
  1. IMC-YY是一家中外合资的修船新企业,2006年建成投产,销售产值以每年超过100%的增长速度发展。

    IMC-YY is a joint venture new ship repair yard which put into operation in 2006 ; Sales revenue was growth more than 100 % per year from 2006 to 2008 .

  2. 去年销售产值达85亿元,比上年增长一倍多。

    Huawei 's sales volume of last year was8.5 billion yuan , two times the volume of the previous year .

  3. 白酒行业去年的销售产值达到4000亿元,而塑化剂丑闻对整个行业来说无疑是一次重大的打击。

    The liquor scandal has become a major blow to the industry , which saw some 400-billion yuan in sales revenue last year .

  4. 今年预计全省乡及乡以上工业累计完成销售产值二百三十亿元,比去年增长百分之十六。

    This year , it is estimated that totally achieved sales output in the industries at and above the township level in the whole province will be 23 billion yuan , increasing by 16 % over last year .

  5. 据国家统计局统计资料显示,2008年1月至10月,烘焙食品糖制品行业主要产业的产量、当年工业总产值、当年销售产值比上年同期有15%、24%、24%以上的增幅。

    According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China , in the first 10 months in 2008 , the output , gross industrial output value and sales volume have increased by more than 15 % , 24 % and 24 % respectively from the same period of last year .

  6. 销售总产值反映企业产品销售总规模和总水平,反映销售总成果。

    Sell total production value to mirror company product to sell total dimensions and total level , report sells assembly fruit .

  7. 罗森博格还发现实际可支配收入、家庭就业、实际商业销售以及制造业产值均在3月份上升至最高峰。

    Rosenberg notes that real disposable income , household employment , real business sales and manufacturing output all peaked that month .

  8. 最新的美国的就业,零售销售,工业生产产值,住房等各方面数据仍然非常薄弱;

    Recent data on employment , retail sales , industrial production , and housing in the United States remain very weak ;