
  • 网络Market;Sales Capability;selling skills;cross-selling
  1. 了解公司业务和客户以提高销售能力;

    Know company business and customers to improve sales capability .

  2. 根据各外包服务商资金实力、技术实力、销售能力以及领导人的洞察力差异,存在很大区别。

    It is very different according to the financial strength , technological advantages and sales capability of the outsourcing service providers besides differences of the leaders .

  3. IBS将极大扩充TAC的安装基地,提升其在北美和亚洲的销售能力,使施耐德电气的楼宇自动化平台达到一个新的高度。

    IBS will significantly enlarge TAC 's installed base , expand its distribution capability in North America and Asia and bring the Schneider Electric Building Automation platform to a new scale .

  4. 波士顿咨询公司MillennialBranding近期一项研究发现,尽管销售能力和软件知识等硬技能能让你获得工作机会,但更多企业要求求职者也具备一些软技能。

    Although hard skills like sales and software knowledge can get you through the door , more companies are asking for soft skills as well from job candidates , finds a recent study by Millennial Branding , a consulting firm in Boston .

  5. 他的老板皮特对他的销售能力不是很满意。

    Peter , his boss , is not happy about sales .

  6. 汽车经销商销售能力提升的系统研究

    A Systemic Study on Sales Power Rise of Vehicle Dealers

  7. 汽车经销商销售能力评价指标体系

    Evaluation Index System of Sales Ability of Automobile Dealers

  8. 提高机床销售能力的培训工作

    Training to Improve Ability of Machine Tool Sales

  9. 我认为我有很强的销售能力,您会很感兴趣。

    I feel I have strong marketable skills in which you would be interested .

  10. 提高票务管理销售能力。

    Improve ticketing management and sales abilities .

  11. 具有较强销售能力,喜欢销售工作。

    Sales oriented person with high motivation .

  12. 中国消费者证明了他们的购买能力,阿里巴巴证明了它的销售能力。

    Chinese consumers are proving their buying power and Alibaba is proving its selling power .

  13. 这一研究结果也将对目前大多数润滑油生产企业提高其销售能力、盈利能力提供一定的参考价值。

    This research effort also can be used to improve profit capability of other enterprises .

  14. 就是不要羞辱我强大的销售能力

    But don 't insult my selling .

  15. 或许是它的销售能力。

    Maybe it 's about sales .

  16. 营销与销售能力。

    Marketing and sales capacity .

  17. 具有良好的市场营销及销售能力,精通英文与中文,并具有一流的书面及口语表达能力。

    Good marketing and sales skills , proficiency in English and Chinese in both written and spoken .

  18. 而供应商销售能力的差异也会导致领导企业的知识转移意愿的显著不同。

    Differences of suppliers selling capacity will lead in a significant difference for leaders willing to transfer knowledge .

  19. 对作为企业追求利润最大化的银行来说,网点的盈利能力和销售能力已经成为银行网点考核评价的核心问题,因此,国有商业银行的网点转型势在必行。

    As profit maximization bank outlets , profitability and sales has become the core issue of bank outlets appraisal .

  20. 他说这份工作提高了他的语言能力、销售能力和为人处事的能力。

    He says the job improves his language skills , his sales skills and his ability to deal with people .

  21. 即使在经济衰退导致销量下降之前,他们的汽车产能也超过了销售能力。

    Even before the economic downturn sank sales , their ability to produce cars outstripped their ability to sell them .

  22. 其次透过文件分析和实地访谈,分析并归纳出电子类毕业生所应具备的销售能力内涵(草案);

    Second , the study used document analysis , on-site interview to analyze and induct graduates'professional competencies required for sales engineers .

  23. 它可以将电子商务网站的浏览者变为购买者,提高电子商务网站的交叉销售能力,保留已有用户。

    It can enhance E-commerce sales by converting browsers into buyers , increasing cross-sell and building loyalty to prevent user losing .

  24. 第二部分,公司营销问题成因分析,主要从企业理念、人力资源、销售能力和财务能力等方面对公司营销中所存在问题的成因进行了分析。

    The second part , is analyzed , mainly from the business enterprise principle , human resource , sales ability , finance ability etc.

  25. 虽然有些雇主雇用高中毕业生或证明与潜在的销售能力的入门级的销售阵地,最喜欢雇用大学毕业生。

    Although some employers hire high school graduates with potential or proven sales ability for entry-level sales positions , most prefer to hire college graduates .

  26. 希望你方在了解我们的销售能力后,给我们自动洗衣机的独家经营权。

    It is our hope that after knowing our sales ability , you will consider granting us the exclusive selling right for your automatic washers .

  27. 尽管如此,集团将进一步提升经营效率,建立规模效益,增强推广销售能力,改善盈利。

    However , we will further step up our efforts to enhance operating efficiency , build up economy of scale , strengthen marketing and improve profitability .

  28. 选择被许可人,不能只看你所能达成的合同数额多少,而且还要看你所选择的公司生产和销售能力如何。

    By selecting a licensee do not look only on the figures you can reach but also on the production and sales capabilities of the company of choice .

  29. 大连水泥集团由于技术设备落后,成本高,产量低,销售能力有限,濒临倒闭。

    Dalian Cement Group has been running in debt for many years because of less advanced technology and equipment , high cost , low yield and limited selling capability .

  30. 在研究汽车经销商销售能力内涵的基础上,对其进行了结构层次分析,即基础要素通过过程要素产生结果要素。

    Based on the research on the essence of dealer sales ability , its hierarchy is analyzed , namely the basic factors forming the result factors by the process factors .