
  • 网络Raw Materials;industrial raw materials
  1. 巨大的力量将能源、工业原材料和食品价格联系在了一起。

    Powerful forces are linking prices of energy , industrial raw materials and foodstuffs .

  2. 而进口商品则以机械设备和工业原材料为主。

    As far as import commodities are concerned , machine equipment and industrial raw materials are the most important .

  3. 美国、欧盟和墨西哥已经要求世界贸易组织(WTO)成立一个争端解决小组,调查中国对特种工业原材料的出口限制。

    The US , European Union and Mexico have asked for a World Trade Organisation dispute panel to investigate Chinese restrictions on exports of specialised raw materials used in industry .

  4. 美国商品研究局(CRB)工业原材料大宗商品价格指数,近期达到了自去年4月以来的最高水平。

    Indeed , the CRB raw industrial commodity price index recently reached its highest level since April .

  5. 最重要的是,PPI指数在去年年中工业原材料,例如原油和煤炭,的价格出现下跌时已经有了大幅下降的趋势。

    For the most part , the decline in producer prices had been well-flagged following sharp declines in industrial commodities such as crude oil and coal from about the middle of last year .

  6. 工业原材料期货价格指数研制与功能的实证分析

    Design of the Raw Material Industrial Index and Study of Its Funtions

  7. 冷轧板带材作为一种工业原材料在国民经济各部门都有着重要的用途。

    Cold rolling strip plays an important role in the domestic economy .

  8. 利用工业原材料制备高铬抗蚀铁基块体金属玻璃

    High Chromium Fe-Based Bulk Metallic Glass with High Corrosion Resistance Fabricated by Industrial Raw Material

  9. 第一次世界大战后发生在德国的抽象派艺术运动;工业原材料被用来构造抽象的物体。

    An abstractionist artistic movement in Russia after World War I ; industrial materials were used to construct nonrepresentational objects .

  10. 不过,他说因为工业原材料的价格下降,进口可能下滑严重。

    But , he said the decline in imports would be largely because of the fall in prices of industrial materials .

  11. 中国历史上第一次依赖工业原材料与食品的进口。

    China is , for the first time in history , dependent on access to imports of industrial raw materials and food .

  12. 铜作为一种重要的工业原材料,应用领域十分广泛,需求量不断增长。

    Copper which is considered as an important kind of industrial material is applied widely in many fields , and the demand increases constantly .

  13. 一期以进口工业原材料为主;二期将以出口为主;三期规划是朝阳产业,主要涉及汽车、机械行业。

    The first phase will be for imports of industrial raw materials , the second for exports , and the third for industries such as automobiles and mechanics .

  14. 钢铁是现代社会发展最重要的工业原材料之一,钢铁工业则是现代国家的支柱产业。

    Steel is one of the most important industrial raw materials for the development of modern society , while iron and steel industry is the pillar of modern state .

  15. 据世界资源研究所称,从1965年到1990年,全球农产品和工业原材料的进口价值从550亿美元上升至4800亿美元。

    From 1965 to 1990 , says the World Resources Institute , global imports of agricultural products and industrial raw materials went from $ 55 billion to $ 480 billion .

  16. 铁矿石是最重要的工业原材料,是中国经济持续增长的必需资源,铁矿石国际谈判中陷入困境,成为中国钢铁及其下游企业切肤之痛。

    Iron ore is one of the most important raw material and needments for Chinese economic development . Iron ore international negotiation predicament becomes Chinese iron ore enterprises ' sore spot .

  17. 金属矿藏开采是工业原材料生产的基础工业,在整个国民经济发展中占有重要地位。

    The exploitation of the metal mine is a basic industry of the industrial raw materials ' production , it plays a very important role in the development of the national economy .

  18. 正如世贸组织委员会指出的,中方论点的问题在于,尽管中国限制出口这些工业原材料,但它并没有减少实际的生产量。

    The problem with this line of argument , as the WTO panel noted , was that although China restricted the export of these commodities , it had done nothing to reduce their actual production .

  19. 目前,超声波萃取技术已广泛用于食品、药物、工业原材料等有机组分或无机组分的分离和提取,但是国内专用于超声萃取的实验设备比较少,而且不具备自动调温功能。

    Nowadays , this technique has been widely used for separation and extraction of organic and inorganic elements from food , medicine and industrial raw material . However , there are very few experimental instruments for ultrasonic extraction in China .

  20. 在这种情况下,要编制科学的宏观地质勘查计划,就必须重视矿产资源预测,重视矿产赋存矿产探明储量矿山产品工业原材料之间逐步转化的数量关系的研宄。

    In this case , to coordinate the development of geological prospecting with mining industry and relative industry , we must attach importance to the study of change relations from unknown resources to mine - ral reserves to mine products and industrial raw materials .

  21. 钨是一种具有特殊军事战略资源和重要的工业原材料,也是我国在国际上最具有优势地位的矿产资源之一,赣南享有世界钨都美誉。

    The wolfram is a kind of mineral resources having peculiar military strategy and important industry raw material , Chinese tungsten is the most dominant position of the mineral resources in international . Gannan has enjoyed the good reputation " world capital of wolfram " .

  22. 工业主要原材料、燃料、动力购进价格指数

    Purchase price index of major raw materials , fuel and power

  23. 水泥及其制品工业节约原材料潜力分析

    Analyse potentialities of economizing raw materials in cement and its products

  24. 琐议我国涂料工业的原材料市场

    Something concerning the raw materials market for the coatings industry

  25. 产品具有用途广泛的特点,是基础工业的原材料。

    The product has the versatility characteristic , is the foundation industry raw material .

  26. 该地区采掘工业、原材料工业产品产量在全国占重要地位。

    It holds an important position nationwide in terms of its production of raw material industries .

  27. 当世界上的石油资源逐渐枯竭之后,煤能否成为21世纪化学工业的原材料?

    As petroleum reserves run out , could coal become the feedstock source for the chemical industry of the 21st century ?

  28. 烟叶是卷烟工业的原材料,是行业发展的物质基础。

    Tobacco is the raw material of cigarette industry , is the material basis for the development of the cigarette industry .

  29. 就此而言,我们在美国市场中偏重于科技、工业、原材料和能源等行业,或那些不那么以美国为中心、更全球性的行业。

    To this point , our US sector bias is towards technology , industrials , materials and energy , or sectors less US-centric and more globally exposed .

  30. 钢铁工业属原材料工业,钢铁一直是人类使用的主要结构材料,人类的每一点进步都与钢铁工业的发展紧密相联。

    Steel industry attributes to raw materials industry . Steel and iron is main constructive material for human being , and each advancement of human being relates to the developments of steel industry .