
  • 网络sales charges;selling concession
  1. 研究发现:主产品价格、劳动价格、仔鸡价格、饲料价格、管理费用、销售费等是影响养鸡业成本效益的主要因素;

    Research shows that : product price , albor force price , chicken price , feed price , administrative expense , sell cost etc are the main factors effect the chicken industry .

  2. 盛大最关键的举措,便是建立了一个分销网络,通过网吧销售预付费的接入卡,而中国年轻人多数通过网吧上网。

    Its key move was to build a distribution network selling pre-paid access cards through Internet cafes , where most young Chinese go online .

  3. 苹果公司(Apple)销售ipad似乎不费吹灰之力。

    Apple makes selling iPads look easy .

  4. 进口国家会否徵收订单的销售税、附加费?

    Would importing countries impose sales tax and surcharge on my order ?

  5. 比如说,这些附加成本包括除购买价格以外的销售税、运输费和安装调试费等。

    These include , for example , sales taxes on the purchase price , delivery cost , and installation costs .

  6. 按照现有的全球税收协议,它可以通过对境外销售收取的许可费,合法地将其在世界各地获得的大部分利润转移回美国。

    Under existing global tax treaties , it could legitimately channel most profits from around the world back to the US through royalty fees on overseas sales .

  7. 在食品服务行业,企业一般管理费除了直接的销售税和公用费(煤气和电),还包括房租、保险、税金。

    In the foodservice industry overhead includes items such as rent , insurance , taxes other than direct sales taxes , and utilities ( gas and electricity ) .

  8. 韩建华介绍称,眼下市场竞争激烈,一些规模不大的经销商为争夺消费者,故意将已经打入销售价的安装费另外算出。

    Introduction Han Jianhua says , competition of at present market is intense , the agency with a few not big dimensions is contention consumer , will infiltrated the installation of sale price is expended intentionally additional cipher out .