
tǔ mù xì
  • department of civil engineering
  1. 新型建筑墙板CS墙板是由天津大学土木工程系与华声(国际)企业有限公司共同研制开发的新型建筑墙板,可替代传统的粘土砖。

    CS building wall slab is a new type of building wall slab , researched and developed by Civil Engineering Department of Tianjin University and Cinasheng ( International ) Corporation Company Ltd. It can substitute as the conventional clay brick .

  2. 智利大学土木工程系工程专家RodolfoSaragoni说,工程师将检查受影响区域的大部分建筑是如何保持直立的。

    Engineers will examine how most of the buildings in the affected areas remained upright , said Rodolfo Saragoni , an engineering expert in the department of civil engineering at the University of Chile .

  3. 布雷迪•考克斯是阿肯色大学土木工程系一位助理教授。

    Brady Cox is an assistant professor of civil engineering at the University of Arkansas .

  4. 对此,清华大学土木工程系计算机应用研究室研制了建筑工程多参与方协同工作网络平台,简称ePIMS+。

    For this reason , Tsinghua University developed a multi-part collaborative network platform system for construction projects called ePIMS + .

  5. 城建学院土木工程系的大二学生要在七大专业方向里选择专业。

    Second-year students from the department of civil engineering under the urban planning school are required to focus on one of the department 's seven majors .

  6. 建筑系侧重于建筑物的造型、美观、功能,土木工程系侧重于房屋的结构、安全和质量。

    The building fastens the modelling of side overweight building , beautiful , function , civil engineering fastens the structure of side overweight building , safety and quality .

  7. 土木工程系目前已拥一支知识结构、学历结构和年龄结构合理的学术队伍,具有优良的科学研究基础和设施。

    The department now has an outstanding teaching team with balanced knowledge structure , research domain , and age scale ; it also has excellent scientific research infrastructure and facilities .

  8. 我原先在加拿大某院校的土木工程系毕业,后再在港修读音乐毕业于音乐理论及作曲系,继而再修读北京的远程硕士音乐进修课程。

    I graduated from Canada in Civil Engineering Program , then I study music in theory and composition , after that I take the Master of music distance learning in Beijing .

  9. 22岁的陈娟是东南大学土木工程系的大四学生。她在散伙饭上迎来了一个特殊时刻——一位同学向她表白。

    Chen Juan , 22 , a senior majoring in civil engineering at Southeast University , got a special moment at the farewell party - a student professed his love for her .

  10. 22岁的陈娟是东南大学土木工程系的大四学生。她在散伙饭上迎来了一个特殊时刻&一位同学向她表白。

    Chen Juan , 22 , a senior majoring in civil engineering at Southeast University , got a special moment at the farewell party – a student professed his love for her .

  11. 就读于汕头大学土木工程系大四年级,21岁的何兆昌(音译)表示,“培训生”这个容易产生歧义的职衔给他留下了一个错误的印象,他以为自己不是去公司工作,而是去学习一些技能。

    He Zhaochang , 21 , a senior majoring in civil engineering in Shantou University , said that the suspicious title of " trainee " gave him the false impression that he was not going to work in a company , but to learn some skills .

  12. UC伯克莱土木与环境工程系本科教学计划浅析

    A brief analysis of the undergraduate program of civil and environmental engineering department , UC Berkeley

  13. CostasSynolakis是洛杉矶市南加利福尼亚大学土木与环境工程系的海啸研究专家。

    Costas Synolakis is a tsunami expert with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles .

  14. 本文简要介绍并分析了美国伯克莱加州大学土木与环境工程系1996-1997学年的本科教学计划,从中可以略窥美国土木工程高等教育的某些特点。

    The undergraduate program of the civil and environmental engineering department , UC Berkeley , for the academic year 1996-1997 is briefly introduced and analyzed to outline the higher education of civil engineering in America .

  15. 地方高校土木工程专业工程实践能力培养的探索&以湖南文理学院土木建筑工程系教学实践为例

    Exploration of Engineering Practical Ability of Teachers in Local Undergraduate University & Example of Teaching Practice of Department of Civil Engineering of Hunan University of Arts and Science