
xiāo xiànɡ shuì é
  • Output tax;amount of a sales tax
  1. 销项税额=销售额x税率

    Output tax = Sales amount * Tax rate

  2. 增值税进项、销项税额的确认及会计处理

    The Confirmation of the Receipts Tax , Sales Tax of the Value Added Tax and Accounting Treatment

  3. 因当期销项税额小于当期进项税额不足抵扣时,其不足部分可以结转下期继续抵扣。

    If the output tax for the period is less than and insufficient to offset against the input tax fort-he period , the excess input tax can be carried forward for set-off in the following periods .

  4. 2009年1月1日起我国开始正式执行增值税转型新方案,允许全国所有地区、所有行业将新购入的机器设备进项税金全额在销项税额中计算抵扣。

    January 1,2009 , China officially implement the VAT reformation , that allows all parts of the country , all sectors deducted the full input tax payment of the newly purchased equipment in calculating the amount of tax .

  5. 建筑业增值税销项税额的确定关键在于计税依据的确定,建筑业增值税的计税依据为建筑工程结算收入,即向建设方收取的全部价款和价外费用。第四,进项税额。

    The construction industry value-added tax VAT is a tax based on the identification of key construction industry to determine , VAT tax based on the architectural engineering settlement income , namely to construction shall be the total price and other charges . Fourth , the input tax .