
duō zhǒnɡ huì lǜ
  • Multiple exchange rates;multiple rate
  1. 多种汇率的外汇管制制度

    Multiple rate system of exchange control

  2. 对此,可采取多种汇率变动风险管理对策。

    Therefore , a variety of management countermeasures are to be employed to deal with the exchange rate change .

  3. 根据现实中各国汇率制度选择的多因素差异性与变动性,笔者预测,汇率制度的选择是多种汇率制度形式并存与相互转换。

    Because of the multi-factor discrepancies and variations , I predict that the choice of exchange rate regime demonstrates the coexistence and mutual transition among multiple exchange rate regimes .

  4. 此外,许多国家也通过降低汇率、摒弃对农业不利的多种汇率制度、取消几乎所有出口税等措施,取消了其他形式的进口限制。

    In addition , many of these countries eliminated other forms of import restrictions , abandoning multiple exchange rate systems that penalized agriculture , and eliminating almost all export taxes .

  5. 美元兑多种货币的汇率,从新加坡元到瑞士法郎,如今都位于历史低位,过去十年中对这些货币贬值总计达56%。

    It is at all-time lows against currencies from the Singapore dollar to the Swiss franc , against which its total depreciation over the last decade is now 56 per cent .

  6. 官员们表示,会上没有任何方面尝试敦促中国终止盯住美元的汇率政策。通过压低人民币兑其它多种亚洲货币的汇率,中国的这种政策已加剧了亚太地区的贸易紧张局势。

    Officials said there had been no attempt to press China into ending the dollar peg , which has raised trade tensions in the region by pushing down the value of the renminbi against many other Asian currencies .