急。

    Thus to promote the productivity , reduce the cost of raw material purchase , production and sale is finding its own way .

  29. 采取什么程序以保证结转的销售成本金额与已销售/发运的货物一致?

    What procedures are in place to ensure that amounts posted to cost of sales represent those associated with inventories sold / shipped ?

  30. 这家成立两年的公司效仿小米在该国的营销策略,至今一直在线上销售成本超低的安卓智能手机。

    The two-year-old firm has replicated Xiaomi 's playbook in the country and so far focused on selling aggressively low-cost Android smartphones online .