
  • 网络land speculation
  1. 土地投机的浪潮到1981年结束。

    The boom in land speculation came to an end in1981 .

  2. 美国西部土地投机问题的史学争论与理论思考

    Reflections on issues of land speculation in the American West

  3. 抑制土地投机,规范土地市场;

    Repressing the land speculations and regulating the land market ;

  4. 这或许能浇灭土地投机行为的狂热。

    This would eliminate the fever of land speculation .

  5. 助长土地投机的经济状况把土地价格推向极高的水平。

    Economic conditions fostering speculation in land have driven land values to a lofty level .

  6. 我不指望哪届政府敢于让英国人放弃对土地投机的依赖。

    I do not expect any government to dare to wean the English from their trust in land speculation .

  7. 第三,也是最重要的一点,土地投机的机会既会驱动信贷周期,也受到信贷周期的驱动。

    Third and most important , the opportunity for speculation in land both fuels – and is fuelled by – the credit cycle .

  8. 但是,新的财富刺激了一些类似于土地投机潮的投资热,一些人开始担忧这种高速增长是否是可持续的。

    But some are starting to worry about whether the breakneck growth is sustainable , as the new wealth has prompted something of a speculative land rush .

  9. 房地产即是消费品又是投资品,其价格波动受贷款规模、市场预期、需求规模、土地投机等因素的影响。

    Real estate is regarded as consumer goods and investment . Its price fluctuation is influenced by such factors as loan scale , market expectation , demand scale and land speculation .

  10. 地权分配公正是实现社会公正的重要领域,直接影响着和谐社会公正目标的实现。在解决城镇土地投机和地价暴涨、实现居者有其屋等问题中更显土地公正的迫切。

    Equitable land ownership is an important field for achieving social justice , especially imperial in solving land venture , and land price rising suddenly and sharply , and actualizing Home Ownership Scheme .

  11. 现有开发模式造成了土地投机现象和劣企驱逐良企现象,其粗放的资源配置方式源于错误的财政平衡观念并陷入财政平衡陷阱。

    Existing development model resulted in the expulsion of land speculation and inferior enterprises drive out benign enterprises phenomenon , its extensive resource allocation is from the wrong concept of financial balance and fell into the fiscal balance trap .

  12. 城市住宅地价时空演变的动力机制主要来自内在传导机制和外在冲击机制,并且土地投机是城市住宅地价时空演变不可忽视的驱动因素。

    The dynamic mechanisms of urban residential land price tempo-spatial evolution are mainly from the intrinsic conduction mechanism and external shock mechanism , and at the same time , land speculation is a driving factor of urban residential land price tempo-spatial evolution that can not be ignored .

  13. 第六个表现在于,土地的投机销售。

    The sixth representation is the speculative sale of land .

  14. 海南暂停土地出让(遏制投机)。

    Hainan suspends commercial land transfers .

  15. 房地产市场供求总量和结构矛盾、土地囤积和市场投机行为以及房地产企业的不规范行为是导致房价增长过快的重要原因。

    The total market supply and demand and structural contradictions , land hoarding and speculative market behavior and the non-standard behavior of real estate enterprises are the importance reasons for rapid growth in prices .

  16. 合理的土地税收可以引导土地利用方向,抑制土地投机,提高土地资源的节约、集约利用程度。

    Reasonable land taxation can lead the directional of land use , can suppress the speculation of land use , can protect the cultivated land effectively and enhance the intensive extent of land resources .

  17. 第五章对与土地政策密切相关的、学术界争论较大的土地投机问题和《宅地法》进行了简评。

    Chapter Fivediscusses the controversial issues of the land speculation and The Homestead Law , which affected the government 's land policies .

  18. 他们可以把土地转卖给那些富有而又极想扩大自己土地的地主,从中赚取土地投机的利润。

    They could reap the profits of land speculation by selling this farmland to rich and acquisitive landlords .

  19. 而建立土地期权交易市场将有利于用市场预测的理性力量来消除盲目的土地投机,降低房地产企业经营风险。

    Land options market will be conducive to eliminate land speculation , reduce the risk of real estate investment .