
  • 网络Hammam;The Turkish Bath;Turkish baths;hamam
  1. 这个历史悠久的朴素的五星级酒店有20个迷人的房间,包括近600平方英尺的带露台的顶层套房。地下室里有餐馆酒吧和土耳其浴室。

    The discreet and historic five-star hotel has 20 glamorous rooms , including a nearly 600-square-foot penthouse with a terrace a restaurant bar and hammam pool in the basement .

  2. 开曼女士说,她的内心兼有东方的神秘与西方的奢华,得益于这一灵感而设计的玻璃穹顶将阳光弥散到店铺内,颇似传统的土耳其浴室。

    The eyes also get a dose of exotic stimuli . Inspired by the mystic side of the East and the luxury of the West , as Ms. Keyman puts it , a glass dome diffuses sunlight into the shop , much as in traditional Turkish baths .

  3. IllicitEncounters是一个类似于土耳其浴室的地方,多为已婚专业人士的23万名会员在虚拟蒸汽中互送秋波,寻找任何可能合适的情人。

    Illicit Encounters is a Turkish bath of a place in which 230,000 mainly professional , married people leer at each other through virtual steam searching for anyone who might be a suitable lover .

  4. 现在的城市是土耳其人18到19世纪之后建立发展的,拥有保存完好的城堡、真寺、栈和土耳其浴室等建筑。

    The present city is characteristic of a fortified town dating from the ottoman18th and19th centuries , with typical urban components such as the citadel , mosques , Khans and baths .

  5. 游客的双眼也可以饱飨异国风情的盛宴。开曼女士说,她的内心兼有“东方的神秘与西方的奢华”,得益于这一灵感而设计的玻璃穹顶将阳光弥散到店铺内,颇似传统的土耳其浴室。

    The eyes also get a dose of exotic stimuli . Inspired by " the mystic side of the East and the luxury of the West , " as Ms. Keyman puts it , a glass dome diffuses sunlight into the shop , much as in traditional Turkish baths .

  6. 客人可以使用日光浴室、土耳其蒸汽浴室和芬兰桑拿浴室。

    The large and ultramodern steel swimming-pool , solarium , Finnish sauna and Turkish steam-bath offer an oasis of tranquillity .