
  • 网络sale model;merchant model
  1. 随着计算机网络技术的迅猛发展,特别是Internet技术的不断发展,传统的销售模式已经不能适应现代社会经济发展的需要。

    With the rapid development of network technology , in particular the continuous development of Internet technology , the traditional sales model cannot meet the needs of the modern socio-economic development .

  2. 在K公司成立近八年的时间里,公司发展迅猛,可传统的销售模式逐步不能满足现代化营销的需要。

    Founded eight years ago , K Company has been developing rapidly , while the traditional sales model gradually fails to meet the needs of modern marketing .

  3. YT公司C网手机销售模式分析

    Analysis of YT Company 's CDMA Mobile Phone Sales Mode

  4. DD公司药品销售模式分析

    Analysis of Medicine Marketing Model about DD Company

  5. 如今,36岁的吉列特加入了电子产品巨头百思买公司(BestBuy),并被委以重任:帮助百思买与网络零售巨头亚马逊(Amazon)竞争,同时继续维系实体商店销售模式。

    The 36-year-old former college football player is charged with no small task : helping best buy go up against Amazon while continuing to sell products in brick-and-mortar stores .

  6. 汽车4S销售模式研究

    Research on the 4 S Pattern of Automobile Marketing

  7. 本文首先对相关理论基础进行了阐述,主要包括企业纵向边界理论、服务营销理论和汽车4S销售模式运作理论,并对4S模式与其他销售模式进行了比较,分析了4S模式的优势;

    This thesis starts from the theoretical basis and compares the 4S pattern with other patterns .

  8. MT公司一直都是以直销作为自己的主要销售模式,渠道分销一直未收到公司的重视,所以到目前为止,渠道分销占MT中国总销量的比例仅为百分之十左右。

    Direct selling has been main mode for MT before , and proportion of channel occupy only 10 % or so in MT whole turnover at present .

  9. 传统的销售模式已不能满足市场竞争的要求,辽宁装备制造业B2B电子商务应运而生。

    B2B E-commerce of equipment manufacturing industry comes into being in Liaoning , because the traditional sales model can not meet the requirements of market competition .

  10. 这项计划此前被称为GoogleEditions,它提供了一种在该行业占据主导优势的商家如亚马逊(Amazon)、巴诺书店(BarnesNoble)和苹果(Apple)之外的另一种可选销售模式。

    The initiative , previously known as Google Editions , offers an alternative sales model from the dominant players in the space , such as Amazon , Barnes & Noble and Apple .

  11. 这不但为YT公司C网手机销售模式的发展提出可行的建议,也为处于市场转型期间其他手机经销商提供了有益的借鉴。

    This provides not only the actual suggestion for the development of YT Company 's CDMA mobile phone sales mode , but also useful reference for other domestic mobile phone dealers .

  12. 对于视频网站而言,最主要的广告销售模式是CPM(Costpermille,广告显示一千次所付费用),广告的库存和视频的播放量(videoview)成线性关系。

    For the video site , the most important advertising sales model is CPM ( Cost Per Mille , the fees of advertising a thousand times ), and advertising inventory has a linear relationship with video view .

  13. 针对一般制造企业产品销售模式存在的不足,提出一种基于Internet企业产品网络化销售模式,该模式以客户需求为中心,通过利用网络资源的优势让客户参与产品的设计,满足客户个性化需求。

    Aiming at the deficiencies of traditional marketing mode for manufacturing enterprise , brings forward a networked marketing mode based on Internet for manufacturing products . Concentrating on demand of customers , this mode integrates potential innovation of customers through the advantages of the network efficiently .

  14. 本文将B2B电子商务以及竞价机制整合,建立起此销售模式的模型,将此销售机制引进到目前中石化的销售模式中是具有极强的理论指导意义和实际应用价值的。

    Then build up the auction model based on B2B . This article will integrate B2B and auction , and establish the model for Sinopec , which has great theoretic significance and practical application value .

  15. 而反对者希望商业模式加速转型,促进已滞后的产业创新:降低在贫困国家的服务价格,推广按需数字服务,减低发布独有性,最终,减弱行业对唱片和DVD销售模式的依赖。

    Opponents want to see more rapid changes in business models to speed up overdue innovation : cheaper pricing in poor countries , more use of on-demand digital services , less exclusivity in distribution , and ultimately , less reliance on selling albums and DVDs .

  16. 这不仅对GT公司的长远发展指明了方向,同样也为其他企业实施网络营销提供了理论借鉴;以寻找最佳的网络营销策略和销售模式提供思路和解决方案。

    This thesis provides the new idea and solution of any studies of network marketing strategies and market model , as well . It is not only to direct the development of GT Company , but also to have solid values for any other company .

  17. 这些汽车销售模式究竟孰优孰劣,是近几年来业界争论的焦点,特别是曾一度在西方各主要工业化国家盛行的汽车4S模式,前几年在我国汽车零售行业备受推崇。

    People in this industry have been discussing on whether these cars sales modes are actually excellent or not , especially the 4S mode which was once popular in the main western industrialization countries and worshipped in car retail in China a few years ago .

  18. 需要指出的是,这样一种OEM-Supplier系统的运作模式是中国汽车市场中的基本制造和销售模式。目前,中国是世界上最活跃,最繁荣,拥有最美好前景的汽车市场之一。

    It is worthwhile to note that such an OEM-supplier system is the basic manufacturing mode in automotive industry of China , whilst China has an active , flourish and promising automotive market in the world .

  19. •Yammer可能是最好的基层销售模式,它通过免费提供在员工层面达到规模化,一旦员工用户的数量达到一定水平,即可要求企业按座付费,以进一步获得管理协调权限。

    • yammer , perhaps best invokes a grassroots sales model , encouraging critical mass at the employee level ( offering it for free ) , thereby forcing businesses to pay per seat for an additional management and compliance layer once enough of their employees are being hosted .

  20. 卡特彼勒船用柴油机销售模式改进的探讨

    The Research of Improvement of Marine Engine Sales Mode of Caterpillar

  21. 关于工程机械产品销售模式的改进设想

    Conceiving the advanced marketing mode of the construction machinery products

  22. 该平台改变了传统的销售模式。

    This system changed the traditional model of steel sales .

  23. 按照软件即服务的销售模式,企业通常按用户按月支付费用。

    With software-as-a-service , companies typically pay a per-user , per-month fee .

  24. 企业销售模式由分销模式向直销模式转变。

    The retail sale mode is being turned the direct sale mode .

  25. 促进电力供应、销售模式的变革。

    Promotes the power accommodation , transforms the sell ways .

  26. 其中它的产品销售模式是极其重要的一个因素。

    It is important factor extremely that product selling mode among them .

  27. 女1:只有销售模式的变化。

    Woman 1 : Only in the pattern of sales .

  28. 1900年西尔斯邮购目录改变了美国人的购物和销售模式

    By 1900 , the Series catalog transforms how Americans buy and sell .

  29. 制造企业产品网络化销售模式及其应用

    A networked marketing mode of furniture and its application

  30. 整个销售模式是怎样的?

    How 's the mode of the whole sale ?